Day: March 1, 2021
TULSA, Okla., March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BOK Financial has named Stacy Kymes Chief Operating Officer with responsibility for all revenue-generating divisions. Kymes, who has been with the company for almost 25 years, previously served as executive vice president over all specialized banking areas, including energy, commercial real estate, healthcare, treasury services and TransFund.In his new role, Kymes will assume leadership of the company’s Regional and Commercial banking division, led by Executive Vice President Norm Bagwell; the Consumer banking division, led by Executive Vice President Derek Martin; and the Wealth Management division, led by Executive Vice President Scott Grauer while maintaining his current responsibilities.“Stacy has excelled at every level of his career at BOKF since joining us in 1996. Naming him...
Compass Diversified Announces Proposed Private Offering of $750 Million of Senior Unsecured Notes Due 2029
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WESTPORT, Conn., March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Compass Diversified (NYSE: CODI) (“CODI”), a Delaware statutory trust and the sole owner of 100% of the trust interests in Compass Group Diversified Holdings, LLC (the “Company”), and the Company announced today that the Company intends, subject to market and other conditions, to commence an offering of $750 million of senior unsecured notes due 2029 (the “Notes”) in a private offering.The Company intends to use the net proceeds of the Notes offering, together with borrowings from a refinancing transaction concurrent with the Notes offering, to repay debt under the Company’s existing credit facilities and to redeem the Company’s 8.000% Senior Notes due 2026. The offering of the Notes is not conditioned upon the consummation of the Company’s concurrent refinancing transaction.The...
Cenovus provides Series 1 and Series 2 First Preferred Shares conversion privilege notice, Series 1 and Series 2 First Preferred Shares dividend rate notice
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CALGARY, Alberta, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cenovus Energy Inc. (TSX: CVE) (NYSE: CVE) is providing notice the company does not intend to exercise its right to redeem its Cumulative Redeemable First Preferred Shares, Series 1 (Series 1 Shares) and Cumulative Redeemable First Preferred Shares, Series 2 (Series 2 Shares) on March 31, 2021. As a result, subject to certain conditions:the holders of Series 1 Shares have the right to choose one of the following options with regard to their shares:retain any or all of their Series 1 Shares and continue to receive an annual fixed-rate dividend paid quarterly; orconvert, on a one-for-one basis, any or all of their Series 1 Shares into Series 2 Shares and receive an annual floating-rate dividend paid quarterly, andthe holders of Series 2 Shares have the right to choose one of the...
L Brands to Present at the J.P. Morgan Global High Yield & Leveraged Finance Conference
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COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L Brands, Inc. (NYSE:LB) is scheduled to participate in the J.P. Morgan Global High Yield & Leveraged Finance Conference on March 2, 2021. Stuart Burgdoerfer, executive vice president and chief financial officer, will be making a presentation at approximately 8:30 a.m. ET. A link to the presentation will be available on our website at L BRANDS:L Brands, through Bath & Body Works, Victoria’s Secret and PINK, is an international company. The company operates 2,669 company-operated specialty stores in the United States, Canada and Greater China, in more than 700 franchised locations worldwide and through its websites worldwide.Safe Harbor Statement Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995We caution that any forward-looking statements (as...
Encres Dubuit : chiffre d’affaires consolidé 2020
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COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSELe 1er mars 2021CHIFFRE D’AFFAIRES CONSOLIDÉ POUR L’ANNEE 2020 : 18,6 M€UNE ANNEE CONTRASTEE DU FAIT DE LA CRISE SANITAIRE COVID-19Le Groupe Encres DUBUIT réalise au 31 décembre 2020 un chiffre d’affaires consolidé de 18,6 M€, en retrait de -21 % par rapport au 31 décembre 2019.A taux de change constants, le chiffre d’affaires pour l’année 2020 s’élève à 18,8 M€ en repli de -20,4 % par rapport à l’exercice précédent.Bien que la pandémie liée à la covid-19 continue à affecter l’activité du Groupe, le second semestre 2020 montre un ralentissement de la baisse du chiffre d’affaires semestriel limité à -10,2% contre -30,5 % au 30 juin 2020.Détail des ventes par zones géographiques (Chiffres non audités)Taux de change courant : (*) Du 1er janvier 2020 au 31 décembre 2020 ; (**) Du 1er janvier 2019 au 31 décembre 2019.Le...
