Day: March 4, 2021
Malmö – ZetaDisplay AB (publ) (Nasdaq Stockholm: ZETA) förvärvar NORDLAND systems GmbH med en preliminär nettoomsättning för 2020 om 78,4 MSEK, SaaS intäkter om 16,4 MSEK och EBITDA om 6,4 MSEK. Nordland hade en stark tillväxt under slutet av 2020 med flera större projektleveranser. Bolaget har en årlig SaaS-intäkt i intervallet 25-30%. Förvärvet är ett väsentligt steg för ZetaDisplay mot att nå sina finansiella mål för 2022 om 200 MSEK i SaaS intäkter, för närvarande 160,3 MSEK. Nordland System GmbH är en ledande tysk integrator och kommer att ingå i ZetaDisplay från och med den 4 mars 2021.På proformabasis redovisar ZetaDisplay en nettoomsättning på 444,6 miljoner kronor, en EBITDA på 44,8 miljoner kronor och SaaS intäkter på 176,7 miljoner kronor motsvarande 39,8% av nettoomsättningen. “Vi driver proaktivt konsolideringen...
Skeljungur hf.: Results of Skeljungur´s AGM 2021
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Skeljungur hf. held its Annual General Meeting today, Thursday March 4, 2021 at Icelandair Hotel Reykjavík Natura, in meetings room no. 2. and 3., Nauthólsvegur 52, 102 Reykjavík at 16:00. Chairman of the Board Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson addressed the meeting on behalf of the Board, and CEO Árni Pétur Jónsson presented Skeljungur’s financial results and went over the highlights of the operations in 2020.All proposals that were put forward in the meeting can be found on the company’s website: Company´s annual report can be found on the company’s website: Annual accounts for 2020The meeting approved the Financial Statements for 2020.2. Proposed amendment to the Company’s policy on dividend paymentsThe meeting approved the...
Skeljungur hf.: Niðurstöður aðalfundar Skeljungs 2021
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Aðalfundur Skeljungs var haldinn í dag, fimmtudaginn 4. mars 2021 á Icelandair Hótel Reykjavík Natura í sölum 2-3, Nauthólsvegi 52, 102 Reykjavík. Fundurinn hófst kl. 16:00. Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson, formaður stjórnar, flutti skýrslu stjórnar og Árni Pétur Jónsson, forstjóri, fór yfir uppgjör félagsins og helstu þætti í starfsemi þess á árinu 2020.Tillögur þær sem lágu fyrir fundinum má finna á heimasíðu félagsins:Ársskýrslu félagsins má finna á heimasíðu félagsins: Ársreikningar félagsins fyrir liðið starfsárHluthafafundur samþykkti endurskoðaðan ársreikning samstæðu félagsins og móðurfélags vegna ársins 2020.2. Tillaga um breytingu á arðgreiðslustefnu félagsinsHluthafafundur samþykkti breytingu á arðgreiðslustefnu félagsins. Samþykkt arðgreiðslustefna...
FERC Director of Legal Policy Joins Hunton Andrews Kurth in Washington
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Washington, March 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — John Lee Shepherd, Jr., former Director of Legal Policy at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, has joined Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP as a partner in the firm’s nationally recognized energy and infrastructure team. Based in Washington, Shepherd’s energy regulatory practice will focus on rulemaking proceedings, litigation, investigations and appeals.Shepherd joined FERC in 2018 as its leading policy lawyer and served as the principal legal advisor to agency leadership on the implementation of policy through adjudication, rulemaking, and judicial review, with a particular emphasis on issues surrounding electric and capacity market design, transmission incentives and cost allocation, pipeline certification, Mobile-Sierra issues, waivers, and bankruptcy.His responsibilities also included...
Reginn hf.: Niðurstaða skuldabréfaútboðs
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Reginn hf. (Nasdaq: REGINN) hefur lokið útboði á skuldabréfum í flokkunum REGINN23 GB og REGINN280130. Alls bárust tilboð að fjárhæð 9.670 að nafnverði.Heildartilboð í REGINN23 GB voru samtals 2.220 Ákveðið var að taka tilboðum að fjárhæð 900 á ávöxtunarkröfunni 2,88% og verður heildarstærð flokksins í kjölfar stækkunar því að nafnverði 2.900 Flokkurinn er óverðtryggður og tryggður með almennu tryggingafyrirkomulagi félagsins.Heildartilboð í REGINN280130 voru samtals 7.450 Ákveðið var að taka tilboðum að fjárhæð 1.600 á ávöxtunarkröfunni 1,83% og verður heildarstærð flokksins í kjölfar stækkunar því að nafnverði 8.020 Flokkurinn er verðtryggður og tryggður með almennu tryggingafyrirkomulagi félagsins.Uppgjör viðskiptanna er fyrirhugað þann 11. mars næstkomandi. Fossar markaðir hafa umsjón með...
