Day: March 9, 2021
YORK, Pa., March 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The York Water Company’s (NASDAQ:YORW) President and CEO, JT Hand, announced the Company’s 2020 financial results.President Hand reported that 2020 operating revenues of $53,852,000 increased $2,274,000 and net income of $16,598,000 increased $2,196,000 compared to 2019. Basic and Diluted Earnings per share of $1.27 for 2020 increased $0.16 compared to 2019. Dividends per share rose 4% compared to 2019. Increased revenues resulted primarily from the March 1, 2019 rate increase, higher per capita residential consumption, and growth in the customer base partially offset by lower Distribution System Improvement Charge (DSIC) after its reset to zero. DSIC is a Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PPUC) allowed charge that water utilities collect from customers for the replacement...
Danish Aerospace Company A/S issues Annual report for 2020
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COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENTOdense, March 9th, 2021Company Announcement no. 23 – 09.03.2021 Danish Aerospace Company A/S issues Annual report for 2020The Board of Directors of Danish Aerospace Company A/S (DAC) have today approved the audited annual report for 2020.Key points from the 2020 Annual ReportRevenue grew to DKK 22.1M.EBITDA amounts to DKK 3.0M.DAC’s equity amounts to DKK 19.9M as of December 31st, 2020.DAC’s work with the multi-functional exercise machine E4D for ESA and the FERGO-ergometer for NASA, is progressing as planned.DAC’s contract on health-monitoring support of astronauts on ISS has been extended till the end of 2021.DAC has become part of the NORDIN 2020 Cohort project, to further explore the potential for wearables and space technology...
Danish Aerospace Company A/S udsender årsrapport for 2020
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SELSKABSMEDDELELSEOdense, 9. marts 2021Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 23 – 9-03-2021 Danish Aerospace Company A/S udsender årsrapport for 2020Bestyrelsen for Danish Aerospace Company A/S (DAC) har i dag godkendt årsrapporten 2020. Rapporten er revideret.Hovedpunkter for årsregnskabsåret 2020Omsætningen voksede til MDKK 22,1.EBITDA androg MDKK 3,0.DAC’s egenkapital andrager MDKK 19,9. pr. 31. december 2020.Arbejdet med det kombinerede E4D-motionsudstyr til ESA og FERGO-rumcyklerne til NASA skrider planmæssigt frem.DAC’s kontrakt på support til helbredsovervågning af astronauter på ISS er blevet forlænget til slut 2021.DAC er blevet en del af NORDIN 2020 Cohort projektet for at udforske mulighederne for wearables...
AB Amber Grid entered into the Management Holding Services Agreement with UAB EPSO-G
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AB Amber Grid, legal entity code: 303090867. Address: Savanorių pr. 28, LT-03116 Vilnius, Lithuania.Lithuanian natural gas operator Amber Grid informs that on 25 February 2021 concluded the purchase agreement for management holding services with the parent company UAB EPSO-G.More information:Laura Šebekienė, Head of Communications of Amber Grid,+370 699 61 246,
AB „Amber Grid“ sudarė valdymo holdingų paslaugų pirkimo sutartį su UAB „EPSO-G“
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AB „Amber Grid“, juridinio asmens kodas: 303090867. Adresas: Savanorių pr. 28, LT-03116 Vilnius, Lietuva.Lietuvos gamtinių dujų operatorius „Amber Grid“ 2021 m. vasario 25 d. su patronuojančia bendrove UAB „EPSO-G“ sudarė valdymo holdingų paslaugų pirkimo sutartį.2021 m. vasario 22 d. „EPSO-G“ Audito komitetas konstatavo, kad valdymo holdingų paslaugų pirkimo sandoris atitinka rinkos sąlygas, yra sąžiningas ir pagrįstas „Amber Grid“ akcininkų, kurie nėra sandorio šalys, atžvilgu.
Tecan schedules conference call on March 16 to discuss Full-Year 2020 Financial Results
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Männedorf, Switzerland, March 9, 2021 – The Tecan Group (SIX Swiss Exchange: TECN) will hold an Analyst and Media conference call to discuss the full-year 2020 financial results on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 09:00 am CET. The press release with the 2020 full-year financial results and the Annual Report 2020 will be published on March 16, 2021 at 6:30 am CET.The conference call will be audio-webcast with synchronized presentation slides. A link to the webcast will be made available in the “Investor Relations” section of Tecan’s website immediately prior to the event.Interested parties can also listen to the conference by phone.The dial-in numbers for the call are as follows:Participants from Europe: +41 58 310 50 00 or +44 207 107 0613 (UK)Participants should if possible dial in 15 minutes before the start...