DPA Group N.V.: DPA en Gilde bereiken overeenstemming over openbaar bod in contanten op alle aandelen DPA
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Dit is een gezamenlijk persbericht van DPA en de Bieder overeenkomstig de bepalingen van artikel 4 lid 1 en lid 3, artikel 5 lid 1 en artikel 7 lid 3 van het Besluit openbare biedingen Wft en bevat voorwetenschap in de zin van artikel 7 lid 1 van de Europese verordening marktmisbruik. De informatie in dit persbericht heeft geenszins tot doel volledig te zijn. Dit persbericht is uitsluitend voor informatieve doeleinden en behelst geen aanbod of uitnodiging tot het doen van een aanbod om effecten te kopen, verkopen of hierop in te schrijven. In het geval de Engelse versie en de Nederlandse versie van dit persbericht afwijken, is het Engelstalige persbericht leidendDPA en Gilde bereiken overeenstemming over openbaar bod in contanten op alle aandelen DPADPA Group N.V. (“DPA”) en Gilde Equity Management (GEM) Benelux Partners B.V. (“Gilde”)...
Canoe Financial launches private equity product partnership with Fiera Comox
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CALGARY, Alberta, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Canoe Financial (“Canoe”) announced today it has partnered with Fiera Comox Partners (“Fiera Comox”), an affiliate of Fiera Capital Corporation (TSX – FSZ), to launch Canoe Global Private Equity Fund. Canoe Global Private Equity Fund is a comprehensive private equity solution that offers Canadian investors access to an institutional asset class in an innovative open-end structure.Fiera Comox currently manages over $1 billion in AUM in alternative assets for institutional and private clients. The leadership team is well-entrenched in the private equity market with a successful track record of managing multi-billion dollar private equity portfolios for large private equity firms, pension funds and sovereign wealth funds.“Canoe’s partnership with Fiera Comox further strengthens our...
Tallinna Sadam comment on the claim filed by Tallink
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In its recent stock exchange announcement, AS Tallink Grupp (hereinafter: “Tallink”) announced that it has filed a claim against AS Tallinna Sadam (hereinafter: “Tallinna Sadam”) in the amount of EUR 15.4 million on 01.03.2021 and the submitted claim includes fees paid by AS Tallink Grupp in 2017, 2018 and 2019. Tallinna Sadam has not received the claim yet.In the opinion of Tallinna Sadam, the claim filed by Tallink for compensation of allegedly unfair port dues is unreasonable and Tallinna Sadam intends to stand up for the sustainability of the company and the interests of its shareholders.The port dues established by Tallinna Sadam for passenger ships are most competitive in the Baltic Sea region, being still lower than the comparable dues of the ports of Helsinki and Stockholm. Whereas Tallinna Sadam offers a modern port service...
Tallinna Sadama kommentaar Tallinki esitatud hagiavalduse kohta
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AS Tallink Grupp teatas oma äsjases börsiteates, et on 01.03.2021 esitanud hagiavalduse ASi Tallinna Sadam vastu 15,4 miljoni euro suuruses nõudes ning esitatud nõue hõlmab ASi Tallink Grupp poolt makstud tasusid aastatel 2017, 2018 ja 2019. Tallinna Sadam ei ole veel hagiavaldust kätte saanud.Tallinna Sadama hinnangul on Tallinki esitatud hagiavaldus väidetavalt ebaõiglaste sadamatasude hüvitamiseks põhjendamatu ning Tallinna Sadam kavatseb seista ettevõtte jätkusuutlikkuse ja oma aktsionäride huvide eest.Reisilaevadele Tallinna Sadama poolt kehtestatud sadamatasud on Läänemere piirkonna konkurentsivõimelisemad, olles jätkuvalt madalamad Helsingi ja Stockholmi sadamate võrreldavatest tasudest. Sealjuures pakub Tallinna Sadam kvaliteetsel infrastruktuuril ja uuenduslikel lahendustel põhinevat kaasaegset teenust.Tallinna Sadamal on pikaajaline...
Amy Armstrong Named Global CEO for Initiative
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New York, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG) announced today that long-term Initiative leader Amy Armstrong is being named Chief Executive Officer of the global media agency. She succeeds Mat Baxter, who will take on the role of Global Chairman at Initiative through 2021. Mat has served as Initiative’s CEO since 2016, and will stay within IPG in a new leadership role that the company plans to announce in the coming months.Amy has held leadership roles at various IPG agencies for over 20 years, most recently as U.S. CEO for Initiative. Since joining Initiative in 2016, Amy has transformed the company’s U.S. operations, including driving business results for her clients and substantial revenue growth for the agency. Amy’s leadership has focused on transparency, consistency, and fostering a high-performance...