Day: March 1, 2021
ENENTO GROUP PLC, STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE ON 1 MARCH 2021 AT 1.00 P.M. EETNew shares in Enento Group entered into the Trade RegisterA total of 27,795 new shares were subscribed for in Enento Group Plc’s share issue directed to the company key employees without consideration.The new shares have been entered into the Trade Register on 1 March 2021. After the registration, the total number of the shares in the Company is 24,034,856 shares.The new shares produce the right to dividends and other distribution of assets as well as other shareholder rights as of the registration date 1 March 2021.Trading of new shares alongside the existing shares will commence on 2 March 2021.ENENTO GROUP PLCFor further information:Jukka RuuskaCEOTel. +358 10 270 7111Distribution:Nasdaq HelsinkiMajor Group is a Nordic knowledge...
Enento Groupin uudet osakkeet rekisteröity kaupparekisteriin
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ENENTO GROUP OYJ, PÖRSSITIEDOTE 1.3.2021 KLO 13.00Enento Groupin uudet osakkeet rekisteröity kaupparekisteriinYhteensä 27 795 uutta osaketta merkittiin vastikkeetta Enento Group Oyj:n avainhenkilöille suunnatussa osakeannissa.Uudet osakkeet on rekisteröity kaupparekisteriin 1.3.2021. Rekisteröinnin jälkeen yhtiön osakkeiden lukumäärä on yhteensä 24 034 856 osaketta.Uudet osakkeet tuottavat oikeuden osinkoon ja muuhun varojenjakoon sekä muut osakkeenomistajan oikeudet rekisteröintipäivästä lähtien 1.3.2021.Kaupankäynti uusilla osakkeilla alkaa yhdessä nykyisten osakkeiden kanssa 2.3.2021.ENENTO GROUP OYJLisätietoja:Jukka Ruuskatoimitusjohtajapuh. 010 270 7111Jakelu:Nasdaq HelsinkiKeskeiset tiedotusvä Group on pohjoismainen asiantuntijayritys, joka on tuottanut tietoa yhteiskunnan käyttöön jo vuodesta 1905....
CMC Materials to Acquire International Test Solutions
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Aurora, IL, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CMC Materials, Inc. (Nasdaq: CCMP) today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire International Test Solutions, Inc. (ITS), a leader in the design and production of innovative, high-performance consumables used to optimize critical semiconductor testing processes. Headquartered in Reno, Nevada and supplying to semiconductor manufacturers globally, ITS will become part of the company’s Electronic Materials business segment. The acquisition of ITS expands CMC Materials’ portfolio of critical, enabling solutions that help solve its customers’ most demanding challenges. With ITS’ superior combination of technical and applications expertise, talented operations team, and global sales and distribution network, CMC Materials is enhancing its leadership in partnering with...
Lexia Learning’s PowerUp Literacy Program is 2.5x More Effective in Helping English Learners Close Critical Reading Gaps
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BOSTON, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Many English Learners (ELs) across the United States have gone months without exposure to the academic English they require for success in school and that they would normally receive in formal education settings. A lack of access to connectivity and devices for distance learning, especially in low-income and under-resourced communities, has resulted in ELs being at a high risk for suffering from “COVID learning slide.” However, a recent study on the Lexia® PowerUp Literacy® (PowerUp) adaptive blended learning program found that PowerUp users outgained non-users by nearly 30 points. In fact, the program was more than 2.5 times more effective than typical interventions for both EL and non-EL middle school students. The cluster randomized control trial met ESSA’s standards for Strong Evidence—the...
Talenomille uusia franchising-yrittäjiä Ouluun ja Keravalle
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Talenom Oyj, Lehdistötiedote 1.3.2021 kello 13.00Talenomille uusia franchising-yrittäjiä Ouluun ja KeravalleTalenom Oyj on solminut uudet franchising-sopimukset, joiden myötä Ville Vittaniemi aloittaa Talenomin franchising-yrittäjänä Oulussa ja Henri Palovesi Keravalla. Talenomilla on tämän jälkeen yhteensä 22 franchising-yrittäjää.Franchising-toimintamallissa itsenäiset tilitoimistoyrittäjät tarjoavat paikallisesti asiakkailleen saman palvelukokonaisuuden kuin muutkin Talenomin toimistot hankkien uusia asiakkuuksia Talenomille. Itse kirjanpidon tekeminen on keskitetty Talenomin pitkälle automatisoituihin yksiköihin Ouluun ja Tampereelle, joissa hyödynnetään skaalautuvia tuotantoprosesseja. Franchising-toimintamalli mahdollistaa toiminnan laajentamisen tehokkaasti myös pienemmille markkina-alueille Suomessa.”On hienoa toivottaa Ville...
