Day: March 8, 2021
At the Annual General Meeting to be held on 30 March 2021, the Supervisory Board of Inbank AS will propose to the shareholders to elect Jan Andresoo and Taavi Kotka to the Supervisory Board for 3 years as of 31 March.The Supervisory Board will also propose to extend the mandate of the Supervisory Board members Rain Rannu, Raino Paron, Roberto de Silvestri and Triinu Reinold retroactively as of the termination of their authorisation on 23 March 2021 and proactively for the next 3-year term of office as of the approval of this resolution.The purpose of these changes is to support Inbank’s new management structure and international growth. To this end, the Supervisory Board of Inbank plans to elect Priit Põldoja as the Chairman of the Management Board and the new CEO as of 31 March 2021. In connection with becoming the Chairman of...
Muudatused Inbank AS-i nõukogus
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Inbank AS-i nõukogu teeb 30. märtsil 2021 toimuval üldkoosolekul aktsionäridele ettepaneku valida alates 31. märtsist kolmeks aastaks nõukogusse Jan Andresoo ja Taavi Kotka.Ühtlasi tehakse üldkoosolekule ettepanek pikendada nõukogu liikmete Rain Rannu, Raino Paroni, Roberto de Silvestri ja Triinu Reinoldi volitusi tagasiulatuvalt alates nende volituste lõppemisest 23. märtsil 2021 ning edasiulatuvalt järgmiseks kolmeks aastaks alates otsuse vastuvõtmisest.Muudatuste eesmärk on toetada Inbanki uut juhtimisstruktuuri ja rahvusvahelist kasvu. Selleks plaanib Inbanki nõukogu valida 31. märtsil 2021 ettevõtte juhatuse esimeheks ja uueks tegevjuhiks Priit Põldoja. Seoses nõukogu esimeheks asumisega kutsutakse Inbank AS-i juhatuse esimehe kohalt tagasi Jan Andresoo.Taavi Kotkaga seotud äriühingule kuulub 6500 Inbanki aktsiat.
Blue Vision A/S præciserer og informerer
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Dato: 8. marts 2021 Årets meddelelse nr.: 5Som det fremgår af Blue Vision A/S selskabsmeddelelse senest nr. 4 af den 5. marts 2021, har Ledelsen foretaget egen undersøgelse af det, siden Heartcare transaktionen, passerede.Dette giver anledning til følgende præciseringer i forhold til tidligere markedsmeddelelser:Det fremgår af selskabsmeddelelse nr. 2, af den 21. februar 2020, at Erhvervsstyrelsen havde truffet afgørelse om administrativt at tilbageføre registreringen af en kapitalnedsættelse foretaget den 29. oktober 2019, samt at Blue Vision A/S ville indbringe Erhvervsstyrelsens afgørelse til Erhvervsankenævnet. Der gives i denne forbindelse oplysning om, at Erhvervsstyrelsens afgørelse ikke blev indbragt for, og ej hellere vil blive indbragt for Erhvervsankenævnet.Det kan for god ordens skyld tilføjes, at den pågældende kapitalnedsættelse...
Roche provides update on Tecentriq US indication in prior-platinum treated metastatic bladder cancer
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Basel, 8 March 2021 – Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) today announced that the company is voluntarily withdrawing the US indication for Tecentriq® (atezolizumab) in prior-platinum treated metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC, bladder cancer). This decision was made in consultation with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as part of an industry-wide review of accelerated approvals with confirmatory trials that have not met their primary endpoint(s) and have yet to gain regular approvals. Roche will work with the FDA over the coming weeks to complete the withdrawal process. This decision does not affect other approved indications for Tecentriq. Roche is notifying healthcare professionals about this withdrawal. Patients being treated with Tecentriq for prior-platinum treated mUC should discuss their care with their healthcare p...
Valneva and Pfizer Announce Initiation of Phase 2 Study for Lyme Disease Vaccine Candidate
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The Phase 2 study will include both adult and pediatric subjects with an aim to support acceleration of the vaccine candidate’s pediatric program VLA15 will be tested at two different schedules (Month 0-2-6 or Month 0-6) receiving the selected dose of 180µgVLA15 is the only Lyme disease vaccine candidate in active clinical developmentSaint-Herblain (France) and New York, NY, March 8, 2021 – Valneva SE (“Valneva”), a specialty vaccine company focused on prevention of diseases with major unmet needs, and Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) today announced initiation of study VLA15-221. The VLA15-221 study builds on previous positive Phase 2 studies, incorporates new dose regimens and is anticipated to be the final Phase 2 study readout before a decision to progress into pivotal Phase 3 studies.As announced in December 20201, VLA15-221 is a randomized,...
