Day: March 5, 2021
INDIANAPOLIS, March 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hurco Companies, Inc. (Nasdaq: HURC) today reported results for the first fiscal quarter ended January 31, 2021. Hurco recorded net income of $663,000, or $0.10 per diluted share, for the first quarter of fiscal 2021, compared to a net loss of $893,000, or $(0.13) per diluted share, for the corresponding period in fiscal 2020.Sales and service fees for the first quarter of fiscal 2021 were $54,115,000, an increase of $10,455,000, or 24%, compared to the corresponding prior year period, and included a favorable currency impact of $1,641,000, or 4%, when translating foreign sales to U.S. dollars for financial reporting purposes.Michael Doar, Chief Executive Officer, stated, “With all geographic regions experiencing some level of recovery during our first quarter of fiscal 2021, we remain...
Serengeti and Sun Metals Announce Completion of Merger and Name Change to Northwest Copper Corp.
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NorthWest Copper Corp. (formerly Serengeti Resources Inc.) (TSX-V: NWST) (“NorthWest”) and Sun Metals Corp. (TSX-V: SUNM) (“Sun Metals”) are pleased to announce that they have completed the previously announced plan of arrangement under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) (the “Arrangement”) pursuant to which NorthWest has acquired all of the issued and outstanding shares of Sun Metals (the “Transaction”) on the basis of 0.215 common shares of NorthWest (on a post-Consolidation (as defined below) basis) for each share of Sun Metals held (the “Exchange Ratio”).Consolidation, Name Change and New Trading SymbolNorthWest also announces that, following shareholder approval of the previously announced consolidation of its issued and outstanding common shares (the...
Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative Discontinues Testing of Aerpio Pharmaceutical’s Razuprotafib in I-SPY COVID Trial
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SAN FRANCISCO and CINCINNATI, March 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative (QLHC), the sponsor of the I-SPY COVID Trial, will not proceed with further testing of the Aerpio Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: ARPO) drug, razuprotafib. Razuprotafib was chosen for testing in the I-SPY COVID Trial because it is hypothesized to stabilize and repair the blood vessels in the lung and improve gas exchange.The I-SPY COVID Trial is a Phase II adaptive platform trial that is testing agents that show promise for reducing the risk of death from and severity of illness for people who become critically ill after contracting COVID-19. The purpose of the trial is to rapidly screen multiple agents to find those with the best chance of effectively improving outcomes for those critically ill. The I-SPY COVID Trial now includes 18 sites...
Fulgent Genetics to Participate in the Oppenheimer 31st Annual Healthcare Conference
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TEMPLE CITY, Calif., March 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fulgent Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLGT) (“Fulgent Genetics” or the “company”), a technology company providing comprehensive testing solutions through its scalable technology platform, today announced that its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Ming Hsieh, Chief Financial Officer Paul Kim, and Chief Commercial Officer Brandon Perthuis are scheduled to virtually participate in the Oppenheimer 31st Annual Healthcare Conference on Tuesday, March 16, 2021. These representatives of the company will host a presentation beginning at 8:40 a.m. ET.A live webcast of the presentation will be available on the Investor Relations section of the Fulgent Genetics website at Fulgent GeneticsFulgent Genetics’ proprietary technology platform has created a broad, flexible...
Hennessy Capital Investment Corp. V Announces the Separate Trading of its Class A Common Stock and Warrants, Commencing March 8, 2021
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NEW YORK, March 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hennessy Capital Investment Corp. V (NASDAQ: HCICU) (the “Company”) announced that, commencing March 8, 2021, holders of the units sold in the Company’s initial public offering may elect to separately trade shares of the Company’s Class A common stock and warrants included in the units. No fractional warrants will be issued upon separation of the units and only whole warrants will trade. The shares of Class A common stock and warrants that are separated will trade on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbols “HCIC” and “HCICW,” respectively. Those units not separated will continue to trade on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol “HCICU.” Holders of units will need to have their brokers contact Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company, the Company’s transfer agent, in order...
