Day: March 5, 2021
TELESTE OYJ PÖRSSITIEDOTE 5.3.2021 KLO 15:00TELESTEN VUOSIKERTOMUS 2020 JULKAISTUTeleste Oyj:n vuoden 2020 vuosikertomus ja tilinpäätös tilikaudelta 1.1.-31.12.2020 on tänään julkaistu yhtiön verkkosivuilla suomeksi ja englanniksi.Vuosikertomus sisältää hallituksen toimintakertomuksen, konsernin ja emoyhtiön tilinpäätökset sekä tilintarkastuskertomuksen.Teleste on julkaissut vuosikertomuksen yhteydessä myös selvityksen hallinto- ja ohjausjärjestelmästään vuodelta 2020. Selvitys on annettu hallituksen toimintakertomuksesta erillisenä. Palkitsemisraportti vuodelta 2020 on julkaistu 11.2. yhtiön sijoittajasivuilla.Telesten integroitu tuote- ja palvelutarjonta auttaa rakentamaan ja ylläpitämään verkottuneempaa yhteiskuntaa. Ratkaisumme tuovat televisio- ja laajakaistapalvelut sinulle, takaavat turvallisuutesi julkisilla paikoilla ja...
Juggernaut Closes Its Non-Brokered Financing as Crescat Capital Completes Its Strategic Investment in the Company
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Juggernaut Exploration Ltd. (TSX-V: JUGR) (OTCQB: JUGRF) (FSE: 4JE) (the “Company” or “Juggernaut”) is pleased to report that it has closed its previously announced (see news releases dated February 8, 2021, February 22, 2021, and March 1, 2021) private placement financing (the “Financing”). Crescat Capital LLC (“Crescat”) has made a strategic investment representing a 9.90% ownership of the Company and will have the option to participate in future financings to maintain its interest level for a three-year period from today. Dr. Quinton Hennigh has been appointed as a technical advisor to the Company. View Juggernaut video by clicking here.About Crescat Capital LLCCrescat is a global macro asset management firm headquartered in Denver, Colorado. Crescat’s mission is...
Agile Therapeutics to Present at Upcoming March Investor Conferences
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PRINCETON, N.J., March 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Agile Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: AGRX), a women’s healthcare company, today announced that Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Al Altomari will present at two investor conferences in March.H.C. Wainwright Global Life Sciences ConferenceOn demand beginning Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 7:00 a.m. ETOppenheimer 31st Annual Virtual Healthcare ConferenceWednesday, March 17, 2021 at 8:40 a.m. ETPresentations from each conference will be webcast on the Investors section of the Agile Therapeutics website at Each archived webcast will be available for 30 days.About Agile Therapeutics, Inc.Agile Therapeutics is a forward-looking women’s healthcare company dedicated to fulfilling the unmet health needs of today’s women. Our...
Osino Resources Appoints New Chief Financial Officer
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Osino Resources Corp. (TSXV:OSI) (FSE:RSR1) (OTCQB:OSIIF) (“Osino” or “the Company”) is pleased to provide the following corporate updates.New CFO AppointmentThe Company is pleased to announce the promotion and appointment of Tony da Silva as the Company’s new Chief Financial Officer. He is a qualified CA(SA) and has 20 years of audit and finance experience, having previously served as the Finance Director of Osino’s operating subsidiaries since 2017.After graduating from the University of Natal he completed his articles with Nexia in Cape Town, South Africa and stayed on as an Audit Manager after qualifying as a chartered accountant. In 2008 Tony joined Blue Alpha Investment Management as an equity analyst, later becoming a portfolio manager managing both local...
Innovative Payment Solutions, Inc. Announces an Additional Capital Raise of $950,000
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NORTHRIDGE, Calif., March 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire – Innovative Payment Solutions, Inc. (OTCQB: IPSI) (“Innovative” or the “Company”), a Southern California based fintech company focused on building a 21st century digital payment solution, IPSIPay, today announced that it has raised an additional $950,000 of a new capital based on financial terms filed in the Company’s prior 8K SEC reports. Financial terms of the agreements enabled the Company to call the warrants if the price of the Company’s common stock closed at or above $0.15 for ten consecutive days.William Corbett, the CEO of Innovative Payment Solutions, Inc., commented: “The addition of $950,000 brings our Company’s cash balance to approximately $4,000,000. This infusion of capital gives the Company great flexibility to continue executing our business...
