Day: March 8, 2021
Sanoma Corporation, Inside Information, 8 March 2021 at 10:30 EETSanoma considers issuance of a new bondNOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SINGAPORE OR SUCH OTHER COUNTRIES OR OTHERWISE IN SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES IN WHICH THE OFFERING OF THE NOTES OR THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL.Sanoma Corporation (”Sanoma”) considers the issuance of new euro-denominated fixed rate notes (the “Notes”). The issuance of the Notes may take place in the near future subject to market conditions. Sanoma would use the proceeds from the contemplated issue of the Notes to repay its EUR 200 million bridge loan drawn in connection with the acquisition of Santillana Spain.Nordea Bank Abp and OP Corporate Bank plc have...
Sanoma Oyj harkitsee uuden joukkovelkakirjalainan liikkeeseenlaskua
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Sanoma Oyj, sisäpiiritieto, 8.3.2021 klo 10.30Sanoma Oyj harkitsee uuden joukkovelkakirjalainan liikkeeseenlaskuaEI JULKAISTAVAKSI TAI LEVITETTÄVÄKSI, KOKONAAN TAI OSITTAIN, SUORAAN TAI VÄLILLISESTI, YHDYSVALLOISSA, AUSTRALIASSA, KANADASSA, HONGKONGISSA, JAPANISSA, SINGAPORESSA TAI SELLAISISSA MUISSA MAISSA TAI TÄLLAISIIN MAIHIN TAI MUUTOIN OLOSUHTEISSA, JOISSA VELKAKIRJOJEN TARJOAMINEN TAI JULKAISEMINEN TAI LEVITTÄMINEN OLISI LAINVASTAISTA.Sanoma Oyj (”Sanoma”) harkitsee uusien euromääräisten kiinteäkorkoisten velkakirjojen (”Velkakirjat”) liikkeeseenlaskua. Velkakirjojen liikkeeseenlasku voi toteutua lähitulevaisuudessa markkinatilanteen niin salliessa. Sanoma käyttäisi Velkakirjojen suunnitellusta liikkeeseenlaskusta saatavat varat Santillana Spainin yritysoston yhteydessä nostetun 200 milj. euron tilapäisen lainan takaisimaksuun.Nordea...
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Temecula, CA, March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Warming Solutions Inc., (OTC MARKETS: GWSO), worldwide developer of technologies that help mitigate Global Warming and its effect on the planet announced today the signing of a lease agreement for new central offices and R&D (Research and Development) space located in Temecula, CA.Centrally located between Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego, Temecula boasts a designation in California’s Innovation hub (IHub) and the San Diego Foreign Trade Zone. Rated one of the top 20 least expensive cities to do business in California by the Kosmont-Rose Institute, Temecula remains the ideal city for relocating, expanding, and developing new projects in Southern California.“We are excited to establish a new corporate office for Global Warming Solutions,” said Vladimir Vasilenko,...
Maxima Grupė launches Commercial Paper Programme
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Maxima Grupė UAB, the company, controlling the largest food retail group in the Baltics, rated BB+ by S&P (outlook negative), has mandated Luminor as Sole Lead Manager to explore opportunities for commercial paper issuance. An inaugural offering with up to 12 months maturity under the Commercial Paper Programme will follow subject to market conditions. The proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes of the Issuer and the issued notes will constitute unsecured obligations of the Issuer. Additional informationMaxima Grupė owns the retail chains Maxima (in the Baltic countries), Stokrotka (in Poland), and T-Market (in Bulgaria), as well as e-grocer Barbora operating in the Baltics and Poland.The company is part of the Vilniaus Prekyba group, which controls and manages the group of subsidiary companies operating chains of retail...