Tecan kündigt Telefonkonferenz zur Präsentation des Finanzabschlusses für das Geschäftsjahr 2020 am 16. März an
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Männedorf, Schweiz, 9. März 2021 – Die Tecan Group AG (SIX Swiss Exchange: TECN) wird den Finanzabschluss für das Geschäftsjahr 2020 im Rahmen einer Analysten- und Medientelefonkonferenz am Dienstag, 16. März 2021 um 09:00 Uhr kommentieren. Die Medienmitteilung zum Finanzabschluss und der Geschäftsbericht 2020 werden am Morgen des 16. März 2021 um 6:30 Uhr veröffentlicht.Tecan bietet die Möglichkeit, die Präsentation per telefonischer Einwahl oder Live-Übertragung im Internet zu verfolgen. Der Zugang zur Übertragung mit synchronisierten Präsentationsfolien ist über die Internetseite von Tecan im Bereich „Investor Relations“ unter möglich.Ein Link zum Webcast wird unmittelbar vor Beginn der Veranstaltung freigeschaltet.Die Telefonkonferenz wird in englischer Sprache durchgeführt.Einwahldaten für die Telefonkonferenz:Für Teilnehmer...
Kesla Oyj:n varsinaisen yhtiökokouksen päätökset ja hallituksen järjestäytyminen
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KESLA OYJ PÖRSSITIEDOTE 9.3.2020 klo 17:15 KESLA OYJ:N VARSINAISEN YHTIÖKOKOUKSEN PÄÄTÖKSET JA HALLITUKSEN JÄRJESTÄYTYMINENKesla Oyj:n varsinainen yhtiökokous 9.3.2021 vahvisti hallituksen esittämän tilinpäätöksen vuodelta 2020 sekä myönsi vastuuvapauden yhtiön hallituksen jäsenille ja toimitusjohtajalle.Yhtiökokous päätti hallituksen ehdotuksen mukaisesti, että vahvistetun taseen perusteella osinkoa tilikaudelta 1.1.-31.12.2020 jaetaan 0,10 euroa per A- ja B-lajin osake. Osinko maksetaan osakkeenomistajalle, joka osingonmaksun täsmäytyspäivänä 11.3.2021 on merkitty Euroclear Finland Oy:n pitämään osakasluetteloon. Osingon maksupäivä on 18.3.2021.Yhtiökokous päätti hallituksen jäsenmääräksi viisi henkilöä. Jäseniksi valittiin uudelleen kaikki edeltävän vuoden hallituksen jäsenet: Veli-Matti...
Logansport Financial Corp. Announces Management Transition
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LOGANSPORT, Ind., March 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Logansport Financial Corp. (OTCBB – Symbol “LOGN”), an Indiana corporation (the “Company”) and the holding company for Logansport Savings Bank, an Indiana commercial bank located in Logansport, Indiana, announced today that its Chief Executive Officer, Arden L. Cramer, will retire effective August 31, 2021, and that its current Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Chad Higgins, will be appointed as the Company’s new Chief Executive Officer as of that date. The Company and Mr. Cramer have also agreed that Mr. Cramer will continue to serve as a board member of Logansport Savings Bank and the bank holding company. The Company’s Chairman of the Board, Brian J. Morrill, announced the transition plans today. “On behalf of the Board of Directors, we want to thank Arden...
Aðalfundur Sjóvá 12. mars 2021 – Framboð til stjórnar
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Framboðsfrestur til stjórnar Sjóvá-Almennra trygginga hf. rann út þann 7. mars 2021. Eftirtaldir einstaklingar hafa gefið kost á sér til setu í stjórn á aðalfundi félagsins, sem haldinn verður föstudaginn 12. mars kl. 15:00 í fundarsölum H og I á Hilton Reykjavík, Nordica, Suðurlandsbraut 2, Reykjavík, auk þess sem gefinn verður kostur á rafrænni þátttöku á fundinum:Í framboði til stjórnar:Björgólfur JóhannssonGuðmundur Örn GunnarssonHildur ÁrnadóttirIngi Jóhann GuðmundssonIngunn Agnes KroMár Wolfgang MixaÍ framboði sem varamenn í stjórn:Erna GísladóttirGarðar GíslasonMat stjórnar er að öll framboð séu gild sbr. 63. gr. a. hlutafélagalaga nr. 2/1995. Samkvæmt samþykktum félagsins skal stjórn skipuð fimm mönnum og tveimur varamönnum. Með því að fleiri framboð bárust ekki til varamennsku í stjórn eru frambjóðendur sem varamenn í stjórn...