Day: March 11, 2021
Wyoming, March 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Appliqate Inc. (OTC: APQT) announced a comprehensive acquisition strategy as part of its ongoing expansion. This move will elevate the company in the rapidly evolving industry and align the business with growth strategies that optimize its core values to accelerate a new business model.Appliqate’s core business operations and portfolios, including ELEV8, Doclock and GPS Cash, are under the management of Founder and CEO Una Taylor. The company’s current portfolio includes a global platform for livestream, on-demand audio, video, and podcast content which puts Appliqate in an industry leading position. Speaking on Appliqate’s immediate plans for the future Taylor said, “Maintaining momentum in our existing portfolios, coupled with identifying acquisition targets is our immediate focus. This...
KBRA Affirms Ratings for WSFS Financial Corporation Following its Announcement to Combine with Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation
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WILMINGTON, Del., March 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Kroll Bond Rating Agency (KBRA) affirmed the ratings of WSFS Financial Corporation (NASDAQ: WSFS) (“WSFS”) following the March 10, 2021 announcement to combine with Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation (NASDAQ: BMTC) (“Bryn Mawr”). Upon the close of the transaction, Bryn Mawr Trust, the wholly owned subsidiary of Bryn Mawr, will merge into WSFS Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of WSFS. With a “Stable Outlook” for WSFS, KBRA said it considers the transaction to be “strategically sound given that it represents a scale play for both companies, particularly in light of the recent focus on technology investment and integration. The combined organization will have the largest deposit market share within the Philadelphia MSA among community/regional banks by a reasonably-wide margin with an expanded...
Search Minerals Announces Closing of $1,750,000 Private Placement
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO UNITED STATES NEWS WIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATESVANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Search Minerals Inc. (TSXV: SMY) (“Search” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce that the Company closed its previously announced non-brokered private placement offering of units of the Company (the “Units“) for aggregate gross proceeds of $1,750,000 (the “Private Placement“).Pursuant to the Private Placement, the Company issued 25,000,000 Units at a price of $0.07 per Unit, with each Unit consisting of one common share of the Company (each, a “Share“) and one-half of one transferable common share purchase warrant of the Company (each full warrant, a “Warrant“). Each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire an additional...
Relevium Secures North American Exclusivity for Medical Examination Gloves, with First Shipment to Arrive in Los Angeles by Mid April
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MONTREAL, March 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Relevium Technologies Inc. (TSX.V:“RLV”, OTCQB:“RLLVF” and Frankfurt: “6BX”) (the “Company” or “Relevium”), is pleased to announce the company has secured delivery of the delivery of first production batch Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”) from the a supply agreement entered into the last quarter of 2020 with 24 Clean Energy (the “Supplier”), a manufacturer and distributor of high-end medical grade nitrile gloves. Relevium has also obtained the exclusive North American rights to market the “DI-Line” brand of medical grade gloves, a much needed and sought-after PPE product.This initial order of 500,000 boxes, each box containing a 100-unit count, was secured at a cost of just over CAD $5 million, with funds being paid in advance at the time of order. The supplier has finished the first...
Síminn hf. – Niðurstöður aðalfundar 11. mars 2021
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Meðfylgjandi eru niðurstöður frá aðalfundi Símans hf. sem haldinn var fyrr í dag.Kosið var í stjórn félagsins fyrir næsta starfsár. Stjórnin hefur skipt með sér verkum og er Jón Sigurðsson formaður stjórnar og Sigrún Ragna Ólafsdóttir varaformaður stjórnar.Stjórnin er þannig skipuð:• Jón Sigurðsson, formaður stjórnar• Sigrún Ragna Ólafsdóttir, varaformaður stjórnar• Arnar Þór Másson• Bjarni Þorvarðarson• Björk ViðarsdóttirSjálfkjörið var í tilnefningarnefnd félagsins fyrir næsta starfsár en nefndina skipa:• Jensína Kristín Böðvarsdóttir• Steinunn Kristín Þórðardóttir• Sverrir BriemNiðurstöður aðalfundarins má að öðru leyti sjá í meðfylgjandi fundargerð.Ársskýrsla Símans hf. fyrir árið 2020 hefur verið gefin út. Skýrsluna má nálgast á heimasíðu félagsins á vefslóðinni:ðhengiFundargerð...
