Day: March 8, 2021
FONCIERE INEASociété anonyme au capital de 121 679 811 eurosSiège social : 7 rue du Fossé Blanc 92230 Gennevilliers420 580 508 RCS Nanterre420 580 508 000 26DECLARATIONS DES TRANSACTIONS SUR ACTIONS PROPRES(Règlement AMF Article 241-4, I-1)Raison sociale de l’émetteur : FONCIERE INEA (LEI : 9695000H29HRRE478062)Société anonyme au capital de 121 679 811 eurosSiège social : 7 rue du Fossé Blanc 92230 Gennevilliers420 580 508 RCS Nanterre420 580 508 000 26Catégorie de titres : Actions ordinaires (ISIN : FR0010341032)Opérations réalisées au titre du programme de rachat d’actions approuvé par l’Assemblée Générale du 10 Juin 2020Opérations sur actions propres réalisées aux fins de la couverture du plan d’attribution d’actions gratuites existantes aux salariés de GEST les 15 juillet 2020 et 25 janvier 2021Fait à Paris, le 8 mars 2021Pièce jointeDéclarations...
Boussard & Gavaudan Holding Ltd (EUR): Newsletter February 2021
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Good morning,AttachmentsBGHL – February 2021 Newsletter – Short versionBGHL – February 2021 Newsletter
Company Announcement no. 02/2021
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Selskabsmeddelelse Nr. 2/2021 – 08. marts 2021Erria A/S indgår kontrakt med Maersk DrillingErria A/S (”Selskabet”) har i dag indgået en tre-årig aftale med Maersk Drilling om varetagelse af marine warranty survey-opgaver ifm. flytning af Maersk Drillings borerigge.I den anledning har Selskabet etableret divisionen ”Erria Risk Engineering”, som agerer i de opgaver, hvortil Selskabet udpeges som marine warranty surveyor (dvs. forsikringsrepræsentant) på vegne af Maersk Drilling og Maersk Drillings ledende assurandører.Marine warranty surveyor-funktionen bliver typisk aktiveret under planlægningen af flytningsoperationen, således at alle relevante forhold vedrørende boreriggen, den planlagte lokation, slæbet og/eller transporten (herunder nominerede slæbebåde og specialfartøjer), og installationen, kan vurderes på forhånd. Opgaverne indebærer...
Niu Technologies Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Financial Results
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— Fourth Quarter Total volume of e-scooter sales up 41.6% year over year— Fourth Quarter Revenues of RMB 672.0 million, up 25.3% year over year— Fourth Quarter Net income of RMB 58.2 million, compared with RMB 60.7 million in the fourth quarter of last year— Full Year Total volume of e-scooter sales up 42.8% year over year— Full Year Revenues of RMB 2,444.3 million, up 17.7% year over year— Full Year Net income of RMB 168.7 million, compared with net income of RMB 190.1 million in 2019BEIJING, March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Niu Technologies (“NIU”, or “the Company”) (NASDAQ: NIU), the world’s leading provider of smart urban mobility solutions, today announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2020.Fourth Quarter 2020 Financial HighlightsRevenues were...
Calibre Scientific Acquires HUBERLAB, a Swiss Distributor of Life Science and Diagnostics Products, to Further Strengthen its Presence in the DACH Region
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LOS ANGELES, March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Calibre Scientific is pleased to announce the acquisition of HUBERLAB, a premier supplier of diversified products to laboratories in Switzerland. HUBERLAB establishes an important distribution hub for Calibre Scientific, joining BIOZOL and Dianova to expand Calibre Scientific’s representation in the DACH region.HUBERLAB, headquartered in Aesch, Switzerland, is a leading supplier of equipment, consumables, and supplies to laboratories in academic, pharmaceutical, chemical, healthcare and industrial markets. Through its catalog of world-class brands, modern ecommerce experience, and technical expertise, the business has earned the trust of laboratory professionals throughout Switzerland.With the acquisition of HUBERLAB, Calibre Scientific expands its geographic reach through a highly...
