Day: March 1, 2021
Press releaseVilleneuve d’Ascq, March 1, 2021The Bonduelle Group specifies its mission and enshrines it in its articles of association. “We inspire the transition toward a plant-based diet to contribute to people’s well-being and planet health”.At the presentation of its first half-year financial results for the 2020-2021 fiscal year on February 26, the Bonduelle Group presented its mission. Submitted to the shareholders’ vote at the last Shareholders’ Meeting, it was very widely approved (99.91%) and is now enshrined in the company’s articles of association. It is intended to guide the group’s future strategic choices and reinforces Bonduelle’s long-term vision. It reaffirms the company’s determination to play an active role in the socio-economic and environmental challenges of today and tomorrow.Towards...
Le Groupe Bonduelle précise sa raison d’être et l’inscrit dans ses statuts : Nous inspirons la transition vers l’alimentation végétale pour contribuer au bien-être de l’Homme et à la préservation de la planète
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Communiqué de presseVilleneuve d’Ascq, le 1er mars 2021Le Groupe Bonduelle précise sa raison d’être et l’inscrit dans ses statuts.“Nous inspirons la transition vers l’alimentation végétale pour contribuer au bien-être de l’Homme et à la préservation de la planète”.A l’occasion de la présentation des résultats semestriels de son exercice 2020-2021 ce 26 février, le Groupe Bonduelle a présenté sa raison d’être. Soumise au vote des actionnaires lors de la dernière Assemblée Générale, elle a été très largement plébiscitée (99,91%) et est désormais inscrite dans les statuts de l’entreprise. Elle doit guider les futurs choix stratégiques du groupe et conforte Bonduelle dans sa vision long terme. Elle réaffirme la volonté de l’entreprise de s’inscrire activement dans les enjeux économiques et sociétaux d’aujourd’hui et de demain.Vers un modèle...
ICG Enterprise Trust Plc: Revolving Credit Facility Update
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New €200m revolving credit facilityICG Enterprise Trust (“ICGT”) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a new four year €200m Revolving Credit Facility (“RCF”) with Credit Suisse, effective from 26 February 2021. This replaces the previous €176m facility.The RCF will be used to finance short term fluctuations in working capital and draw downs on commitments.Oliver Gardey, Head of Private Equity Fund Investments at ICG, commented:“We are very pleased to have entered into this facility, which reinforces our strong balance sheet and liquidity profile. We have an attractive pipeline of investment opportunities and are well positioned to execute them. ICG Enterprise Trust benefited from a deep pool of ICG plc expertise during the negotiation of this facility, further demonstrating the advantages of being part of the platform.”Enqui...
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Martela has concluded co-operation negotiations concerning Group’s companies in Finland.As a result of the negotiations, the restructuring of operations will lead to the reduction of approximately 21 jobs. It has also been decided about the possibility to temporarily lay-off personnel either part- or fulltime. Number of personnel and duration of the layoffs will be determined based on market conditions and business needs. Additional savings will be realized through normal retirements and other personnel turnover that will not be replaced in connection to re-organization of the operations.As a result of the stated actions it is estimated that the Corporation’s cost level will decrease approximately EUR 2.5 million on annual level and the actions will realize essentially during the third quarter of 2021. Any onetime expenses related to...
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Martelan yhteistoimintalain mukaiset neuvottelut, jotka koskivat konsernin Suomen yhtiöitä on saatu päätökseen.Neuvottelujen lopputuloksena toimintojen uudelleenjärjestelyt johtavat noin 21 tehtävän päättymiseen. Tämän lisäksi on sovittu mahdollisuudesta käyttää tarvittaessa osa- tai kokoaikaisia lomautuksia. Lomautettavien määrä, kohdentuminen ja lomautusten kesto määräytyvät markkinatilanteen ja liiketoimintatarpeiden mukaisesti. Lisäksi kustannussäästöjä kertyy normaaleista eläkkeelle siirtymisistä ja muusta henkilöstön vähentymisestä, jota ei korvata toimintojen uudelleen organisoinnin myötä.Edellä mainittujen toimenpiteiden johdosta arvioitu kustannussäästö on vuositasolla noin 2,5 miljoona euroa ja toimenpiteet toteutuvat pääosin vuoden 2021 kolmannella vuosineljänneksellä. Mahdolliset henkilöstövähennyksiin liittyvät kertaluonteiset...