IGE+XAO: Statement regarding the total number of shares and voting rights composing the registered capital on 28 February 2021
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IGE+XAOSociété Anonyme with capital of 5,021,866.85 eurosHead office : 16 Boulevard Déodat de Séverac31770 COLOMIERS338 514 987 RCS ToulouseSIRET: 338 514 987 000 76 – VAT number: FR 783.385.149.87Regulated informationStatement regarding the total number of shares and voting rights composing the registered capital on 28 February 2021In accordance with the article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and with the article 223-16 of the French Financial Market Authority (AMF) General Rule.Toulouse, on 5 March 2021Total number of shares composing the registered capital: 1,304,381Total number of voting rights:Gross (1): 2,242,950Net (2): 2,238,516(1) In conformity with the article 223-11 of the AMF General Rule, the total number of voting rights is calculated on the basis of the whole shares composing the registered capital.(2) The net...
IGE+XAO : Déclaration du nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote composant le capital social au 28 février 2021
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IGE+XAOSociété Anonyme au capital de 5 021 866,85 eurosSiège social : 16 Boulevard Déodat de Séverac31770 COLOMIERS338 514 987 RCS ToulouseSIRET : 338 514 987 000 76 – N° TVA intracommunautaire : FR 783.385.149.87Information réglementéeDéclaration du nombre total d’actions et de droits de vote composant le capital social au 28 février 2021Conformément à l’article L.233-8 II du Code de Commerce et à l’article 223-16 du Règlement général de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers Toulouse, le 5 mars 2021Nombre total d’actions composant le capital social : 1 304 381Nombre total de droits de vote :Brut (1) : 2 242 950NET (2) : 2 238 516(1) Conformément à l’article 223-11 du Règlement général de l’AMF, le nombre total de droits de vote est calculé sur la base de l’ensemble des actions composant le capital social.(2) Le nombre total net de...
Enento Group’s Annual Report and Remuneration Report 2020 published
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ENENTO GROUP PLC, STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE ON 5 MARCH 2021 AT 3.00 P.M. EETEnento Group’s Annual Report and Remuneration Report 2020 publishedEnento Group Plc has today published its Annual Report 2020 and Remuneration Report. The Annual Report consists of an Annual Review and a Financial Review. Annual Review covers business, sustainability and HR overviews. Financial Review consists of the Board of Directors’ Report, Financial Statements, Auditor’s Report and Corporate Governance Statement. The Annual Review and Financial Review are published as separate PDF documents in Finnish and English.The Annual Review, Financial Review and Remuneration Report are attached to this release and also available on Enento’s investor pages at accordance with European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) reporting requirements,...
Enento Groupin vuoden 2020 vuosikertomus ja palkitsemisraportti on julkaistu
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ENENTO GROUP OYJ, PÖRSSITIEDOTE 5.3.2021 KLO 15.00Enento Groupin vuoden 2020 vuosikertomus ja palkitsemisraportti on julkaistuEnento Group Oyj on tänään julkaissut vuosikertomuksen 2020 ja palkitsemisraportin. Vuosikertomus koostuu vuosikatsauksesta ja taloudellisesta katsauksesta. Vuosikatsaus kattaa liiketoiminta-, henkilöstö- ja vastuullisuuskatsaukset. Taloudellinen katsaus sisältää hallituksen toimintakertomuksen, tilinpäätöksen, tilintarkastuskertomuksen ja selvityksen hallinto- ja ohjausjärjestelmästä. Vuosikatsaus ja taloudellinen katsaus julkaistaan erillisinä PDF-dokumentteina suomeksi ja englanniksi.Vuosikatsaus, taloudellinen katsaus ja palkitsemisraportti ovat tämän tiedotteen liitteenä sekä saatavilla Enenton sijoittajasivuilla osoitteessa julkaisee nyt ensimmäistä kertaa tilinpäätöksen...
Teleste´s Annual Report 2020 published
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TELESTE CORPORATION STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 5.3.2021 AT 15:00 EETTELESTE’S ANNUAL REPORT 2020 PUBLISHEDTeleste Corporation’s Annual Report 2020 and financial statements for the accounting period 1 January – 31 December 2020 have been published today in English and in Finnish on the company’s website.The Annual Report includes Board of Directors’ Report, Financial Statements and Auditors’ Report.Teleste has also published its Corporate Governance Statement 2020 separately from the Board of Directors’ Report. The Remuneration Report 2020, published on February 11, 2021, is available on the company’s website at offers an integrated product and service portfolio that makes it possible to build and run a better networked society. Our solutions bring television and broadband...