Regarding the convening of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Žemaitijos Pienas
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On the initiative and by the decision of the Board of AB ŽEMAITIJOS PIENAS (registered office address: Sedos str. 35, Telšiai, company code 180240752, (hereinafter – the Company) an Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders is convened on April 2, 2021, at 2.00 p.m. The meeting will start at 2:00 p.m. (start of shareholders’ registration from 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.), meeting place – Sedos str. 35, Telšiai (one of the conference halls). The accounting day of the meeting – March 26, 2021 (only those persons who will be shareholders of the Company at the end of the accounting day of the General Meeting of Shareholders, or persons authorized by them, or persons with whom an agreement on transfer of voting rights has been concluded, have the right to participate and vote at the General Meeting of Shareholders). The...
Dėl AB “Žemaitijos pienas” eilinio visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo sušaukimo
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AB „ŽEMAITIJOS PIENAS“ (buveinės adresas Sedos g. 35, Telšiai, įmonės kodas 180240752, (toliau – Bendrovė) valdybos iniciatyva ir jos sprendimu, 2021 m. balandžio 02 d., 14.00 val. šaukiamas eilinis visuotinis akcininkų susirinkimas. Susirinkimo pradžia – 14:00 val. (akcininkų registracijos pradžia nuo 13:00 val. iki 13 val. 45 min.), Susirinkimo vieta – Sedos g. 35, Telšiai (viena iš konferencijų salių). Susirinkimo apskaitos diena – 2021 m. kovo 26 d. (dalyvauti ir balsuoti visuotiniame akcininkų susirinkime turi teisę tik tie asmenys, kurie bus Bendrovės akcininkai visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo apskaitos dienos pabaigoje, arba jų įgalioti asmenys, arba asmenys, su kuriais sudaryta balsavimo teisės perleidimo sutartis). Turtinių teisių apskaitos diena – 2021 m. balandžio 19 d., šias teises turės asmenys, kurie dešimtos darbo dienos...
On heels of C-Band results, Verizon expands 5G Home Internet to 10 more cities
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What you need to know:Verizon’s recently acquired C-Band spectrum combined with mmWave = 5G Built Right. No other combination comes close.C-Band will help increase total wireless broadband services to nearly 15 million homes by the end of the year and expand Ultra Wideband mobility coverage to 100 million additional customers in 12 months.The 5G momentum continues with 10 5G Home city launches this month; Cleveland, OH; Las Vegas, NV; Louisville, KY; Omaha, NE; San Diego, CA; Charlotte, NC; Cincinnati, OH; Hartford, CT; Kansas City, MO and Salt Lake City, UT.5G Home customers get discovery+ streaming service on us for 12 months.BASKING RIDGE, N.J., March 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Verizon has been driving 5G innovation and deployment for years and the addition of the C-band assets announced yesterday will provide even greater 5G...
Vertex gibt Partnerschaft mit BigCommerce bekannt, um Einzelhändlern eine optimierte Compliance-Lösung für die Umsatzsteuer zu bieten
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KING OF PRUSSIA, Pennsylvania, March 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vertex, Inc (NASDAQ:VERX) („Vertex“ oder das „Unternehmen“), ein globaler Anbieter von Steuertechnologielösungen, gibt seine Partnerschaft mit BigCommerce, einem bewährten E-Commerce-Marktführer, bekannt. Im Rahmen der Partnerschaft soll eine Automatisierungslösung für Umsatz- und Gebrauchssteuer für den BigCommerce Apps Marketplace bereitgestellt werden.Die Partnerschaft erweitert das Netzwerk der Integrationen von Vertex, welches Steuern mit ERP-, Beschaffungs-, Rechnungsstellungs- und E-Commerce-Systemen verbindet, sodass Einzelhändler die Steuern für jede Transaktion nahtlos berechnen können.BigCommerce ist eine offene SaaS-Cloud-E-Commerce-Plattform, die Unternehmensfunktionen mit offener Architektur und einem breiten Ökosystem an Anwendungen kombiniert.Die Integration...
Vertex annonce un partenariat avec BigCommerce en vue de fournir aux détaillants une solution simplifiée de conformité à la taxe de vente
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KING OF PRUSSIA, Pennsylvanie, 11 mars 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vertex, Inc. (NASDAQ :VERX) (« Vertex » ou la « Société »), fournisseur mondial de solutions de technologie fiscale, a annoncé un partenariat avec BigCommerce, un leader avéré du commerce électronique, afin de générer des ventes et d’utiliser l’automatisation fiscale sur le marché des applications BigCommerce. Le partenariat élargit davantage le réseau des intégrations Vertex reliant les taxes au PRE (planification des ressources de l’entreprise), à l’approvisionnement, à la facturation et aux systèmes de commerce électronique, permettant ainsi aux détaillants de calculer sans difficulté les taxes pour chaque transaction.BigCommerce est une plateforme cloud de commerce électronique en mode SaaS ouverte qui combine des fonctionnalités d’entreprise...