Day: March 4, 2021
GRAND HAVEN, Mich., March 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Access-Power & Co., Inc., (“ACCR or the Company”), a Grand Haven based diversified US Holding Company is pleased to announce today that we have fired Stacey Bolin. Patrick J Jensen, our sole Director, added, “This is a sad day in American Capitalism. There can be no way that a Secretary hold my Chief Legal Counsel hostage for 3,000,000 shares. NO WAY!!! This is not what we originally agreed to…we agreed to a $1 annual salary + some moving incentives.” This was in our originally texted messages. We have a conflict. We wanted to apologize again to our beloved Shareholders and our Market Makers for having made this mistake.So, after careful analysis…you’re FIRED, Stacey Bolin!In other news, we want to notify our Shareholders and beloved Market Makers we have completed all of...
Rackspace Technology and Sentrics Enhance Senior Digital Experience with Innovative AI/ML Initiatives
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SAN ANTONIO, March 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rackspace Technology™ (NASDAQ: RXT), a leading end-to-end multicloud technology solutions company, today announced the successful completion of a major artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities initiative for Sentrics, the company revolutionizing the future of senior living. The implementation enables voice control in Sentrics’ Engage360 application, enhancing hands-free capabilities that will benefit the company’s senior care facility customers.Sentrics provides data-driven solutions that deliver a complete view of residents in assisted living care facilities. As the pandemic evolved, Sentrics knew it would have to optimize its application to ensure the well-being of senior citizens who were isolated in assisted living facilities. To provide mobility impaired...
Síminn hf. – Aðalfundur Símans hf. verður haldinn 11. mars 2021 – Endanleg dagskrá og tillögur stjórnar
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Aðalfundur Símans hf. verður haldinn rafrænt fimmtudaginn 11. mars 2021 kl. 16:00.Meðfylgjandi er endanleg dagskrá fundarins og tillögur stjórnar félagsins sem lagðar verða fyrir fundinn.Vakinn er sérstök athygli á að samkvæmt samþykktum félagsins þurfa hluthafar sem hyggjast sækja rafrænan aðalfund að tilkynna þátttöku minnst fimm dögum fyrir aðalfundinn, eða fyrir klukkan 16:00 laugardaginn 6. mars 2021. Skráning fer fram á: www.smartagm.comAllar frekari upplýsingar varðandi aðalfundinn er að finna á vef félagsins:ðhengiSíminn hf. – Endanleg dagskrá aðalfundar 2021Síminn hf. – Endanlegar tillögur stjórnar fyrir aðalfund 2021
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Maranello (Italy), March 4, 2021 – Ferrari N.V. (NYSE/MTA: RACE) (“Ferrari”) announced today that it has published the agenda and the explanatory notes for the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGM”), which will be held virtually on April 15, 2021, beginning at 12:00 p.m. CEST. To protect the health and safety of all participants in connection with the Covid-19 outbreak, Shareholders will not be allowed to attend the AGM in person.Ferrari’s AGM notice and explanatory notes, other AGM materials and, in light of the continuing Covid-19 outbreak, instructions for voting and submitting questions in advance of the meeting and to follow the AGM remotely, are available under the section Investors on Ferrari’s corporate website at, where they can be viewed and downloaded. Shareholders may request...
FLEURY MICHON : Déclaration mensuelle rachat d’actions 02 2021
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CONTRAT DE LIQUIDITE ET OU PROGRAMME DE RACHATTABLEAU DE DECLARATION MENSUELLE DES OPERATIONS REALISEESPAR UN EMETTEUR SUR SES PROPRES TITRESINFORMATIONS CUMULEES Nombre de titres composant le capital de l’émetteur au début du programme 4 387 757Capital auto détenu de manière directe et indirecte au début du programme (en titres + %) :…Exercice d’options attribuées aux salariés, de titres de créances donnant accès au capital A la date d’établissement de la présente déclaration Pièce jointe2021 02 Rachat Actions
project44 Acquires Ocean Insights
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World’s leading ocean visibility solution joins forces with the largest over-the-road network to redefine the value of end-to-end supply chain visibilityCHICAGO and ROSTOCK, Germany, March 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — project44®, the global leader in supply chain visibility, today announced it has acquired Ocean Insights, the number one solutions provider for ocean freight intelligence. On the heels of massive customer and revenue growth in 2020, project44 acquires Ocean Insights to expand its ocean solution by adding the broadest container tracking capabilities in the market, as well as one-of-a-kind sailing schedule and ocean analytics products. Combining Ocean Insights’ tracking and analytics with the project44 platform and ecosystem establishes project44 as the clear market leader with an unrivaled set of multi-modal solutions...
