Day: March 1, 2021
TIVOLY Société Anonyme au capital de 11 079 900 eurosSiège Social : 266 route Portes de Tarentaise – 73790 Tours-en-SavoieR.C.S. Chambéry : 076 120 021•Ce nombre est calculé sur la base de l’ensemble des actions auxquelles sont attachés desdroits de vote, y compris les actions privées de droits de vote, conformément à l’article 223-11 du Règlement général de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers relatif au calcul des franchissements des seuils de nombre de droits de vote.**A titre d’information, nombre calculé « net » des actions privées de droits de vote.Le 1ermars 2021 TIVOLY est un groupe industriel qui a pour vocation la conception, la production et lacommercialisation d’outils de coupe et de produits et services associés destinés aux professionnels de lafabrication et de la maintenance, aux artisans et aux parti...
COFACE SA: Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at 28 February 2021
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Paris, 1st March 2021 – 17:45 COFACE SA: Disclosure of total number of voting rights and number of shares in the capital as at 28 February 2021 Attachment2021 02 28 Declaration Shares&Voting Rights EN
COFACE SA : Déclaration du nombre total des droits de vote et du nombre d’actions composant le capital social au 28 février 2021
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Paris, le 1 mars 2021 – 17h45 COFACE SA : Déclaration du nombre total des droits de vote et du nombre d’actions composant le capital social au 28 février 2021 y compris actions auto-détenuesdéduction faite des actions auto-détenues Pièce jointe2021 02 28 Declaration Actions&Droits de Vote FR
Orion Corporation: Transfer of 99,768 own B shares on 1 March 2021
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ORION CORPORATION STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 1 MARCH 2021 at 18.45 EET Orion Corporation: Transfer of 99,768 own B shares on 1 March 2021In accordance with a decision by the Board of Directors, Orion Corporation has on 1 March 2021 transferred altogether 99,768 Orion Corporation B shares held by the company as a share reward for earning periods 2018–2020 and 2019–2020 to the persons belonging to the Share-based Incentive Plan of the Orion Group. The transfer is based on the authorisation by the Annual General Meeting of 26 March 2019.The price per share of the transferred shares is EUR 34.1055, which is the volume weighted average quotation of the Orion Corporation B share on 1 March 2021. Accordingly, the total transaction price of the transferred shares is EUR 3,402,637.52.After the share transfer, the total number...
Orion Oyj: 99 768 oman B-osakkeen luovutus 1.3.2021
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ORION OYJ PÖRSSITIEDOTE 1.3.2021 KLO 18.45 Orion Oyj: 99 768 oman B-osakkeen luovutus 1.3.2021Orion Oyj:n hallituksen päätöksen mukaisesti Orion Oyj on 1.3.2021 luovuttanut yhteensä 99 768 kpl yhtiön hallussa olevaa Orion Oyj:n B-osaketta Orion-konsernin avainhenkilöiden kannustinjärjestelmään kuuluville henkilöille ansaintajaksoilta 2018–2020 ja 2019–2020 maksettavina osakepalkkioina. Luovutus perustuu yhtiökokouksen 26.3.2019 antamaan valtuutukseen.Luovutettujen osakkeiden osakekohtainen luovutushinta on 34,1055 euroa, joka on Orion Oyj:n B-osakkeen kaupankäyntimäärällä painotettu keskikurssi 1.3.2021. Luovutettujen osakkeiden luovutushinta on näin ollen yhteensä 3 402 637,52 euroa.Luovutuksen jälkeen Orion Oyj:n hallussa on 571 314 kpl yhtiön omia B-osakkeita.Kannustinjärjestelmistä...
Medical Doctors Forced to Invent Safer Mask Following Covid-19 Death of Colleague
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Los Angeles, CA, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — KRONOS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (OTC MARKETS: KNOS) (“KNOS” or the “Company”), product development and production company that has significantly changed the way air is moved, filtered and sterilized announced today that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire medical mask startup, Merit Mask, Inc.Merit’s masks are designed to address many issues, like perfect fit, sealing, reusable, eco-friendly, as well as comfortable to be worn for long-hour hospital shifts.This acquisition reinforces Kronos’ commitment to expanding its offering of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and the development of the most advanced PPE products through M&A (mergers and acquisitions) opportunities as well as through R&D with the goal of improving personal...
TC Energy announces consideration of subordinated notes offering by TransCanada Trust
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CALGARY, Alberta, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — News Release – TC Energy Corporation (TSX, NYSE: TRP) (TC Energy or the Company) today announced that TransCanada Trust (the Trust), a wholly-owned financing trust subsidiary of TransCanada PipeLines Limited (TCPL), is considering an offering of subordinated trust notes (Trust Notes), guaranteed on a subordinated basis by TCPL, under the Trust’s short form base shelf prospectus dated February 26, 2021.If a successful offering is completed, the Company intends to use the proceeds to redeem its issued and outstanding Cumulative Redeemable Minimum Rate Reset First Preferred Shares, Series 13 (TSX:TRP.PR.J) pursuant to their terms, and pending such redemption, to reduce short-term indebtedness as well as for general corporate purposes. There is no certainty that the Trust will...
MT Højgaard Holding A/S: Reporting of trading in MT Højgaard Holding A/S shares by senior management
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Statement of transactions by members of senior management and their related parties in shares, issued by MT Højgaard Holding A/S and related securities, cf. article 19 of the EU Regulation 596/2014.Further information:CFO of MT Højgaard Holding, Martin Solberg, can be contacted on telephone +45 22 70 93 65.AttachmentMTHH_notification of transaction_1Mar21
MT Højgaard Holding A/S: Indberetning af ledende medarbejders handel med aktier i MT Højgaard Holding A/S
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MT Højgaard Holding A/S offentliggør oplysninger om ledende medarbejderes og disses nærtståendes transaktioner med aktier udstedt af MT Højgaard Holding A/S og dertil knyttede værdipapirer, jf. EU-forordning 596/2014 artikel 19.Yderligere oplysninger:Henvendelse til koncernfinansdirektør i MT Højgaard Holding, Martin Solberg, kan ske på telefon +45 22 70 93 65.Vedhæftet filMTHH_indberetning af handel_1mar21
ScottsMiracle-Gro Provides Update to its Fiscal 2021 Outlook for the U.S. Consumer Segment
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MARYSVILLE, Ohio, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company (NYSE: SMG), one of the world’s leading marketers of branded consumer lawn and garden as well as hydroponic and indoor growing products, announced this morning it now expects to report positive growth in its U.S. Consumer segment, an increase from its previous sales guidance of flat to minus 5 percent on the fiscal year.“Having just finished fiscal February this past Saturday, we now have enough visibility to say that we expect positive sales growth in the U.S. Consumer business on a year-over-year basis,” Senior Vice President and interim CFO Cory Miller said during the 42nd Annual Raymond James Institutional Investors Conference. “Shipments remain well ahead of last year’s base as retailers prepare for the peak of the lawn and garden season. And...