Day: March 1, 2021
Hexatronic Group AB (publ) 556168-6360Pressmeddelande 1 mars 2021Hexatronic förvärvar 75% av det tyska FTTH-kompetenscentret TK-KONTOR-FREITAG GmbHHexatronic Group AB (publ) (“Hexatronic”) har den 1 mars 2021 förvärvat 75% av aktierna i TK-KONTOR-FREITAG Gmbh (”TK”).TK är ett tyskt teknikbolag som erbjuder planering- och rådgivningstjänster för installation av det passiva FTTH-nätverket åt nätägare och installatörer i Tyskland. Bolaget erbjuder bland annat utvärdering av offerter, tar fram materialspecifikationer, uppskattning av bygg- och driftkostnader, nätverksplanering och arkitektur, projektledning, byggledning och projektmonitorering.Detta förvärv gör det möjligt för Hexatronic att kombinera kompetens från TKs team med Hexatronics utbildningsbolag i Storbritannien, USA och Sverige för att även bygga upp en utbildningsenhet för...
Hexatronic to acquire 75% of the German FTTH competence centre TK-KONTOR-FREITAG GmbH
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Hexatronic Group AB (publ) 556168-6360Press Release March 1, 2021Hexatronic to acquire 75% of the German FTTH competence centre TK-KONTOR-FREITAG GmbHHexatronic Group AB (publ) (“Hexatronic”) has on March 1 acquired 75% of the shares in TK-KONTOR-FREITAG GmbH (“TK”).TK is an engineering office offering planning and consulting services for the installation of passive FTTH to network owners and installers in Germany. The service includes material concepts, construction cost estimates, network planning and architecture, project management, construction management and project supervision. This acquisition will enable Hexatronic to combine the skill sets of TK’s team with Hexatronic’s training companies in the UK, the US and Sweden to also build a comprehensive FTTH training offering for Germany and Austria to utility and installation companies...
Quadient Nearly Doubles U.S. Smart Locker Installations in 2020 and Reaches 13,000 Units Worldwide
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Quadient Nearly Doubles U.S. Smart Locker Installations in 2020 and Reaches 13,000 Units Worldwide Paris, March 1, 2021Quadient (Euronext Paris: QDT), a leader in helping businesses create meaningful customer connections through digital and physical channels, announced today its base of smart locker stations has surpassed 13,000 worldwide, representing more than 600,000 boxes overall and positioning Quadient as the second largest1 global provider of parcel locker solutions.Driven by consumer demand for safer and more secure package retrieval and the continued growth of online commerce, Parcel Pending by Quadient smart locker solutions have been installed at multifamily properties, major retailers, leading universities, corporate campuses and pick-up and drop-off (PUDO) locations. In the first nine months of the company’s fiscal year...
Quadient double pratiquement ses installations de consignes colis aux États-Unis en 2020 et dépasse les 13 000 unités dans le monde
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Quadient double pratiquement ses installations de consignes colis aux États-Unis en 2020 et dépasse les 13 000 unités dans le mondeParis, le 1er mars 2021Quadient (Euronext Paris : QDT), un leader des solutions d’entreprise visant à faire de chaque interaction client – via un canal physique ou digital – une expérience riche et personnalisée, a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir dépassé les 13 000 consignes colis installées dans le monde, ce qui représente globalement plus de 600 000 casiers et positionne Quadient comme le deuxième1 fournisseur mondial de solutions de consignes colis automatiques.Portées par la forte croissance des ventes en ligne et des attentes clients pour des retraits de colis plus sécurisés, les consignes colis intelligentes Parcel Pending by Quadient ont été adoptées et installées dans des complexes résidentiels et...
TORM plc Annual Report 2020
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“I am very pleased that our integrated One TORM platform enabled us to deliver a solid EBITDA of USD 272m and a considerable cash return to shareholders totaling USD 71m in dividends during 2020. I am further pleased that our commitment to minimize environmental impact has enabled us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 22% since 2008, showing a clear path towards our ambitious target of 40% reduction by 2030.” says Mr. Jacob Meldgaard, Executive Director.In 2020, TORM realized an EBITDA of USD 272m (2019: USD 202m). The 2020 profit before tax amounted to USD 90m (2019: USD 167m). The net profit adjusted for non-recurring items was USD 122m (2019: USD 51m) and Adjusted Return on Invested Capital (RoIC) was a very strong 9.3% (2019: 5.2%). For the full-year 2020, TORM achieved TCE rates of USD/day 19,800 (2019: USD/day 16,526). In the...
