Day: March 1, 2021
NEWPORT NEWS, Va., March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Huntington Ingalls Industries’ Newport News Shipbuilding division today hosted the groundbreaking for a new home that will be built in partnership with Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg.Adhering to COVID-19 protocols, a private gathering was held at the site of the 19th build project to be undertaken by Habitat and shipyard volunteers since the collaboration began in 2002. Attending the socially distanced event were Newport News Shipbuilding representatives, Habitat staff and the future homeowners, Mickeia Hunter and her sons, 18-year-old Cinque and 7-year-old Nehemiah.“It’s been nearly 20 years now that our shipbuilders have partnered with Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg to build these homes that provide families a place where they...
GOGL – Special General Meeting
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1 March 2021Golden Ocean Group Limited (NASDAQ and OSE: GOGL) (the “Company”) advises that a Special General Meeting of the Company will be held on 26 March 2021 to consider a proposal to increase the Company’s authorized share capital. The record date for voting at the Special General Meeting is set to 3 March 2021. The notice, agenda and any associated material will be distributed prior to the meeting.The Board of DirectorsGolden Ocean Group LimitedHamilton, BermudaThis information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to Euronext Oslo Rule Book II item 4.2.4.
COMPAGNIE LEBON : chiffre d’affaires 2020
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COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSEParis le 2 mars 2021 à 18 heuresChiffre d’affaires 2020 :les activités financières atténuent le fort impactde la crise sanitaire sur le secteur d’exploitation(1) Chiffres issus de la présentation IFRS8 des comptes sectorielsLa Compagnie Lebon développe quatre métiers complémentaires et une activité patrimoniale regroupés en un secteur financier (capital investissement et immobilier) et un secteur d’exploitation (hôtellerie, thermalisme et activité patrimoniale).Le secteur financier, activité cyclique du Groupe, réalise des investissements dont l’objectif est la création de valeur. L’immobilier génère un chiffre d’affaires non récurrent issu des loyers et des cessions de « stocks » d’immeubles. Le chiffre d’affaires du capital investissement est généré par les honoraires de gestion. Pour mémoire, l’indicateur...
Referat af ordinær generalforsamling afholdt fuldstændig elektronisk mandag den 1. marts 2021
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Dato: 1. marts 2021Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen A/S Nikolaj Plads 61007 København KFondsbørsmeddelelse nr. 4/2021Referat af ordinær generalforsamling afholdt fuldstændig elektronisk mandag den 1. marts 2021Formanden for bankens repræsentantskab Hans Ladekjær Jeppesen bød velkommen til de fremmødte aktionærer.Efter velkomsten gav formanden ordet til den af bankens repræsentantskab udpegede dirigent advokat Bo Ascanius.Dirigenten konstaterede indledningsvis, at de nødvendige indkaldelsesvarsler havde været iagttaget, samt at indkaldelsen, oplysning om antal aktier og stemmerettigheder, dagsorden, de fuldstændige forslag herunder revideret årsrapport, bankens vederlagsrapport for 2020, bankens vederlagspolitik 2021, processen...
Brookfield Property REIT Inc. Completes 2020 Annual Filings
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BROOKFIELD NEWS, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Brookfield Property REIT Inc. (NASDAQ: BPYU) announced today that it has filed its 2020 annual report on Form 10-K, including its audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2020, with the SEC on EDGAR. This document is also available on the website at and a hard copy will be provided to shareholders and other interested parties free-of-charge upon request.About Brookfield Property REIT Inc.Brookfield Property REIT Inc. (“BPYU”) is a subsidiary of Brookfield Property Partners L.P., (NASDAQ: BPY; TSX: BPY.UN) (“BPY”) one of the world’s premier real estate companies, with approximately $88 billion in total assets. BPYU was created as a public security that is intended to offer economic equivalence to an investment in BPY in the form...
Scorpio Gold Updates Reporting at Mineral Ridge Project
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Scorpio Gold Corporation (“Scorpio Gold” or the “Company”) (TSXV: SGN) reports an announcement made by Titan Mining Corporation (“Titan”) on February 26, 2021 regarding the Company’s 100% owned Mineral Ridge project, Esmeralda County, Nevada. Titan Mining Corporation can earn an 80% joint venture interest by spending a total of US$35 million over a staged period of five years. If Titan spends the initial US$7 million of expenditures by January 1, 2022, it will also have the right to acquire a 100% interest by paying Scorpio Gold US$35 million on or before December 31, 2022.The Titan February 26, 2021 press release is quoted as follows:“Titan announced that in satisfying the reporting requirements of the British Columbia Securities Commission Titan commissioned an independent...
FRP Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: FRPH) Announces Results for the Fourth Quarter and Year Ended December 31, 2020
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JACKSONVILLE, Fla., March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FRP Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ-FRPH) Fourth Quarter Operational HighlightsFinished shell construction and began lease-up on The Coda, the first building in our Bryant Street joint venture in Washington, DCPurchased 55 acres for future industrial development in Aberdeen, MDFourth Quarter Consolidated Results of OperationsNet income for the fourth quarter of 2020 was $393,000 or $.04 per share versus $2,453,000 or $.25 per share in the same period last year. The fourth quarter of 2020 was impacted by the following items:Operating expense includes a $250,000 credit for settlement of environmental claims on our Anacostia property while the same quarter last year had $463,000 of related professional fees.Interest income decreased $1,062,000 primarily due to $441,000 reduced bond interest...
Brookfield Property Partners Completes 2020 Annual Filings
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BROOKFIELD NEWS, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Brookfield Property Partners L.P. (NASDAQ: BPY; TSX: BPY.UN) announced today that it has filed its 2020 annual report on Form 20-F, including its audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2020, with the SEC on EDGAR as well as with the Canadian securities authorities on SEDAR. These documents are also available at and a hard copy will be provided to unitholders and other interested parties free-of-charge upon request.Brookfield Property PartnersBrookfield Property Partners, through Brookfield Property Partners L.P. and its subsidiary Brookfield Property REIT Inc., is one of the world’s premier real estate companies, with approximately $88 billion in total assets. We own and operate iconic properties in the world’s major markets, and our global...
One World Universe Inc. Announces the Addition of Steven Napoles
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HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — One World Universe Inc. (OTC: OWUV), a publicly traded company that invests in sports memorabilia, distressed assets, business opportunities within emerging industries and providing humanitarian efforts in over 185 countries, has issued a corporate update to its shareholders and potential new investors.“We are pleased to announce the addition of Steven Napoles as Legal Counsel to our Team. Mr. Napoles graduated from the University of San Diego, School of Law and specializes in Business and Real Estate Law. Steve will be a great asset in guiding One World Universe as we expand our holdings into the Global Market,” stated CEO, Jerry Craig. “I am excited to join the One World Universe family, the opportunities they present and leveraging my existing...
Guardian Capital Group Limited Completes Acquisition of BNY Mellon’s Canadian Wealth Management Business
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TORONTO, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Guardian Capital Group Limited (Guardian) (TSX:GCG) (TSX:GCG.A) announced today that it has completed its acquisition of BNY Mellon Wealth Management, Advisory Services, Inc. (WMAS), a Canadian-based wealth management business. Going forward, this entity will be renamed Guardian Partners Inc. (GPI) to align with the strength of Guardian’s brand and commitment to partnerships.For almost six decades, Guardian has offered leading asset and wealth management services to investors. This addition expands its core wealth management capabilities in the ultra-high-net-worth, family office, endowment and foundations segments, areas where WMAS has both excelled and was a pioneer in developing, while advancing Guardian’s goal of growing its market presence in these segments. Adding a team with such...