Day: March 12, 2021
NEW YORK, March 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Virtu Financial, Inc. (NASDAQ: VIRT), is saddened to announce the passing of longtime Board Member Jack Sandner.Vincent Viola, Founder and Chairman Emeritus of Virtu Financial said, “With a heavy heart, we announce the passing of our dear friend and advisor, Jack Sandner. For more than 30 years, Jack has been a personal friend and mentor to me and I thank God for allowing our paths to cross so long ago. I’ll be forever grateful for the guiding hand that Jack provided to me personally from the early days of my career on the floor of the NYMEX. As Chairman and later Chairman Emeritus of the CME, Jack brought invaluable insight and perspective to the Board at Virtu where we were lucky to have him join and advise us from the beginning. He was a mentor to all of us.”Douglas Cifu, Chief Executive...
Icelandair Group hf.: Results of the Annual General Meeting
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a) Annual Accounts (Item 2) The Board of Directors proposed to the Annual General Meeting that the Annual Accounts of the Company for 2020 be approved. b) Dividends payments (Item 2)The Board of Directors proposed to the Annual General Meeting that no dividends will be paid for the 2020 financial year. c) Remuneration to Board Members (Item 3)The Board of Directors proposed to the Annual General Meeting that remuneration to Board Members and Sub-Committee Members shall be the same as they were last year: Each Board Member will receive ISK 330,000 per month, the Chairman will receive ISK 660,000 per month, the Deputy Chairman will receive ISK 495,000 per month, Sub-Committee Members will receive ISK 120,000, the Chairman of the Audit Committee will receive ISK 275,000 per month and...
Combined Shareholders’ General Meeting Thursday, 8 April 2021
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VINCIFrench public limited company (société anonyme) with share capital of €1,478,800,602.50Registered office: 1 cours Ferdinand de Lesseps, 92500 Rueil Malmaison, France552 037 806 RCS NanterreNAF: 7010ZISIN: FR0000125486www.vinci.comNOTICE OF MEETINGCombined Shareholders’ General MeetingThursday, 8 April 2021In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and in accordance with Decree 2021-255 of 9 March 2021, VINCI’s shareholders are informed that the Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting, initially scheduled to take place at Salle Pleyel, 252 rue du Faubourg-Saint Honoré, 75008 Paris – as announced in the notice of meeting published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires of 1 March 2021 (no. 26) – will now take place behind closed doors, without shareholders being physically present,at 10:00 CET on Thursday,...
Astec to participate in Sidoti & Company LLC Virtual Investor Conference
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CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., March 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Astec Industries, Inc. (Nasdaq: ASTE) announced today it will participate in the Sidoti & Company Virtual Investor Conference on Thursday, March 25, 2021. Barry A. Ruffalo, President, Chief Executive Officer, Rebecca A. Weyenberg, Chief Financial Officer and Stephen C. Anderson, Senior Vice President of Investor Relations will present at the conference and participate in 1×1 meetings. The meetings will be held in a virtual-only format to protect the safety of meeting participants in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and related public health guidance and restrictions. The Astec presentation will take place from 8:30 – 9:00am Eastern. Those wishing to access the presentation can do so with the following link:
Assemblée Générale Mixte du jeudi 8 avril 2021
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VINCISociété anonyme au capital de 1 478 800 602,50 €Siège social : 1, cours Ferdinand-de-Lesseps – 92500 Rueil-Malmaison552 037 806 RCS NanterreNAF 7010ZCode ISIN FR0000125486www.vinci.comCONVOCATIONAssemblée Générale Mixtedu jeudi 8 avril 2021Dans le contexte de la crise sanitaire liée à l’épidémie de Covid-19 et conformément aux dispositions du décret n° 2021-255 du 9 mars 2021, les actionnaires de VINCI sont informés que l’assemblée générale mixte, ordinaire et extraordinaire de VINCI, initialement convoquée salle Pleyel à Paris (75008), 252 rue du Faubourg-Saint Honoré par avis de réunion publié dans le numéro 26 du Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires du 1er mars 2021, se tiendra à huis-clos, hors la présence physique des actionnaires,le jeudi 8 avril 2021 à 10 heures,au siège social,1 cours Ferdinand de Lesseps,92500...
Urbana Corporation: 2020 Annual Financial Statements
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/NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. WIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE U.S./TORONTO, March 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Urbana Corporation (TSX & CSE: URB & URB.A)Urbana Corporation announces today that it has filed its audited Annual Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis for the year ended December 31, 2020 with the applicable Canadian securities regulators.PDF versions of the documents are available at and at further information contact:Elizabeth NaumovskiInvestor 595-9106
Urbana Corporation: 2020 Annual Financial Statements
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/NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. WIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE U.S./TORONTO, March 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Urbana Corporation (TSX & CSE: URB & URB.A)Urbana Corporation announces today that it has filed its audited Annual Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis for the year ended December 31, 2020 with the applicable Canadian securities regulators.PDF versions of the documents are available at and at further information contact:Elizabeth NaumovskiInvestor 595-9106
Société Générale : L’Assemblée générale ordinaire se tiendra le 18 mai 2021 hors la présence physique de ses actionnaires / Publication de l’avis de réunion de l’Assemblée générale annuelle du 18 mai 2021
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Societe Generale : The Ordinary General Meeting will be held on 18 May 2021 without the physical presence of its shareholders / Release of the notice of the Annual General Meeting of 18 May 2021
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SOCIETE GENERALE’S ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING WILL BE HELD ON 18 MAY 2021 WITHOUT THE PHYSICAL PRESENCE OF ITS SHAREHOLDERSPress releaseParis, 12 March 2021Societe Generale’s Ordinary General Meeting will be held on 18 May 2021 without the physical presence of its shareholdersOn 11 March 2021, Societe Generale’s Board of Directors decided that the Ordinary General Meeting on 18 May 2021 will be held at 4pm, in the premises of Societe Generale, 17 cours Valmy, 92972 La Défense, without the physical presence of its shareholders given sanitary circumstances.As a matter of fact, pursuant to mobility and public gathering administrative restrictions due to sanitary circumstances , the location where the General Meeting usually takes place and which had been booked for this purpose, Paris Expo, Espace Grande Arche, la Grande Arche, 92044 Paris-La...
H&R Block Announces Four Vice Presidents to Leadership Team
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KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — H&R Block (NYSE:HRB) today announced four vice presidents in its U.S. retail and product & experience organizations, who will lead teams looking to redefine the marketplace and disrupt business as usual.“As we focus on executing, Block Horizons 2025, our long-term growth plan, we are focused on improving the experience customers and associates have with H&R Block,” said Jeff Jones, H&R Block president and CEO. “These newly hired and newly promoted vice presidents will help continue blending digital capabilities with human expertise and care to ultimately improve Block and drive growth.”Karisa Booker, vice president, customer knowledgeNew to the company, Karisa Booker and her team will help expand H&R Block’s understanding of its customers and focus research...