Municipality Finance issues EUR 1 billion benchmark under MTN programme
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Municipality Finance PlcStock exchange release1 March 2021 at 10:00 am (EET)Municipality Finance issues EUR 1 billion benchmark under MTN programmeThe benchmark is issued under MuniFin’s EUR 40 billion programme for the issuance of debt instruments. The offering circular and the supplemental offering circular are available in English on the company’s website at has applied for the benchmark to be admitted to trading on the Helsinki Stock Exchange maintained by Nasdaq Helsinki. The public trading is expected to commence on 2 March 2021.Barclays, Citi, HSBC Continental Europe and Swedbank act as the Joint Lead Managers for the issue of the benchmark.Joakim HolmströmExecutive Vice President, Capital Markets and Sustainabilitytel. +358 9 6803 5674MuniFin (Municipality Finance Plc) is one of...
Kuntarahoitus laskee liikkeeseen miljardin euron viitelainan osana joukkovelkakirjalainaohjelmaa
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Kuntarahoitus OyjPörssitiedote1.3.2021 klo 10.00Kuntarahoitus laskee liikkeeseen miljardin euron viitelainan osana joukkovelkakirjalainaohjelmaaKuntarahoitus Oyj laskee liikkeeseen miljardin euron viitelainan 2.3.2021. Lainan maturiteetti on 10 vuotta ja eräpäivä on 2.3.2031. Lainalle maksetaan vuosittaista korkoa 0,00 %.Lainan liikkeeseenlasku tapahtuu yhtiön 40 miljardin euron joukkovelkakirjalainaohjelman alla. Ohjelmaa koskeva esite ja sen täydennys ovat saatavilla englanninkielisinä yhtiön verkkosivuilta osoitteesta on hakenut viitelainan ottamista julkisen kaupankäynnin kohteeksi Nasdaq Helsinki Oy:n pörssilistalle. Julkisen kaupankäynnin odotetaan alkavan 2.3.2021.Liikkeeseenlaskun pääjärjestäjinä toimivat Barclays, Citi, HSBC Continental Europe ja Swedbank.Kuntarahoitus Oyj on Suomen...
Agillic wins international gaming platform provider Multilot as a new client: Personalisation is the name of the game
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Press release, Copenhagen, 1 March 2021Agillic, a leading Danish omnichannel marketing software company, will help Multilot, a multinational SaaS gaming platform provider, build long-lasting customer relationships through automated and personalised communication across the customer lifecycle.Multilot offers a fully compliant turn-key gaming platform as a service (SaaS). They operate games, bingo, lotteries, raffles and games of chance on behalf of humanitarian organisations, associations, media houses and corporate partners. Multilot can manage the entire value chain, including assistance in applying for national gaming licenses, game development, assurance of compliance to laws and regulations, customer support, accounting and reporting to the authorities. Further, the company caretakes the direct communication with end-users. And it...
Chindata Group to Release Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Financial Results on March 24, 2021 and Host a Conference Call on March 25, 2021
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BEIJING, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Chindata Group Holdings Limited (“Chindata Group” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: CD), a leading carrier-neutral hyperscale data center solution provider in Asia-Pacific emerging markets, today announced that it plans to release its unaudited fourth quarter and full year 2020 financial results on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, after the market closes. The Company will hold a conference call at 8:30 A.M. on Thursday, March 25, 2021, U.S. Eastern Time, or 8:30 P.M. Beijing time on the same day to discuss the financial results.In advance of the conference call, all participants must use the following link to complete the online registration process. Upon registering, each participant will receive important details for this conference call including the date and time, a unique registrant ID, and a set...
Gold Production Continues At Santa Elena Mine; Multiple Parties Reviewing Mexus’ Properties
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CABORCA, Mexico, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mexus Gold US (OTCQB: MXSG) (“Mexus” or the “Company) announced that it continues to be approached by multiple mining companies. These companies are interested in a drill with option to purchase agreement based on their proven 43-101 results or a joint venture production partnership. All of Mexus’ properties are currently being reviewed. These include the Santa Elena mine which is currently in limited production, the Mabel gold/copper property which shows 40,000 oz Au equivalent drilled on just 5% of the property and the Ures copper/gold/silver property.Over the past year the company has opened 3 major pits at its Santa Elena mine with limited production from each. The Mexus III shear zone and quartz vein contains lower grade material at .7 gpt Au. This has occurred without the...