Day: March 8, 2021
T4264DLa technologie de balayage par micro-miroirs la plus compacte du marché de STMicroelectronics choisiepour la caméra haute résolution Intel® RealSense™ LiDAR L515Économe en énergie, cette caméra LiDAR haute résolution capable de capturer des millions de points de profondeur par seconde convient à un large éventail d’applications industrielles et informatiques.Genève (Suisse), le 8 mars 2021 — STMicroelectronics (NYSE : STM), un leader mondial des semiconducteurs dont les clients couvrent toute la gamme des applications électroniques, a développé avec Intel un miroir MEMS de dimensions réduites conçu pour balayer l’espace d’un environnement donné. Le système LiDAR développé par Intel sur la base de ce micro-miroir effectue des tâches de balayage haute résolution pour des applications industrielles telles que les bras robotisés pour...
AIM ImmunoTech宣布第1期鼻内安普利近临床研究的首批健康受试者已用药
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美国佛罗里达州奥卡拉, March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AIM ImmunoTech Inc.(纽交所代码:AIM)今天宣布已给第1期临床研究的首批健康受试者用药,以研究AIM的药物安普利近(Ampligen)作为一种潜在鼻内疗法的安全性。AIM的目标是开发安普利近,将其作为一种新冠病毒和其他呼吸道病毒性疾病的鼻内预防或早期治疗药物。位于荷兰莱顿的独立机构人类药物研究中心(CHDR)正在进行一项名为“I期、随机、双盲、安慰剂对照研究,以评估对健康受试者鼻内安普利近(Poly I:Poly C12U)反复给药的安全性和活性”的临床研究。目前,此项研究计划为四个安普利近治疗组分别招募八名健康受试者以及招募八名安慰剂受试者,总共为40名健康受试者。该试验旨在评估鼻内安普利近重复给药的安全性、耐受性和生物学活性。受试者将每隔一天接受鼻内给药,为期13天,每人共7剂。AIM将为该临床研究提供资金。犹他州立大学抗病毒研究所先前的体外建模表明,安普利近能够在临床可实现的鼻内安普利近剂量水平下将SARS-CoV-2传染性病毒生成量降低90%。AIM首席执行官Thomas K. Equels表示:“我们非常感谢CHDR整个团队的巨大努力,帮助我们启动对安普利近作为潜在鼻内治疗药物的第1期研究。我们的目标是加快开发安普利近作为新冠病毒潜预防或治疗方面的进程。先前的体外建模结果极具前景,使用安普利近鼻内给药疗法来预防新冠病毒感染和传播的潜力让我们倍受鼓舞。随着这一重要试验的进展,我们期待提供更多的最新信息。”关于AIM ImmunoTech Inc.AIM ImmunoTech Inc.是一家免疫药物公司,致力于研究和开发治疗多种类型癌症、免疫疾病和病毒性疾病(包括由SARS-CoV-2病毒引起的新冠肺炎)的方法。警示声明本新闻稿载有1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法案》(“PSLRA”)所定义的“前瞻性声明”。诸如“可能”、“将会”、“预期”、“计划”、“预计”等词语和类似表达(以及其他提及未来事件或情况的词语或表达)旨在标识前瞻性声明。这些前瞻性声明中有许多涉及多项风险和不确定性。其中,公司主张对上述声明给予PSLRA中包含的前瞻性声明安全港保护。公司无法确保CHDR研究能够成功或产生有利数据,并且该试验受到许多因素影响,包括无法获得监管批准、缺乏研究药物,或申办其他试验的机构中优先事项发生变化。要确定安普利近在新冠病毒鼻内疗法中是否有效,还需要进行大量其他测试和试验,且无法保证事实将会如此。鉴于新冠肺炎紧急医疗情况,临床试验招募和报告可能会出现延误。我们不承诺对该等前瞻性陈述进行更新以反映本协议日期之后发生的事件或情况。联系方式:Crescendo...
AIM ImmunoTech Announces First Healthy Subjects Dosed in Phase 1 Intranasal Ampligen Clinical Study
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OCALA, Fla., March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AIM ImmunoTech Inc. (NYSE American: AIM) today announced that it has dosed the first healthy subjects in its Phase 1 clinical study on the safety of AIM’s drug Ampligen as a potential intranasal therapy. AIM’s ’s goal is to develop Ampligen as a potential intranasal prophylaxis or early-stage treatment for COVID-19 and other respiratory viral diseases.Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR), an independent institute located in Leiden in the Netherlands, is conducting the clinical study, titled “A Phase I, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Activity of Repeated Intranasal Administration of Ampligen (Poly I:Poly C12U) in Healthy Subjects.”The current study plans call for the enrollment of eight healthy subjects in each of four Ampligen treatment...
