Day: February 26, 2021
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Westhaven Gold Corp. (TSX-V:WHN) reports that it has filed a technical report in respect of its Spences Bridges Group of Properties (the “SBG Properties”), including the Shovelnose property, dated February 7, 2021 entitled “National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report on the Spences Bridge Group of Properties (SBG Group), Nicola and Kamloops Mining Divisions, British Columbia.” (the “Technical Report”) as prepared by Bruce L. Laird P.Geo. which contains exploration and drilling information about the SBG Properties. The Company clarifies that SBG Properties are early stage properties and there are no resource estimates on any of the SBG Properties.Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture...
Update: Regarding convocation of the general meeting of shareholders of Public limited liability company “Novaturas”
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AttachmentsNovaturas GMS Voting ballot paper updated 2021-03-12Annex Main conditions of convertible bond No1Annex Main conditions of convertible bond No2
Update: Dėl Akcinės bendrovės „Novaturas“ visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo sušaukimo
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2021 m. kovo 12 d. akcinės bendrovės „Novaturas“, kodas 135567698, buveinė registruota adresu A. Mickevičiaus g. 27, Kaunas, Lietuvos Respublika (toliau – Bendrovė), valdybos iniciatyva ir sprendimu šaukiamas visuotinis Bendrovės akcininkų susirinkimas (toliau – Susirinkimas).Susirinkimo vieta – AB „Novaturas“ Vilniaus filialo buveinės adresu J. Jasinskio g. 16, Vilnius, Lietuva. Susirinkimo laikas 10 val. (akcininkų registracijos pradžia – 9 val., pabaiga – 9.45 val.).Atkreipiame dėmesį, kad šio pranešimo paskelbimo dieną dėl COVID-19 pandemijos Lietuvos Respublikos teritorijoje Vyriausybės nutarimu yra paskelbtas karantinas (toliau – Karantinas), kuris apima draudimą atvirose ir uždarose erdvėse organizuoti visus renginius bei susibūrimus. Šiuo metu Karantinas nustatytas iki 2021 m. vasario 28 24:00 val. Galiojant karantinui ir minėtam...
Audited results of INVL Baltic Real Estate group of 2020
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The audited consolidated net profit of INVL Baltic Real Estate group amounted to EUR 5.42 million, the revenue was EUR 3.90 million for the period of 2020 (for 2019 – consolidated net profit was EUR 10.42 million, revenue was EUR 5.90 million).The audited net profit of INVL Baltic Real Estate itself amounted to EUR 5.52 million in 2020 and EUR 10.63 million in 2019.Additional information:The real estate investment company INVL Baltic Real Estate had an audited consolidated net profit of EUR 5.42 million in 2020, or about half the amount in 2019. The Company’s consolidated equity at the end of 2020 was EUR 28.87 million, or EUR 2.21 per share, and compared to the end of 2019 increased 12.2% (also considering dividend payments).Profit and net asset value for 2020 were affected by the sale completed last September of part of the Vilnius...
Audituoti SUTNTIB „INVL Baltic Real Estate“ 2020 m. grupės rezultatai
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2020 metų SUTNTIB „INVL Baltic Real Estate“ įmonių grupės audituotas konsoliduotas grynasis pelnas siekia 5,42 mln. eurų, o pajamos – 3,90 mln. eurų (2019 metų konsoliduotas grynasis pelnas buvo 10,42 mln. eurų, pajamos – 5,90 mln. eurų).Pačios SUTNTIB „INVL Baltic Real Estate“ 2020 m. audituotas grynasis pelnas siekia 5,52 mln. eurų, o 2019 metų siekė 10,63 mln. eurų.Papildoma informacija:Investicijų į nekilnojamąjį turtą bendrovė „INVL Baltic Real Estate“, audituotais duomenimis, per 2020 metus uždirbo 5,42 mln. eurų konsoliduoto grynojo pelno arba beveik 2 kartus mažiau nei 2019 metais. Bendrovės konsoliduoto nuosavo kapitalo vertė 2020 metų pabaigoje siekė 28,87 mln. eurų arba 2,21 euro akcijai ir, lyginant su 2019 m. pabaiga, padidėjo 12,2 proc. (įvertinus ir išmokėtus dividendus).2020 metų pelnui ir grynųjų aktyvų vertei įtakos...