TORM plc Årsrapport 2020
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“Jeg er meget tilfreds med at vores One TORM integrerede operationelle platform sikrede TORM et solidt EBITDA på USD 272 mio. og betydelige udlodninger til vores aktionærer på i alt USD 71 mio. i 2020. Det er endvidere glædeligt, at vores fortsatte miljøindsats har betydet, at vi har formået at reducere vores relative udledning af drivhusgasser med 22% siden 2008, og banet vej for opfyldelsen af vores ambitiøse mål om en reduktion på 40% i 2030” udtaler Executive Director Jacob Meldgaard.I 2020 opnåede TORM et EBITDA på USD 272 mio. (2019: USD 202 mio.). Resultat før skat for 2020 udgjorde USD 90 mio. (2019: USD 167 mio.). Det korrigerede nettoresultat blev USD 122 mio. (2019: USD 51 mio.) og det korrigerede afkast af investeret kapital (RoIC) blev 9,3% (2019: 5,2%). For helåret 2020 opnåede TORM TCE-rater på USD/dag 19.800 (2019: USD/dag...
Storaktionærmeddelelse fra Totalbanken A/S
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I overensstemmelse med MAR skal vi herved oplyse at Strategic Investments A/S (CVR: 71064719) efter køb af aktier i Totalbanken A/S d.d. ejer 326.758 stk. aktier svarende til 10,00% af aktiekapitalen.Attachment2021-04 Storaktionærmeddelelse 20210301
TORM purchases eight MR product tankers with chemical trading capabilities from TEAM Tankers in a partly share-based transaction
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TORM has today entered into an agreement to purchase eight 2007-2012 built MR product tanker vessels from TEAM Tankers Deep Sea Ltd. for a total cash consideration of USD 82.5m and the issuance of 5.97 million shares. The transaction will increase TORM’s total fleet to 83 vessels on a fully delivered basis.The vessels are all built at the Croatian shipyard Brodotrogir and have high technical specifications with six of the vessels having specialized cargo tank configurations and extended tank segregations (IMO 2), allowing for enhanced trading flexibility through chemical trading options, while still being able to work integrated in the existing One TORM operational platform. The vessels are:TEAM Amorina (2012-built, MR)TEAM Allegro (2012-built, MR)TEAM Corrido (2011-built, MR, IMO 2)TEAM Cavatina (2010-built, MR, IMO 2)TEAM Leader (2009-built,...
TORM køber otte MR-produkttankskibe, der kan anvendes til kemikalietransport, af TEAM Tankers i en delvist aktiebaseret transaktion
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TORM har i dag indgået aftale med TEAM Tankers Deep Sea Ltd. om købet af otte MR-produkttankskibe bygget i 2007-2012 mod en samlet kontantbetaling på USD 82,5 mio. samt udstedelse af 5,97 mio. aktier. Med købet vil TORMs samlede flåde, når alle skibe er leveret, udgøre 83 skibe.Skibene er alle bygget på det kroatiske værft Brodotrogir og har høje tekniske specifikationer. Seks af skibene har en specialiseret tank-konfiguration og udvidet opdeling af tankene (IMO 2), som giver større kommerciel fleksibilitet, idet skibene kan anvendes til at transportere kemikalier, men samtidig vil indgå integreret i TORMs eksisterende operationelle One TORM platform. Skibene er følgende:TEAM Amorina (bygget i 2012, MR)TEAM Allegro (bygget i 2012, MR)TEAM Corrido (bygget i 2011, MR, IMO 2)TEAM Cavatina (bygget i 2010, MR, IMO 2)TEAM Leader (bygget i 2009,...
Claire Le Gall-Robinson, General Secretary of SCOR, is appointed to the Group Executive Committee
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Press releaseMarch 1, 2021 – N° 5Claire Le Gall-Robinson, General Secretary of SCOR, is appointed to the Group Executive CommitteeClaire Le Gall-Robinson joins SCOR’s Executive Committee with effect from today.In addition to her role as General Secretary, which she has held since 2016, Claire Le Gall-Robinson is in charge of governance, the compliance function and the legal function. She also helps to draw up and implement the Group’s strategy in terms of social and environmental responsibility.Claire Le Gall-Robinson is the second woman to join SCOR’s Executive Committee, following the appointment of Brona Magee as Deputy CEO of SCOR Global Life in September 2018.Denis Kessler, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of SCOR, comments: “I am very happy that Claire Le Gall-Robinson is joining SCOR’s Executive Committee and expanding...