Cloud Nine Adds Web3 Tech Entrepreneur, Pavel Bains, CEO of Bluzelle, as Strategic Advisor
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cloud Nine Web3 Technologies Inc. (“Cloud Nine” or the “Company“) (CSE: CNI) (OTC: CLGUF) (CNSX: CNI) is pleased to announce adding blockchain expert, Pavel Bains, CEO and co-founder of Bluzelle Networks Pte. Ltd. (“Bluzelle”), as a Strategic Advisor.Pavel Bains is an entrepreneur, futurist, designer and investor in exponential technologies. A contributing writer to Fast Company, Venture Beat, and Forbes, Bains often speaks on panels and conferences about where digital media, finance and technology are heading.“We are thrilled to have Pavel on board. His in-depth expertise in the space will help pave the way for our extensive roadmap of upcoming emerging technology products, including the proposed closing and launch of partner platform, Limitless Technologies, and the...
XORTX Files New Provisional Patent to Treat and Protect Individuals Most at Risk to Severe Viral Infection
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● Compositions and Methods for Enhancing Anti-viral Therapies ●
Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) Market to Garner Colossal Growth Backed by Increasing Demand for Scratch-Resistant Tiles, says Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, India, March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global luxury vinyl plank market size is expected to gain momentum backed by the growing demand for scratch-resistant flooring in the construction sector and the rising refurbishment activities worldwide. This information is published by Fortune Business Insights in its upcoming report, titled, “Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) Market, 2021-2028.” The growing demand for water-proofing solutions has further led the companies to strategically adopt lucrative offers to attract consumers globally. For instance, in August 2020, Peek’s Floor Company announced the debut of LuxeCraft luxury vinyl plank (LVP) tiles and further reported massive discounts on all Karastan products in Dallas.COVID-19 Impact: Consumers Spending Time at Home to Boost GrowthAlthough the pandemic has led to the lockdown...
Conditional distribution of Faurecia shares and cash approved by shareholders
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Conditional distribution of Faurecia shares and cash approved by shareholdersAmsterdam, March 8, 2021 – Stellantis N.V. (NYSE / MTA / Euronext Paris: STLA) (“Stellantis”) announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held today has approved the already announced conditional distribution (the “Distribution”), pursuant to a capital reduction, by Stellantis to the holders of its common shares of up to 54,297,006 ordinary shares of Faurecia S.E. (“Faurecia”) and up to €308 million in cash, being the proceeds received by Peugeot S.A. from the sale of ordinary shares of Faurecia in October 2020.Payment of the Distribution remains conditional upon the further announcement, which is expected to occur in the next few days, that certain Dutch law formalities have been complied with. Absent such announcement that the Distribution...
Net asset value of EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS as of 28.02.2021
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The net asset value (NAV) of EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS as of 28.02.2021 was 17.21 euros. The net asset value of the EPRA share (net book value excluding deferred income tax liability and fair value of interest rate derivatives) as of 28.02.2021 was 18.32 euros. Both NAV and EPRA NAV increased 0.8% during February.EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS’s financial results in February were better than the management expected. During the month of rapid growth of Covid-19 in Estonia, the fund earned 961 thousand euros of consolidated sales revenue in February, which is 15 thousand euros more than in January. The increase in sales revenue came mainly from the over-conservative provision of the Saules Miestas shopping center in January, but also from the increase in revenue from new leases for the Laisves office building. The Fund’s...
EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS aktsia puhasväärtus seisuga 28.02.2021
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EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS aktsia puhasväärtus (NAV) seisuga 28.02.2021 oli 17,21 eurot. EPRA aktsia puhasväärtus (raamatupidamislik puhasväärtus ilma edasilükkunud tulumaksukohustust ja intressiderivatiivide õiglast väärtust arvestamata) oli 28.02.2021 seisuga 18,32 eurot. Nii NAV kui EPRA NAV suurenesid veebruari jooksul 0,8%.EfTEN Real Estate Fund III AS veebruari finantstulemused olid kiire Covid-19 leviku kuul paremad kui juhtkond seda ootas – fond teenis veebruaris 961 tuhat eurot konsolideeritud müügitulu, mis on jaanuariga võrreldes 15 tuhat eurot rohkem. Müügitulu kasv tuli peamiselt Saules Miestase kaubanduskeskuse liig-konservatiivsest provisjonist jaanuaris, kuid ka Laisves büroohoone uute üürilepingute tulu lisandumisest. Fondi konsolideeritud EBITDA oli veebruaris 799 tuhat eurot (14 tuhat eurot rohkem kui jaanuaris).Selle...
Medigus: ScoutCam Appoints Seasoned Hi-Tech Executive Yovav Sameah as Chief Executive Officer
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OMER, Israel, March 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Medigus Ltd. (Nasdaq: MDGS), a technology company engaged in advanced medical solutions and innovative internet technologies, announced today that ScoutCam Inc (OTCQB:SCTC), Medigus’ subsidiary and a leading developer and manufacturer of customized micro visual solutions and supplementary technologies, appointed Mr. Yovav Sameah as ScoutCam’s new Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Sameah will replace Dr. Yaron Silberman, who will step down to pursue new opportunities.Mr. Sameah is a senior level executive with extensive hands-on experience in management, business leadership and strategy. He most recently served as CEO of Frontline PCB Solutions, a non-public worldwide leading provider of Pre-Production and Industry 4.0 SW solutions in the PCB industry, presently owned by KLA-Tencor Corp....