Day: March 2, 2021
Communiqué de presse2 mars 2021 – N° 6SCOR annonce la publication de sonDocument d’enregistrement universel 2020Le Document d’enregistrement universel 2020 du groupe SCOR a été déposé auprès de l’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) le 2 mars 2021.Ce document est disponible sur le site Internet de la société à l’adresse et sur le site Internet de l’AMF Des exemplaires du Document d’enregistrement universel 2020 sont également disponibles au siège de SCOR :5 avenue Kléber75795 Paris cedex 16Les informations suivantes sont intégrées dans le Document d’enregistrement universel 2020 :le rapport financier annuel 2020;le rapport du conseil d’administration sur le gouvernement d’entreprise ;le descriptif du programme de rachat d’actions.** *ContactsMediaJérôme Guilbert+33 (0)1 58 44 79 19media@scor.comInvestor...
Investeringsforeningen Falcon Invest – Opdateret prospekt
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Investeringsforeningen Falcon Invest har offentliggjort opdateret prospekt for foreningen.Prospektet er opdateret som følge af offentliggørelse af Årsrapport 2020 m.m.Opdateret prospekt kan findes på foreningens hjemmeside og er tillige vedhæftet denne meddelelse.Eventuelle spørgsmål kan rettes til undertegnede på telefon 3814 6600.Med venlig hilsenNiels Erik EberhardDirektørVedhæftet filFalcon Prospekt Marts 2021_final
Eik fasteignafélag hf.: Financial Statements of Eik fasteignafélag hf. 2020
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Income from operations for the year amounted to ISK 8,345 million.Rental income for the year amounted to ISK 7,562 million compared to ISK 7,393 million in the year 2019.Operating profit before changes in value and depreciation amounted to ISK 5,038 million.Total profit for the year amounted to ISK 693 million.Changes in value of investment properties amounted to ISK 594 million.Net cash provided by operating activities amounted to ISK 1,858 million in the year.The book value of investment properties amounted to ISK 98,404 million.Assets for own use amounted to ISK 3,789 million.Interest-bearing debt amounted to ISK 62,001 million at year end.Total assets amounted to ISK 106,050 million.Equity ratio was 31.3%.Profit per share was ISK 0.25.Economic occupancy rate was 92.0% at year end.Weighted indexed interest rates were 3.15% at year...
Eik fasteignafélag hf.: Ársreikningur Eikar fasteignafélags hf. 2020
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Rekstrartekjur ársins námu 8.345 ársins námu 7.562 samanborið við 7.393 árið 2019.Rekstrarhagnaður fyrir matsbreytingu, söluhagnað og afskriftir nam 5.038ður ársins nam 693 fjárfestingareigna nam 594ært fé frá rekstri nam 1.858 á árinu.Bókfært virði fjárfestingareigna nam 98.404 til eigin nota námu 3.789 skuldir námu 62.001 í árslok.Heildareignir námu 106.050árhlutfall nam 31,3%.Hagnaður á hlut var 0,25 kr.Virðisútleiguhlutfall var 92,0% í lok árs.Vegnir verðtryggðir vextir námu 3,15% í árslok.Vegnir óverðtryggðir vextir námu 2,91% í árslok.Stjórn leggur til að greiddur verði út 650 arður, 0,19 kr. á hlut.Ársreikningur Eikar fasteignafélags var samþykktur af stjórn félagsins 2. mars 2021.Garðar Hannes...
Investeringsforeningen Falcon Invest – Årsrapport 2020
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Bestyrelsen for Investeringsforeningen Falcon Invest har den 2. marts 2021 afholdt bestyrelsesmøde, hvor bestyrelsen besluttede at indstille årsrapport 2020 til godkendelse på foreningens ordinære generalforsamling, der afholdes den 17. marts 2021. Årsrapporten er vedhæftet.Da afdelingerne i Falcon Invest er akkumulerende, udloddes der ikke udbytte.Henvendelser vedrørende denne meddelelse bedes rettet til undertegnede på telefon 38 14 66 00.Med venlig hilsenNiels Erik EberhardDirektørVedhæftet filFalcon Årsrapport 2020_final
Brandywine Realty Trust to Present at the Citi 2021 Virtual Global Property CEO Conference
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PHILADELPHIA, March 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Brandywine Realty Trust (NYSE:BDN) announced today that the Company will participate in a roundtable presentation at the Citi 2021 Global Property CEO Conference. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 7:30 a.m. Eastern Time and will last approximately 35 minutes.Brandywine’s presentation can be accessed live via webcast at: webcast replay will be available one hour after the conclusion of the live event and will expire March 10, 2022. In addition, the webcast can be accessed via a link on the Investor Relations page of our website at Brandywine Realty TrustBrandywine Realty Trust (NYSE: BDN) is one of the largest, publicly traded, full-service, integrated real estate...