Rush Enterprises announces retirement of Jim Thor, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing
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SAN ANTONIO, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rush Enterprises, Inc. (NASDAQ: RUSHA and RUSHB), which operates the largest network of commercial vehicle dealerships in North America, announced today that Senior Vice President of Truck Sales Jim Thor will retire on March 12, 2021.Thor has been a pivotal part of the development of Rush Enterprises’ vehicle sales and marketing departments since he joined the company in 2004. Thor’s oversight includes heavy-duty, medium-duty, light-duty and used truck sales, as well as bus and the company’s crane, refuse and towing sales divisions, along with the company’s marketing and communications functions.When Thor joined the organization, the company operated heavy-duty Peterbilt truck dealerships across the southern United States with a limited number of medium-duty franchises operating from...
Announcement of net asset value of INVL Baltic Real Estate as of 31 December 2020
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The net asset value of INVL Baltic Real Estate, as provided in the Articles of Association section XI ‘Valuation of assets of the company and calculation of the net asset value’, amounted to EUR 28,870,287 or EUR 2.2124 per share on 31 December 2020.The person authorized to provide additional information:Real Estate Fund Manager of Management CompanyVytautas BakšinskasE-mail
Skelbiama SUTNTIB „INVL Baltic Real Estate“ grynųjų aktyvų vertė 2020 m. gruodžio 31 d.
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Atsižvelgiant į SUTNTIB „INVL Baltic Real Estate“ įstatų XI skyrių „Bendrovės turto vertinimas ir Grynųjų aktyvų vertės skaičiavimas“, skelbiama investicinės bendrovės grynųjų aktyvų vertė, kuri 2020 m. gruodžio 31 d. buvo 28 870 287 eurų arba 2,2124 euro akcijai.Asmuo, įgaliotas suteikti papildomą informaciją:Valdymo įmonės Nekilnojamojo turto fondo valdytojasVytautas BakšinskasEl. paštas
Saia Announces Executive Team Transition
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JOHNS CREEK, Ga., Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Saia Inc. (NASDAQ: SAIA) announced today that Saia LTL Freight Executive Vice President of Operations Paul Peck will retire July 1 after a distinguished 44 year career. As part of the planned succession, effective March 31, Patrick Sugar will be named executive vice president of operations and Peck will continue to support the transition through his retirement date.“It has been my privilege and honor to know and work with Paul,” said Saia President and CEO Fritz Holzgrefe. “He has been a big part of the company’s growth and success over the years. We will miss the leadership Paul has provided, but know the culture, operational impacts and strong teams he’s developed will shape Saia well into the future.”Peck’s career at the company began in 1977 at the New...
ReWalk Robotics Announces Closing of $40.0 Million Private Placement Priced At-the-Market
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MARLBOROUGH, Mass. and BERLIN and YOKNEAM ILIT, Israel, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ReWalk Robotics Ltd. (Nasdaq: RWLK) (“ReWalk” or the “Company”) today announced the closing of its previously announced private placement of 10,921,502 ordinary shares and warrants to purchase up to 5,460,751 ordinary shares, at a purchase price of $3.6625 per share and associated warrant, that was priced “at-the-market” under Nasdaq rules and resulted in gross proceeds of approximately $40.0 million before the deduction of placement agent fees and expenses and estimated offering expenses payable by the Company. The warrants have a term of five and one-half years, are exercisable immediately and have an exercise price of $3.60 per ordinary share.H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC acted as the sole placement agent for the offering.The Company intends...