Maxima Grupė planuoja komercinių popierių (trumpalaikių obligacijų) platinimą
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Maxima Grupė, UAB, kontroliuojanti didžiausią maisto mažmeninės prekybos įmonių grupę Baltijos šalyse, pasirinko Luminor banką įvertinti galimybes ir organizuoti komercinių popierių (trumpalaikių obligacijų) platinimą. Pirmąją, iki 12 mėnesių trukmės neužtikrintų skolos vertybinių popierių emisiją, priklausomai nuo palankios situacijos kapitalo rinkose, planuojama išplatinti artimiausiu metu. Tarptautinė kredito reitingų agentūra S&P Global Ratings yra suteikusi įmonei BB+ reitingą su neigiama perspektyva. Pritrauktas lėšas Maxima Grupė nukreips įprastiniams verslo poreikiams finansuoti.Papildoma informacija„Maxima Grupė“ valdo prekybos tinklus „Maxima“ (Baltijos šalyse), „Stokrotka“ (Lenkijoje), „T-Market“ (Bulgarijoje) ir elektroninę maisto parduotuvę „Barbora“, veikiančią Baltijos šalyse ir Lenkijoje.Įmonė priklauso „Vilniaus...
Goodvalley announces management change
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CEO Hans Henrik Pedersen has decided to pursue new professional challenges outside Goodvalley. He joined Goodvalley as CFO and member of the Executive Board in 2016 and was appointed CEO in 2019. Hans Henrik Pedersen has been instrumental in establishing Goodvalley’s current strategy, leading the launch of the Group’s premium food brand, developing the organisation and securing a strong capital structure.Vice CEO Kristian Brokop, who has worked at Goodvalley since 2006 and been a member of the Executive Board since 2017, has been appointed interim CEO. He will work together with Hans Henrik Pedersen to ensure a smooth transition period.“We want to take the opportunity to thank Hans Henrik for his dedication and contribution to making Goodvalley a stronger and more resilient business that has most recently been able to report solid results...
Workforce Management Market to Surge at 10.1% CAGR till 2026; Growing Uptake of AI- Powered Software to Foster Promising Prospects: Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, India, March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global workforce management market size is projected to reach USD 5.25 billion by 2026, exhibiting a CAGR of 10.1% during the forecast period. Growing need to enhance productivity and efficiency of employees among organizations will be the central growth driver for this market, as per the new Fortune Business Insights™ report, titled “Workforce Management Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Component (Software, and Services), By Deployment (On-Premise, and Cloud), By Enterprise Size (SMEs and Large Enterprises), By Application (Workforce Analytics, Workforce Scheduling, Time and Attendance Management, and Others), By End-Use Industry (IT and Telecommunication, BFSI, Government, Retail, Healthcare, Education, Manufacturing, and Others) and Regional Forecast, 2019-2026”....
Blue Vision A/S afholder ordinær generalforsamling torsdag den 29. april 2021
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Dato: 8. marts 2021 Årets meddelelse nr.: 7Det følger af selskabets vedtægter § 5.4, at ”Aktionærerne har ret til at få et bestemt emne optaget på dagsordenen til den ordinære generalforsamling, hvis kravet fremsættes skriftligt overfor bestyrelsen senest 6 uger før generalforsamlingen. Modtages forslaget senere end 6 uger før generalforsamlingen afgør bestyrelsen, om kravet er fremsat i så god tid, at emnet kan optages på dagsordenen”. I henhold til selskabslovens § 90, stk. 3 skal det hermed meddeles, at krav om optagelse af et bestemt emne på dagsordenen for den ordinære generalforsamling skal være fremsat skriftligt overfor bestyrelsen senest onsdag den 17. marts 2021, kl. 23.59. Med venlig hilsenBlue Vision A/SBestyrelsen
Global Hemostats Market to Hit USD 5.54 Billion by 2027 Owing to the Increasing Prevalence of Chronic Disease Worldwide | Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, India, March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global “hemostats market” size is expected to reach USD 5.54 billion by 2027, while exhibiting a CAGR of 6.3% between 2020 and 2027. This is ascribable to factors such as increasing prevalence of chronic disease and growing demand for technologically advanced products.Fortune Business Insights, publish this information in its latest report, titled “Hemostats Market Size, Share & Covid-19 Impact Analysis, By Product (Active Hemostats, Passive Hemostats, Combination Hemostats, and Others), By Application (Trauma, Cardiovascular Surgery, General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery and Others), By End User (Hospitals & ASCs, Tactical Combat Casualty Care Centers, and Others), and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027.” The report mentions that the market was...
Boussard & Gavaudan Holding Ltd (GBP): Newsletter February 2021
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Good morning,AttachmentsBGHL – February 2021 Newsletter – Short versionBGHL – February 2021 Newsletter