Bavarian Nordic Reports Encouraging Preclinical Data for COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Ahead of First-in-Human Trial
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COPENHAGEN, Denmark, March 8, 2021 – Bavarian Nordic A/S (OMX: BAVA, OTC: BVNRY) announced today preclinical data for the capsid virus like particle (cVLP) COVID-19 vaccine candidate, ABNCoV2, licensed from AdaptVac. The latest data confirm the previous strong immunogenicity results already published, and further demonstrate a protective efficacy from vaccination post-challenge with SARS-CoV-2.The planned first-in-human trial of the vaccine is projected to start shortly at Radhoud University Medical Centre in the Netherlands.“We are pleased to report strong preclinical results for ABNCoV2, supporting the further development”, said Paul Chaplin, President and Chief Executive Officer of Bavarian Nordic. “While several vaccines have now been approved and widely distributed to help fight the global pandemic, the durability and breadth of...
Cara Therapeutics and Vifor Pharma announce U.S. FDA acceptance and Priority Review of NDA for KORSUVA™* injection in hemodialysis patients with moderate-to-severe pruritus
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FDA has set Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) target action date of August 23, 2021If approved, KORSUVA™ injection would be first therapy for treatment of pruritus in hemodialysis patientsSTAMFORD, Conn, and ST. GALLEN, Switzerland, March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cara Therapeutics (Nasdaq:CARA) and Vifor Pharma today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accepted and granted Priority Review for the New Drug Application (NDA) for KORSUVA™ (difelikefalin) solution for injection for the treatment of moderate-to-severe pruritus in hemodialysis patients. The PDUFA target action date for KORSUVA is August 23, 2021. The FDA stated that currently it is not planning to hold an advisory committee meeting to discuss the application.The FDA grants Priority Review to drug applications for potential therapies...
Bavarian Nordic rapporterer lovende prækliniske resultater for COVID-19 vaccinekandidat forud for opstart af forsøg i mennesker
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KØBENHAVN, Danmark, 8. marts 2021 – Bavarian Nordic A/S (OMX: BAVA) rapporterede i dag prækliniske resultater for COVID-19 vaccinekandidaten, ABNCoV2, der er indlicenseret fra AdaptVac og er baseret på deres capsid virus like particle (cVLP)-teknologi. De seneste resultater bekræfter de stærke immunresponsdata, der tidligere er publiceret, og viser desuden beskyttende effekt efter challenge med SARS-CoV2.Det første forsøg med vaccinen i mennesker forventes påbegyndt inden for kort tid på Radhoud University Medical Centre i Holland.“Vi er glade for at præsentere stærke prækliniske resultater for ABNCoV2, der understøtter den videre udvikling af vaccinen,” udtaler Paul Chaplin, administrerende direktør i Bavarian Nordic. “Selvom adskillige vacciner har opnået godkendelse og er blevet bredt distribueret i kampen mod den globale pandemi,...
Valneva et Pfizer annoncent l’initiation d’un essai de Phase 2 pour leur candidat vaccin contre la maladie de Lyme
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L’essai de Phase 2 inclura une population adulte et pédiatrique, et a pour objectif de contribuer à l’accélération du programme pédiatrique du candidat vaccin VLA15 sera testé selon deux schémas de vaccination différents (injections à zéro, deux et six mois ou à zéro et six mois) avec des doses de 180µgVLA15 est le seul candidat vaccin en cours d’essais cliniques Saint-Herblain (France) et New York, NY, 8 mars 2021 – Valneva SE (“Valneva”), société spécialisée dans les vaccins contre des maladies générant d’importants besoins médicaux, et Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) ont annoncé aujourd’hui l’initiation de VLA15-221. L’étude VLA15-221 s’appuie sur les données initiales positives de deux études de Phase 2 lancées précédemment, inclut de nouveaux schémas de vaccination et devrait fournir les dernières données de Phase 2 avant une éventuelle...
Clean Power Capital Announces Appointment of Former Shell Oil Products US Executive David Bray to the PowerTap Advisory Board
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Clean Power Capital Corp. (CSE: MOVE)(FWB: 2K6)(OTC: MOTNF) (“Clean Power” or the “Company” or “MOVE”). The Company is pleased to appoint Mr. David Bray, former Corporate Officer/General Manager of Shell Oil Products US to the advisory board of PowerTap Hydrogen Fueling Corp. (“PowerTap”).Mr. Bray’s company, Bray Retail Consulting, LLC will also join PowerTap in a consulting role under an exclusive one-year assignment. The focus is to provide critical product development and services related to PowerTap’s proprietary modular 1,250 kg hydrogen production and dispensing unit. Consistent with a previous announcement, this will be operationalized through the Andretti Group’s (“Andretti”) significant network of retail locations and market leadership. Mr. Bray’s...