Day: February 26, 2021
MANAGEMENT REPORTChairman’s summary 2020 has been quite a turbulent year. It will be remembered for the start of the new virus SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 pandemic spread. Many economic sectors have suffered. Also, our group operations and results are affected. However, in spite of direct influence to the rental and hotel segment, we see an unusual increase of interest in residential real-estate sector and we are optimistic about the future.The highlights of the year were:– refinancing of secured bonds by issuing new bonds with the total value of 28.5 million euros bonds in February and listing of the bonds in July on Nasdaq Stockholm;– refinancing of majority of PKG1-PKG7 convertible bonds in exchange for new non-convertible unsecured bonds with the total value of 8.7 million euros;– start of construction of Ratsuri Houses...
Pro Kapitali nõukogu kinnitas 2020. a IV kvartali ja 12 kuu konsolideeritud vahearuande (auditeerimata)
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TEGEVUSARUANNETegevjuhi ülevaade2020. aasta on olnud võrdlemisi turbulentne. Aastat jäävad meenutama uus SARS-CoV 2 viirus ning COVID-19 pandeemia levik, mistõttu on paljud majandussektorid kahju kannatanud. Samuti ei ole pandeemiast puutumata jäänud meie grupi tegevusvaldkonnad. Samas, hoolimata otseset negatiivsest mõjust rendi- ja majutussegmendile, oleme näinud ebatavaliselt kõrget huvi meie eluaseme kinnisvarale, mistõttu vaatame tulevikku optimistlikult.Aasta olulisimad sündmused:– tagatud võlakirjade refinantseerimine ja uute võlakirjade emiteerimine veebruaris kogumahus 28,5 miljonit eurot ning võlakirjade noteerimine Nasdaq Stockholmi börsil juulikuus;– valdava osa konverteeritavate võlakirjade PKG1-PKG7 refinantseerimine ning uute mittekonverteeritavate ja tagamata võlakirjade emiteerimine kogumahus 8,7 miljonit...
TC Energy and TC PipeLines, LP announce unitholder approval and effective date of merger
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CALGARY, Alberta, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — News Release – TC Energy Corporation (TSX, NYSE: TRP) (TC Energy) and TC PipeLines, LP (NYSE:TCP) (TCP) announced that at the special meeting of TCP common unitholders held earlier today, TCP unitholders voted to approve the previously announced merger of TCP and a wholly owned subsidiary of TC Energy pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger dated December 14, 2020 (the “Merger Agreement”) between TCP, TC Energy and certain other related parties thereto.Approximately 70% of the TCP common units represented by proxy or present at the special meeting voted in favor of the approval of the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby, including the merger, which represented approximately 54.5% of TCP’s total outstanding common units as of January 15, 2021, the record...
Euronext welcomes the approval of the European Commission on the contemplated acquisition of the Borsa Italiana Group
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EURONEXT WELCOMES THE APPROVAL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION ON THE CONTEMPLATED ACQUISITION OF THE BORSA ITALIANA GROUPAmsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Oslo and Paris – 26 February 2021 – 17.45 CET – Euronext, the leading pan-European market infrastructure, today confirms that the European Commission has approved Euronext under the EU Merger Regulation as a suitable purchaser for the contemplated acquisition of the Borsa Italiana Group (the “Transaction”).This approval further improves the certainty of execution of the Transaction, by satisfying an additional major condition for the completion of the Transaction.The European Commission’s decision follows: approval of the Transaction by London Stock Exchange Group’s (“LSEG”) shareholders on 3 November 2020; approval by the German Federal Cartel Office on 11 November 2020; approval by...
Leasinvest Real Estate SCA sells the semi-industrial part of the Brixton Business Park in Zaventem
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Today the deed has been executed regarding the sale of the semi-industrial part of the Brixton Business Park in Zaventem, as already announced in the latest press release regarding the 2020 annual results. The buyer is an affiliate of Exeter Property Group. Knight Frank acted as the broker in this transaction.The Brixton Business Park comprises 5 semi-industrial buildings with a total area of 18,788 sqm. This divestment is fully in line with the strategy of Leasinvest, which is aimed at selling non-strategic properties and focusing on new sustainable projects. The current favorable market situation enabled a successful sale of this type of property.This divestment also has favorable financial effects: not only does the debt ratio now reduce to the targeted level of less than 55%, the realized capital gain on this transaction has also...
Leasinvest Real Estate Comm. VA verkoopt semi-industrieel deel van Brixton Business Park in Zaventem
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Vandaag is de akte verleden voor de verkoop van het semi-industrieel gedeelte van het Brixton Business Park te Zaventem, zoals reeds aangekondigd in het laatste persbericht aangaande de jaarresultaten 2020. De koper is een filiaal van Exeter Property Group. Knight Frank trad op als makelaar in deze transactie.Het Brixton Business Park omvat 5 semi-industriële gebouwen met een totale oppervlakte van 18.788 m². Deze desinvestering past volledig binnen de strategie van Leasinvest die gericht is op het verkopen van niet-strategische panden en te focussen op nieuwe duurzame projecten. De huidige gunstige marktsituatie liet toe om dit type vastgoed succesvol te verkopen.Deze desinvestering heeft eveneens gunstige effecten op financieel vlak: niet alleen daalt de schuldgraad nu tot het gewenste niveau van minder dan 55%, ook heeft de gerealiseerde...
Leasinvest Real Estate SCA vend la partie semi-industrielle du Brixton Business Park à Zaventem
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Aujourd’hui, l’acte de vente a été signé concernant la partie semi-industrielle du Brixton Business Park à Zaventem, comme déjà annoncé dans le dernier communiqué de presse concernant les résultats annuels 2020. L’acheteur est une filiale d’Exeter Property Group. Knight Frank est intervenu en tant que courtier dans le cadre de cette transaction.Le Brixton Business Park comprend 5 immeubles semi-industriels d’une superficie totale de 18.788 m². Ce désinvestissement s’inscrit pleinement dans la stratégie de Leasinvest, qui vise à vendre des immeubles non stratégiques et à se focaliser sur des nouveaux projets durables. La situation favorable actuelle du marché a permis la vente réussie de ce type d’immobilier.Ce désinvestissement a également des effets financiers bénéfiques : non seulement il permet au taux d’endettement de descendre au...
Cargotec Corporation: Share Repurchase 26.2.2021
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BIC_PIMACO Closing_26FEB21
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csBIC completes the divestiture of PIMACOClichy, France– 26 February 2021 –BIC announced today that it has completed the divestiture of its Brazilian adhesive label business, PIMACO, to Grupo CCRR for 40 million Brazilian Real (approximately 6.0 million euros1).The transaction was approved by the Brazilian antitrust authorities.This divestiture is consistent with BIC’s portfolio rotation strategy and its focus on fast-growing consumer businesses such as Creative Expression and Digital Writing.# #ABOUT BICA world leader in stationery, lighters and shavers, BIC brings simplicity and joy to everyday life. For more than 75 years, the Company has honored the tradition of providing high-quality, affordable, essential products to consumers everywhere. Through this unwavering dedication, BIC has become one of the most recognized brands and is...