Month: February 2021
New York, New York, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (GTII: OTCQB) Global Tech Industries Group, Inc. (“GTII” or “Company”), a development stage company, focused on acquiring new and innovative technologies in diverse industries, after quotation on the OTCQB marketplace, and retaining International Monetary for capital formation and support of its investor relations efforts, today announced that it has retired its convertible debt.GTII’s President, Kathy Griffin, stated, ”GTII takes great pleasure in announcing the full repayment of the convertible debt facility previously entered into last November, 2020. Our Board and our project team are working tirelessly to execute the company’s business plan. The company was accepted back onto the “QB” as of January, 2021, so this is a continuation of what we believe will be...
Adial Schedules Town Hall to Discuss Positive Updates Regarding Pharmaceutical Pipeline and Business Expansion
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CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adial Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADIL; ADILW) (“Adial”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of treatments for addictions, today announced that it will host a Town Hall at 1 P.M., Eastern Time on Thursday, March 18, 2021.Information for shareholders interested in attending will be available at the Company’s Investors section of the website: Adial Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Adial Pharmaceuticals is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of treatments for addictions. The Company’s lead investigational new drug product, AD04, is a genetically targeted, serotonin-3 receptor antagonist, therapeutic agent for the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) and is currently being investigated...
DIAGNOS Announces Exercise of Stock Warrants and Provides a Cash Update
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BROSSARD, Quebec, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Diagnos Inc. (“DIAGNOS” or “the Corporation”) (TSX Venture: ADK) (OTCQB: DGNOF), a leader in early detection of critical health issues through the use of its FLAIRE platform based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), announces the exercise of 5,076,922 stock warrants within the past five months. The cash position of the Corporation as of today is $1,433,000.In the coming weeks, the Corporation expects to submit a first claim for disbursement under a financing agreement in the form of an interest-free loan of up to $2,000,000 from the government of Québec to support global commercialization. The financing agreement was initially announced on September 8th, 2020.The Corporation is also announcing a grant of 1,200,000 stock options to one of its directors. Stock options vest at 50% per...
DIAGNOS annonce l’exercice de bons de souscription et une mise à jour sur son encaisse
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BROSSARD, Québec, 26 févr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Diagnos inc. (« DIAGNOS », la « Société » ou « nous ») (Bourse de croissance TSX : ADK) (OTCQB : DGNOF), un leader dans le dépistage précoce de problèmes graves de santé grâce à sa technologie d’intelligence artificielle (IA) FLAIRE, annonce qu’au cours des cinq derniers mois, 5 076 922 bons de souscriptions en actions ordinaires ont été exercés. L’encaisse, en date d’aujourd’hui, s’élève à 1 433 000 $.Dans les prochaines semaines, la Société prévoit soumettre une première demande de déboursement en vertu d’une entente de financement sous forme d’un prêt sans intérêt pouvant atteindre 2 000 000 $ du gouvernement du Québec pour soutenir la commercialisation mondiale. L’entente de financement a été initialement annoncée le 8 septembre 2020.La Société annonce également...
Ayr Wellness and Liberty Health Sciences Announce Closing of Arrangement
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TORONTO, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ayr Wellness Inc. (CSE: AYR.A, OTCQX: AYRWF, “Ayr” or “the Company”) and Liberty Health Sciences Inc. (CSE: LHS, OTCQX: LHSIF, “Liberty”) are pleased to announce that they have completed the previously announced arrangement (the “Arrangement”) under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia), pursuant to which, among other things, Ayr has acquired all of the common shares of Liberty (the “Liberty Shares”).Following the overwhelming support of the Liberty shareholders in a special meeting on February 23, the Supreme Court of the British Columbia approved the Arrangement yesterday, clearing the path for the closing of the transaction this morning. Under the terms of the Arrangement, Liberty shareholders will receive 0.03683 Ayr subordinate voting shares (“Ayr Shares”)...
BriaCell Announces Closing of US$25 Million Public Offering
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BERKELEY, Calif. and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BriaCell Therapeutics Corp. (TSX-V:BCT) (NASDAQ: BCTX, BCTXW) (“BriaCell” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage biotechnology company specializing in targeted immunotherapies for advanced breast cancer, today closed its previously announced underwritten public offering in the United States. The Company offered 4,852,353 common units at a public offering price of US$4.25 per unit, consisting of one share of common stock and one warrant to purchase one share of common stock (“Warrant”), and 1,030,000 pre-funded units at a public offering price of US$4.24 per unit, consisting of one pre-funded common stock purchase warrant (“Pre-Funded Warrant”) and one Warrant. The Pre-Funded Warrants are exercisable at any time after the date of issuance at an exercise...