i3 Interactive Inc. Launches BLITZPOOLS In India
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TORONTO, March 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — i3 Interactive Inc. (“i3 Interactive” or the “Company”) (CSE: BETS) (FRA: F0O3) (OTC: BLITF) – i3, a leading global online and mobile gaming company, is pleased to announce the rebranding of its recently acquired fantasy sports platform LivePools to BLITZPOOLS. With this recent development, players can now expect better and faster feature offerings like instant money withdrawals on the same day and a cumulative experience like never before. Through this rebranding, BLITZPOOLS aims to take the fantasy sports market in India by storm whereby the consumer can be guaranteed best-in-class bonuses, world-class product innovation and customer support. The platform will feature an exciting coin-based loyalty programme, where users will be rewarded with valuable coins as they increase their engagement...
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Rapala VMC CorporationStock Exchange ReleaseMarch 2, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.RAPALA VMC CORPORATION – FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT 2020 PUBLISHEDRapala VMC Corporation’s Financial Statements and Corporate Governance Statement 2020 have been published as attachments to this stock exchange release.These statements and other investor information as well as report on corporate responsibility and remuneration report are available on the Group’s corporate website at in English and Finnish.For the first time, Rapala VMC Corporation publishes the Financial Statements in accordance with European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) reporting requirements. In line with the ESEF requirements, the primary statements have been labelled with XBRL tags. These XBRL tags have not been subject to audit.RAPALA VMC...
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Rapala VMC OyjPörssitiedote2.3.2021 klo 17.00RAPALA VMC OYJ – TILINPÄÄTÖS SEKÄ SELVITYS HALLINTO- JA OHJAUSJÄRJESTELMÄSTÄ 2020 ON JULKAISTURapala VMC Oyj:n vuoden 2020 tilinpäätös sekä selvitys hallinto- ja ohjausjärjestelmästä on julkaistu tämän pörssitiedotteen liitteinä.Nämä julkaisut, muuta sijoittajainformaatiota sekä yritysvastuuraportti ja palkitsemisraportti ovat saatavilla konsernin internetsivuilla osoitteessa suomeksi ja englanniksi.Rapala VMC Oyj julkaisee tilinpäätöksen ensimmäistä kertaa European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) -raportointivaatimusten mukaisesti. ESEF-vaatimusten mukaan konsernitilinpäätöksen päälaskelmat on merkitty XBRL-merkeillä. XBRL-merkinnät eivät ole kuuluneet tilintarkastuksen piiriin.RAPALA VMC OYJNicolas WarchalowskiToimitusjohtajaLisätietoja antavat:Olli Aho, sijoittajasuhteet,...
El Pollo Loco Earns Top 10 Spot in Newsweek and Statista’s 2021 Rating of America’s Best Loyalty Programs
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COSTA MESA, Calif., March 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — El Pollo Loco, Inc. (“El Pollo Loco” or “Company”) (Nasdaq: LOCO), the nation’s leading fire-grilled chicken restaurant chain, earned a top 10 spot on Newsweek’s 2021 ranking of America’s Best Loyalty Programs, which was compiled using consumer feedback on 241 programs in 43 categories. Members of El Pollo Loco’s Loco Rewards™ program gave it top marks after evaluating a number of criteria, including how likely they would be to recommend it to others, the level of trust they felt in the program, the quality of customer support provided, and the perceived value of the benefits offered.El Pollo Loco launched its redesigned Loco Rewards program last fall as part of the company’s ongoing digital transformation efforts. The new and improved version debuted an enhanced, personalized...