Copper kills up to 99.9% of bacteria on transit surfaces, study finds
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Results from TransLink’s industry-leading trial show that copper is effective at killing bacteria on high-touch transit surfaces. Based on sample-testing performed on transit and in a lab, the trial concludes that select copper products on transit are durable and kill up to 99.9 per cent of all bacteria within one hour of the bacteria’s contact with the surface.Phase one of the pilot, which was fully funded by Teck Resources Limited (TSX: TECK.A and TECK.B, NYSE: TECK) (“Teck”), began in November 2020 and lasted five weeks on two buses and two SkyTrain cars. To expand on phase one’s results, a second phase will be launched in the coming months to verify the results with a larger sample of data.The pilot’s second phase will include:Testing copper products on more train...
Renalytix AI plc Issue of Shares Under the 2020 Employee Share Purchase Plan, PDMR Dealing and Total Voting Rights
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NEW YORK, March 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Renalytix AI plc (LSE: RENX) (NASDAQ: RNLX), an artificial intelligence-enabled in vitro diagnostics company, focused on optimizing clinical management of kidney disease to drive improved patient outcomes and advance value-based care, announces that under the Company’s Employee Share Purchase Plan (“the ESPP”), new 17,652 ordinary shares of £0.0025 each in the capital of the Company (“the Ordinary Shares”) have been issued to settle the purchase of 8,826 American Depositary Shares, each representing two Ordinary Shares (“ADSs”) by employees who participated in the ESPP. Further details in relation to the ESPP were contained in the Company’s announcement of 2 September 2020.O. James Sterling, Chief Financial Officer, participated in the plan and acquired 4,596 ordinary shares (2,298 ADSs)...
BAINS DE MER MONACO : Le Groupe S.B.M. a finalisé son plan de réduction des coûts
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SOCIETE DES BAINS DE MERET DU CERCLE DES ETRANGERS A MONACOLe Groupe S.B.M. a finalisé son plan de réduction des coûtsMonaco, le 4 mars 2021.Comme annoncé il y a quelques mois, la crise sanitaire liée à l’épidémie de Covid-19 et le choc économique engendré par cette dernière ont obligé la Société des Bains de Mer à accélérer la mise en œuvre d’un plan de restructuration global, notamment en matière sociale.Rendu particulièrement nécessaire du fait d’un déficit chronique de ses exploitations hôtelières et de restauration et de son activité casino, lié notamment à un niveau de charge salariale en inadéquation avec le niveau de chiffre d’affaires généré, ce travail de restructuration a été mené avec succès.Le plan de restructuration conduit par le Groupe S.B.M. se trouve concrétisé par :un plan de départs volontaires, ouvert aux salariés...
Sangoma Files Its Management Information Circular for Its Special Meeting of Shareholders to Approve Its Acquisition of Star2Star
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MARKHAM, Ontario, March 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sangoma Technologies Corporation (“Sangoma”) (TSXV: STC), a trusted leader in delivering cloud-based Communications-as-a-Service (“CaaS”) solutions, today is providing an update in connection with its proposed acquisition of StarBlue Inc. (the parent company of Star2Star Communications, LLC herein “Star2Star”), which was previously announced on January 29, 2021 (collectively, the “Acquisition”).Sangoma today has filed its management information circular (the “Circular”) and related materials under its profile on and on Sangoma’s website. In addition, Sangoma has mailed these documents to shareholders in order to obtain shareholder approval of the Acquisition and creation of a new “Control Person” of Sangoma (see below) at a virtual special meeting of shareholders...
SAVENCIA FROMAGE & DAIRY : Comptes annuels 2020
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Jeudi 4 mars 2021COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE : comptes annuels 2020Résilience forte dans la criseLe chiffre d’affaires du Groupe Savencia Fromage & Dairy progresse au titre de l’exercice 2020 de 153 millions d’euros ou 3,1% par rapport à l’exercice précédent. Cette évolution résulte d’un effet de structure positif de 6,0% provenant principalement de l’intégration de CF&R à compter du mois de mai 2020, d’un fort effet de change négatif de 3,3% en lien avec la revalorisation de l’euro et d’une croissance organique de 0,6%. Ces différents impacts ont été développés dans un communiqué en date du 5 février 2021.A 211,4 millions d’euros, le résultat opérationnel courant 2020 croît de 19,3 millions d’euros. Les...