Calibre Scientific fait l’acquisition d’HUBERLAB, un distributeur suisse de produits spécialisés dans le diagnostic et les sciences de la vie afin de renforcer sa présence dans la région DACH
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LOS ANGELES, 08 mars 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Calibre Scientific a le plaisir d’annoncer l’acquisition de HUBERLAB (ci-après « HUBERLAB »), une société suisse leader dans l’approvisionnement de produits diversifiés auprès des laboratoires. HUBERLAB établit un pôle de distribution important pour Calibre Scientific en rejoignant BIOZOL et Dianova dans l’élargissement de la représentation de Calibre Scientific dans la région DACH.Avec son siège social basé à Aesch, en Suisse, HUBERLAB est un fournisseur de premier plan d’équipements, de consommables et de fournitures pour les laboratoires. Il est présent sur les marchés académiques, pharmaceutiques, chimiques, sanitaires et industriels. Grâce à son catalogue de marques de classe mondiale, à son expérience moderne du commerce électronique et à son expertise...
Calibre Scientific übernimmt HUBERLAB, einen Schweizer Anbieter für Life Science- und Diagnostikprodukte, und baut damit seine Präsenz in der DACH-Region weiter aus
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LOS ANGELES, March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Calibre Scientific gibt die Übernahme von HUBERLAB.(„HUBERLAB“), einem führenden Anbieter verschiedener Produkte für Labore in der Schweiz, bekannt.HUBERLAB stellt für Calibre Scientific ein wichtiges Vertriebszentrum dar. Zusammen mit BIOZOL und Dianova baut Calibre Scientific damit seine Präsenz in der DACH-Region weiter aus.HUBERLAB mit seinem Hauptsitz in Aesch in der Schweiz ist ein führender Anbieter von Geräten, Verbrauchsmaterialien und Zubehör für Labore, die in den Bereichen Wissenschaft, Pharmazie, Chemie, Gesundheitswesen und Industrie tätig sind.Mit seinem Sortiment erstklassiger Marken, Erfahrung im modernen E-Commerce und technischem Know-how hat sich das Unternehmen das Vertrauen von Laborexperten in der ganzen Schweiz erworben.Calibre Scientific erweitert mit der Übernahme...
Commencement of application period for Private Placement
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NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, JAPAN OR THE UNITED STATES OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH SUCH RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL.Commencement of application period for Private Placement in Interoil Exploration and Production ASAInteroil Exploration and Production ASA (the “Company”) refers to the announcement published on 4 March 2021 in which the Company announced the signing of two transactions as well as a private placement of new shares in the Company with gross proceeds of up to the NOK equivalent of EUR 999,999 (the “Private Placement”). The Private Placement is directed towards Norwegian investors and international institutional investors pursuant to and in compliance with applicable exemptions from relevant...
Heineken N.V. announces CFO succession: Laurence Debroux to be succeeded by Harold van den Broek on 1 June 2021
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Amsterdam, 8 March, 2021 – HEINEKEN today announced that after a successful tenure as Chief Financial Officer and member of the Executive Board, Laurence Debroux and the Supervisory Board have jointly agreed that she will step down after the company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) on 22 April 2021. The Supervisory Board will nominate Harold van den Broek, currently President Hygiene at RB (Reckitt Benckiser), to be appointed as member of the Executive Board and Chief Financial Officer at the company’s AGM, for a period of four years.Harold van den Broek has been with RB since 2014 where he was CFO Hygiene before assuming his current role. Harold spent over 30 years in fast moving consumer goods companies in a broad range of finance roles across business units, regions and global functions. He began his career at Unilever...
Investors House Q4 2020 – strategia eteni, operatiivinen tulos ennakoitu, arvonmuutokset ja Ovaro-jako heikensivät laajaa tulosta
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Investors House Oyj Osavuosikatsaus Q4 2020 Investors House Q4 2020 – strategia eteni, operatiivinen tulos ennakoitu, arvonmuutokset ja Ovaro-jako heikensivät laajaa tulostaInvestors House luo omistaja-arvoa yhdistämällä osaamisensa kiinteistö- ja finanssimarkkinan koko arvoketjussa. Toimintamalli tarjoaa useita kasvu- ja ansaintamahdollisuuksia, minkä lisäksi yhtiö pystyy hyödyntämään tehokkaasti markkinoilla avautuvia mahdollisuuksia ja allokoimaan pääomia parhaaksi katsomallaan tavalla.YHTEENVETO KAUDELTA 10-12/2020 (VERTAILUKAUSI 10-12/2019)Katsauskaudella huomion keskipisteessä olivat vuosien 2020-2023 Kiinteistökumppani -strategian mukaisten toimien toteuttaminen sekä korona -viruksen vaikutusten minimointi.Keskeisiä...