Psyence Group Announces Partnership With Base Pair Health and Strengthens Management Team
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TORONTO, March 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Psyence Group Inc. (CSE: PSYG) (“Psyence” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Service Level Agreement with Singapore-based medical biology, forensic science and product development company Base Pair Global Pte. Ltd. trading as Base Pair Health (“BPH”). BPH develops advanced nutritional and health products for global clients, with a strong focus on organic and naturally occurring ingredients.Psyence’s world-class medical and scientific team are focused on innovative research and clinical trials in order to develop class-leading psychedelic medicines for the treatment of psychological trauma and its mental health consequences. BPH provides advisory services for new health product design and implementation. BPH develops advanced nutritional products, ranging...
Sabina Gold & Silver Files NI 43-101 Technical Report for the 2021 Updated Feasibility Study for the Goose Project at the Back River Gold District
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. (TSX:SBB) (“Sabina” or the “Company”) announces that, it has filed its National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report entitled “National Instrument (NI) 43-101 Technical Report 2021 – Updated Feasibility Study for the Goose Project at the Back River Gold District (“UFS”), effective January 15, 2021 on SEDAR at The report has also been posted on the Company’s website at“We are pleased to file the NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Goose mine (the “Project”) planned on our 100% owned Back River Gold District,” said Bruce McLeod, President & CEO “We believe the UFS demonstrates a compelling Project, permitted with environmental and social license economic obligations included, that...
Tamarack Valley Energy Announces Strategic Clearwater and Waterflood Asset Acquisitions, $55.0 Million Equity Financing, Appointment of New Board Member and Pro Forma 2021 Guidance
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWS WIRE SERVICES OR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES. ANY FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS RESTRICTION MAY CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF U.S. SECURITIES LAW.CALGARY, Alberta, March 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd. (“Tamarack” or the “Company“) (TSX: TVE) is pleased to announce that it has entered into two separate agreements to acquire assets in the Provost and Nipisi areas of Alberta (the “Acquisitions“). The Acquisitions include approximately 2,800 boe/d of low decline (~16%) oil weighted assets under waterflood, along with approximately 38,400 net acres in the Clearwater play of Alberta (the “Assets”) for a total purchase price of approximately $135.3 million, net of proceeds from two newly created gross overriding royalties (“GORR”) on the Clearwater...
REITIR: Endanleg dagskrá, tillögur og framboð til stjórnar á aðalfundi 11. mars 2021
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Aðalfundur Reita fasteignafélags hf. verður haldinn þann 11. mars 2021 kl. 15.00 á Hotel Hilton Reykjavík Nordica, fundarsal B.Ekki hafa verið gerðar breytingar frá áður birtri dagskrá og tillögum sem lagðar verða fyrir fundinn, utan þess að tilgreining arðleysisdags og arðsréttindadags hefur breyst frá því sem kom fram í fyrra fundarboði. Verða dagsetningar tengdar arðgreiðslutillögunni sem hér segir:Arðsréttindadagur verður þannig mánudaginn 15. mars 2021, þannig að hluthafar tilgreindir í hlutaskrá félagsins í lok arðsréttindadags eiga tilkall til arðs vegna rekstrarársins 2020. Arðleysisdagur, það er sá dagur sem viðskipti hefjast með bréf félagsins án réttar til arðs vegna reikningsársins 2020, verður föstudaginn 12. mars 2021, næsta viðskiptadag eftir aðalfund.Endanlegar tillögur stjórnar fyrir aðalfund félagsins eru hér meðfylgjandi.Framboðsfrestur...
Horizonte Minerals Plc: Appointment of Joint Broker
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LONDON, March 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Horizonte Minerals Plc, (AIM: HZM, TSX: HZM) (‘Horizonte’ or ‘the Company’) the nickel company focused on Brazil, is pleased to announce the appointment of BMO Capital Markets Limited (‘BMO’) as joint broker alongside Peel Hunt LLP, with immediate effect.This week Horizonte attended the virtual 30th BMO Global Metals and Mining Conference. A replay of the Company presentation is available on the Company’s website: further information, visit or contact:About Horizonte Minerals:Horizonte Minerals plc is an AIM and TSX-listed nickel development company focused in Brazil. The Company is developing the Araguaia project, as the next major ferronickel mine in Brazil, and the Vermelho nickel-cobalt project, with the...