Day: March 8, 2021
AS Pro Kapital Grupp informs that it is redeeming 24 572 “EUR 7.00 PRO KAPITAL GRUPP CONV. BOND PKG6 11-2021” convertible bonds with ISIN EE3300109982 in total nominal value of 15 726.08 euros and issue value of 68 801.60 euros and has submitted to the Nasdaq Central Depository of Securities an application to delete the bonds from the register.The convertible bonds bore an annual interest of 7%. The issue price of each convertible bond was 2,8 euros and the redemption date of the convertible bonds is 08 March 2021. Allan Remmelkoor Member of the Management Board Phone: +372 614 4920 Email:
Teade vahetusvõlakirjade PKG6 lunastamisest
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AS Pro Kapital Grupp teatab, et on lunastamas 24 572 “EUR 7.00 PRO KAPITAL GRUPP VAHETUSVÕLAKIRI PKG6 11-2021” vahetusvõlakirja (ISIN EE3300109982) väljalaskehinnas kokku 15 726,08 eurot ja lunastusväärtuses 68 801,60 eurot ning on esitanud Nasdaq Väärtpaberite Keskdepositooriumile taotluse võlakirjade kustutamiseks registrist.Vahetusvõlakirjad kandsid intressi 7% kalendriaastas. Iga vahetusvõlakirja väljalaskehind oli 2,8 eurot ning vahetusvõlakirjade lunastuspäev on 08. märts 2021.Allan RemmelkoorJuhatuse liigeTel: 614 4920Email:
Notice of redemption of convertible bonds PKG6
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AS Pro Kapital Grupp informs that it is redeeming 24 572 “EUR 7.00 PRO KAPITAL GRUPP CONV. BOND PKG6 11-2021” convertible bonds with ISIN EE3300109982 in total nominal value of 15 726.08 euros and issue value of 68 801.60 euros and has submitted to the Nasdaq Central Depository of Securities an application to delete the bonds from the register.The convertible bonds bore an annual interest of 7%. The issue price of each convertible bond was 2,8 euros and the redemption date of the convertible bonds is 08 March 2021. Allan Remmelkoor Member of the Management Board Phone: +372 614 4920 Email:
ALSTOM SA: Alstom expands its maintenance expertise with the acquisition of Dutch services company Shunter
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Enhanced expertise in the services domain and expansion of Alstom’s presence in Benelux 8 March 2021 – Alstom has signed a purchase agreement for the acquisition of Shunter, a leading services company in the area of maintenance of rolling stock for freight and passenger transport in the Netherlands.Shunter, headquartered in Rotterdam, employs approximately 110 skilled people across three maintenance workshops and three services locations. The group offers its customers a broad and integrated package of services in the field of management and maintenance of rolling stock for freight and passenger transport and on-board signalling solutions, including the performance of maintenance, damage repair and modifications. This is done both in its workshops...
ALSTOM SA: Alstom rachète l’entreprise de services néerlandaise Shunter et renforce ainsi son expertise en matière de maintenance
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Alstom rachète l’entreprise de services néerlandaise Shunter et renforce ainsi son expertise en matière de maintenanceUne expertise consolidée dans le domaine des services et une présence accrue d’Alstom au Benelux8 mars 2021 – Alstom signe un accord d’achat pour l’acquisition de Shunter, une entreprise de services leader dans le domaine de la maintenance de matériel roulant de transport de fret et de passagers aux Pays-Bas.Basé à Rotterdam, Shunter emploie environ 110 personnes qualifiées dans trois ateliers de maintenance et trois lieux de service. Le groupe offre à ses clients une large panoplie de services dans le domaine de la gestion et de la maintenance du matériel roulant pour le transport de marchandises et de passagers et des solutions de signalisation embarquée. Ces services sont assurés dans ses ateliers et sur place. ...
Voltalia SA: total number of shares and voting rights in the share capital as of February 28, 2021
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Total number of shares and voting rights in the share capitalas of February 28, 2021 (Articles L. 233-8 (II) of the French Commercial Code and 223-16 of the General Regulations of the French Financial Markets Authority) Next on the agenda: Full year 2020 results on March 25, 2021Attachment210308-capital and Voting rights 28Feb2021
Voltalia SA: nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital en date du 28 février 2021
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Nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capitalen date du 28 février 2021(Art. L. 233-8 (II) du Code de Commerce et Art. 223-16 du Règlement Général de l’AMF)Prochain rendez-vous : Résultats de l’exercice 2020 le 25 mars 2021Pièce jointe210308-Droits de vote au 28022021
EVS Broadcast Equipment announces the departure of its CFO
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Publication on March 8, 2021, after market closingEVS Broadcast Equipment S.A.: Euronext Brussels (EVS.BR), Bloomberg (EVS BB), Reuters (EVSB.BR)
Eos Energy Enterprises Strengthens Leadership Team with Two Key Hires
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EDISON, N.J., March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Eos Energy Enterprises, Inc. (NASDAQ: EOSE) (“Eos”), a leading provider of safe, scalable, efficient, and sustainable zinc-based energy storage systems, today announced the expansion of its senior leadership team with the appointment of Jody Markopoulos as Chief Operating Officer and Jesper Helt as Chief People Officer. Markopoulos will be responsible for optimizing the value chain and leading capacity expansion to meet customer demand for energy storage solutions. Helt will lead the company’s human resources and talent acquisition efforts, in addition to developing workplace culture and diversity programs.“As Eos embarks on a new chapter of growth and innovation, it will be crucial to have an experienced and dynamic leadership team in place who can deliver value to our customers,...
Mission Produce Enters the Mango Category
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OXNARD, Calif., March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mission Produce, Inc. (NASDAQ:AVO) (“Mission” or the “Company”), the world leader in sourcing, producing, and distributing fresh Hass avocados, today announced the launch of its year-round mango program. In true Mission form, the program will be the first ever to incorporate ripening and distribution on a global and national scale through Mission’s advanced network.“We’re entering the mango category today as we did the avocado category almost 40 years ago in a way that has never been done before,” said Mission Founder and Chief Executive Officer Steve Barnard. “As the number one consumed fruit in the world, mangos offer a long runway of opportunity. Adding mangos to our portfolio is a natural next step as we expand our footprint worldwide.”“We are in a prime position for market expansion....