Day: February 28, 2021
In 2020, Admiral Markets AS set a profit record of operation2020 marked Admiral Markets AS’ most successful year. The company’s net profit was 20.3 million euros, which is 340% more than the year before. The volume of transactions increased by 110% during the year.Admiral Markets AS’ net income increased to 47.1 million euros in the past year. In 2019, this figure was 23.2 million euros. The net profit margin in 2020 was 43% (2019: 20%). In 2020, Admiral Markets AS’ customers collectively made 66.9 million transactions, compared to the previous year, when the corresponding figure was 31.8 million.Sergei Bogatenkov, Chairman of the Management Board of Admiral Markets AS, stated that last year’s record results brought the company significantly closer to the goal set for 2030 – to offer financial freedom to 10 million customers....
Admiral Markets AS 2020. aasta 12 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
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Admiral Markets AS püstitas 2020. aastal tegutsemisaja kasumirekordi2020. aasta oli Admiral Markets AS tegutsemisaja edukaim. Ettevõtte puhaskasum oli 20,3 miljonit eurot, mida on 340% rohkem kui aasta varem. Tehingute maht kasvas aastaga 110%. Admiral Markets AS-i kauplemise netotulu kasvas möödunud aastal 47,1 miljoni euroni. 2019. aastal oli vastav näitaja 23,2 miljonit eurot. Puhaskasumi marginaal oli 2020. aasta kokkuvõttes 43% (2019: 20%). 2020. aastal tegid Admiral Markets AS kliendid 66,9 miljonit tehingut, võrdluses aasta varasemaga, mil vastav näitaja oli 31,8 miljonit. Admiral Markets AS juhatuse esimees Sergei Bogatenkov ütles, et möödunud aasta rekordtulemused viisid ettevõtte märgatavalt lähemale 2030. aastaks seatud eesmärgile- pakkuda finantsvabadust 10 miljonile kliendile. “Loomulikult oleme äriliste tulemuste üle väga...
BridgeBio Pharma and Affiliate Origin Biosciences Announce FDA Approval of NULIBRY™ (fosdenopterin), the First and Only Approved Therapy to Reduce the Risk of Mortality in Patients with MoCD Type A
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Molybdenum cofactor deficiency (MoCD) Type A, an ultra-rare, life-threatening genetic disorder that progresses rapidly, results in severe and largely irreversible neurological injury, and has a high infant mortality rate; median overall survival age is about four yearsClinical trials with NULIBRY or recombinant cPMP showed a meaningful increase in overall survival compared to a natural history studyNULIBRY is BridgeBio’s first FDA-approved therapeuticPALO ALTO, Calif., Feb. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BridgeBio Pharma, Inc. (Nasdaq: BBIO) (BridgeBio) and affiliate Origin Biosciences, Inc. (Origin) today announced the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved NULIBRY™ (fosdenopterin) for Injection as the first therapy to reduce the risk of mortality in patients with molybdenum cofactor deficiency (MoCD) Type A. This is...