project44 fait l’acquisition d’Ocean Insights
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La solution de suivi des flux maritimes s’associe au plus grand réseau routier pour redéfinir la valeur de la visibilité de la Supply ChainCHICAGO et ROSTOCK, Allemagne, 04 mars 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — project44®, le leader mondial de la visibilité de la Supply Chain, a annoncé aujourd’hui l’acquisition d’Ocean Insights, le fournisseur numéro un des solutions de renseignement sur le fret maritime. Dans la foulée d’une croissance massive de sa clientèle et de ses revenus en 2020, project44 acquiert Ocean Insights pour élargir sa solution de suivi maritime y ajoutant les plus larges capacités de suivi des conteneurs sur le marché, ainsi que des produits uniques d’analyse des horaires de navigation et des océans. En combinant le suivi et les analyses d’Ocean Insights avec la plateforme et l’écosystème...
project44 übernimmt Ocean Insights
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Die weltweit führende Lösung für die Visibilität von Seetransporten schließt sich mit dem größten Straßen-Netzwerk zusammen, um den Wert durchgängiger Supply Chain Visibilität neu zu definierenCHICAGO und ROSTOCK, Deutschland, March 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — project44®, der weltweit führende Anbieter von Supply Chain Visibility-Lösungen, verkündete heute die Übernahme von Ocean Insights, der Nummer eins unter den Lösungsanbietern für Seefracht-Informationen. Nach einem massiven Kunden- und Umsatzwachstum in 2020 übernimmt project44 Ocean Insights, um die eigene Seefrachtlösung um die umfangreichsten Container-Tracking-Funktionen auf dem Markt sowie einzigartige Fahrplandaten und Seefracht-Analysen zu erweitern.Die Tracking- und Analysefunktionen von Ocean Insights kombiniert mit der Plattform und dem Ökosystem von project44 etabliert...
Insulated Shipping Packaging Market size to reach approximately USD 3 Billion by 2026 | Market Research Future (MRFR)
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Pune, March 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The insulated shipping packaging market is growing promisingly, witnessing the rising demand for developing temperature profiles for medicinal products in distribution. A systematic evaluating process for the distribution environment is used to develop a statistically relevant temperature profile that can meet regulatory, logistics, and performance requirements.Insulated shipping packaging plays a causal role in minimizing the effect of variable temperature and protecting the product from physical damage, maintaining product specifications by keeping them warm, frozen, or refrigerated. Growing uses of insulated packaging that can preserve the cold chain for shipping temperature-sensitive products such as food & beverage, chemical, and personal care stimulate the insulated shipping packaging...
DIAGNOS and the third largest optical retailer in Costa Rica Piloting CARA and its Telemedicine technology
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BROSSARD, Quebec, March 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Diagnos Inc. (“DIAGNOS” or the “Corporation”) (TSX Venture: ADK) (OTCQB: DGNOF), a leader in early detection of critical health issues through the use of its FLAIRE platform based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), announces today the signing of a contract with Óptica Central, the third largest optical chain store in Costa Rica for implementation of CARA across Costa Rica.“Óptica Central, in collaboration with Aselcom, DIAGNOS’ distributor, are pleased to start screening the population across our optical stores by providing DIAGNOS’ proven AI solution for early detection of eye illnesses, such as Diabetic Retinopathy, as well as preventing blindness caused by diabetes. There is no doubt that DIAGNOS’ experience in Costa Rica, and in other Latin American countries, has been at the...