Talenom Plc welcomes new franchise entrepreneurs in Oulu and Kerava
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Talenom Plc Press release 1 March 2021 at 13:00 EETTalenom Plc welcomes new franchise entrepreneurs in Oulu and KeravaTalenom Plc has concluded new franchise agreements and welcomes Ville Vittaniemi in Oulu and Henri Palovesi in Kerava as the company’s new franchise entrepreneurs. The agreements bring Talenom’s total number of franchisees to 22.In the franchise model, independent franchisees offer the same accounting services to their customers locally as Talenom’s other offices and acquire new customers for Talenom. The bookkeeping activities are concentrated in Talenom’s highly automated units in Oulu and Tampere, which utilize scalable production processes. The franchising model allows for expanding the business efficiently also to smaller market areas in Finland.”It is great to welcome Ville and Henri to our franchise chain....
Core-Mark Announces 2020 Fourth Quarter and Full Year Financial Results
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Fourth Quarter 2020 Key MetricsNet Sales increased 2.3% to $4.3 BillionNet Income increased 17.3% to $19.0 MillionAdjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP)(1) increased 14.1% to $55.1 Million2020 Full Year Key MetricsNet Sales increased 1.7% to a record $17.0 BillionNet Income increased 9.5% to a record $63.2 MillionAdjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP)(1) increased 6.0% to a record $202.2 Million2021 Full Year GuidanceNet Sales expected to be between $17.2 Billion and $17.5 BillionAdjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP)(1) expected to be between $208 Million and $218 MillionBoard approves a new 3-year, $375 million shareholder return planWESTLAKE, Texas, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Core-Mark Holding Company, Inc. (NASDAQ: CORE), one of the largest marketers of fresh, food and broad-line supply solutions to the convenience retail industry in North America, announced...
Victoria Gold: Eagle Gold Mine 2021 Production Guidance
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WHITEHORSE, Yukon, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Victoria Gold Corp. (TSX-VGCX) (“Victoria” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide production and cost guidance for 2021, the Company’s first full year of commercial production at the Eagle Gold Mine in Yukon Territory, Canada.2021 Guidance Highlights:Gold production is estimated between 180,000 and 200,000 ounces (“ozs”)All-in Sustaining Costs (“AISC”)* are estimated to be between US$1,050 and US$1,175 per oz*see Non-IFRS Performance Measures below“Successful achievement of commercial production and operational ramp up were major milestones for Victoria in 2020 and were completed while navigating the additional challenges brought on by COVID-19,” stated John McConnell, President and CEO. “Since January 2021, and coincident with the seasonal no stacking period, we have completed...
Standard Lithium Successfully Produces >99.985% Purity Battery Quality Lithium Carbonate Using OEM Technology and Commences Lithium Hydroxide Conversion Program
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HIGHLIGHTS>99.985% purity lithium carbonate produced using ‘off-the-shelf’ OEM technologyNow successfully demonstrated two different flowsheets for producing battery-quality carbonateLaunch of work converting Arkansas-produced LiCl into battery quality lithium hydroxideVANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Standard Lithium Ltd. (“Standard Lithium” or the “Company”) (TSXV: SLL) (OTCQX: STLHF) (FRA: S5L), an innovative technology and lithium project development company today announced that it has successfully completed the conversion of its Arkansas-produced lithium chloride into 99.985% pure lithium carbonate using OEM technology. The work was completed by Veolia Water Technologies (Veolia) at their facility in Plainfield, Illinois, and demonstrates that the lithium chloride intermediate product produced...
Form 8.3 – [Scapa Group plc – 26-02-2021] – (CGWL)
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FORM 8.3PUBLIC OPENING POSITION DISCLOSURE/DEALING DISCLOSURE BYA PERSON WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORERule 8.3 of the Takeover Code (the “Code”)1. KEY INFORMATION2. POSITIONS OF THE PERSON MAKING THE DISCLOSUREIf there are positions or rights to subscribe to disclose in more than one class of relevant securities of the offeror or offeree named in 1(c), copy table 2(a) or (b) (as appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security.(a) Interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree to which the disclosure relates following the dealing (if any)All interests and all short positions should be disclosed.Details of any open stock-settled derivative positions (including traded options), or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities, should...