The Board of Directors of Artesian Resources Corporation names Rodney Wyatt Vice President of Artesian Wastewater Management
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NEWARK, Del., Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Board of Directors of Artesian Resources Corporation (Nasdaq: ARTNA), which includes operations in Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania, announced the promotion of Rodney Wyatt as Vice President of Artesian Wastewater Management, Inc. Wyatt joined the Company in 2005 and has over 40 years of professional engineering experience and operations management in the water and wastewater fields.In his new role, Mr. Wyatt will be paramount in the management of Artesian’s water recharge program, which provides the best treatment and disposal of wastewater in a safe, environmentally beneficial manner. He will also oversee project contracts, cultivate new partnerships, and maintain his readily-established, professional contacts. Mr. Wyatt will have a key role in the planning, engineering, constructing...
Lykill fjármögnun hf.: Skilyrði um afstöðu Samkeppniseftirlisins í samrunasamningi Kviku, TM og Lykils uppfyllt
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Þann 23. febrúar síðastliðinn tilkynnti Lykill fjármögnun hf. að undirrituð hefði verið samrunaáætlun vegna fyrirhugaðs samruna Kviku, TM hf. og Lykils fjármögnunar hf. Þar kom og fram að eftirfarandi fyrirvarar í samrunasamningi félaganna frá 25. nóvember sl. væru enn óuppfylltir:Fjármálaeftirlit Seðlabanka Íslands (FME) veiti samþykki fyrir samrunanum, sbr. 106 gr. laga um fjármálafyrirtæki nr. 161/2002;FME veiti Kviku samþykki fyrir eignarhaldi á virkum eignarhlut í TM tryggingum hf., TM líftryggingum hf. og Íslenskri endurtryggingu hf., sbr. 58 gr. laga um vátryggingastarfsemi nr. 100/2016;Samkeppniseftirlitið ógildi ekki samrunann eða setji íþyngjandi skilyrði að mati samrunaaðila, sbr. V. kafla samkeppnislaga nr. 44/2005; oghluthafar samþykki samrunann í samræmi við 93. gr. laga um hlutafélög nr. 2/1995 á löglega boðuðum hluthafafundum...
TM hf.: Skilyrði um afstöðu Samkeppniseftirlisins í samrunasamningi Kviku, TM og Lykils uppfyllt
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Þann 23. febrúar síðastliðinn tilkynnti TM hf. að undirrituð hefði verið samrunaáætlun vegna fyrirhugaðs samruna Kviku, TM hf. og Lykils fjármögnunar hf. Þar kom og fram að eftirfarandi fyrirvarar í samrunasamningi félaganna frá 25. nóvember sl. væru enn óuppfylltir:Fjármálaeftirlit Seðlabanka Íslands (FME) veiti samþykki fyrir samrunanum, sbr. 106 gr. laga um fjármálafyrirtæki nr. 161/2002;FME veiti Kviku samþykki fyrir eignarhaldi á virkum eignarhlut í TM tryggingum hf., TM líftryggingum hf. og Íslenskri endurtryggingu hf., sbr. 58 gr. laga um vátryggingastarfsemi nr. 100/2016;Samkeppniseftirlitið ógildi ekki samrunann eða setji íþyngjandi skilyrði að mati samrunaaðila, sbr. V. kafla samkeppnislaga nr. 44/2005; oghluthafar samþykki samrunann í samræmi við 93. gr. laga um hlutafélög nr. 2/1995 á löglega boðuðum hluthafafundum Kviku,...
Kvika banki hf: Two provisos in Kvika, TM and Lykill Merger Agreement fulfilled
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On 23 February 2021 Kvika banki hf. (“Kvika” or “the Company”) disclosed that Kvika, TM hf. And Lykill fjármögnun hf. had signed a merger plan for the companies. Therein, it was also provided that the following provisos in the original merger agreement of 25 November 2020 were yet to be satisfied:that the Financial Supervisory Authority of the Central Bank of Iceland (“FME”) give its consent for the merger, cf. Art. 106 of the Act on Financial Undertakings, No. 161/2002;that FME grant its approval for Kvika to own a qualifying holding in TM tryggingar hf, TM líftryggingar hf. and Íslensk endurtrygging hf., cf. Art. 58 of the Act on Insurance Activities, No. 100/2016;that the Competition Authority will not invalidate the merger or impose onerous conditions, in the opinion of the merging parties, cf. Chapter V of the Competition Act, No....