Day: February 26, 2021
AB „Snaigė“ neaudituotais konsoliduotais duomenimis per 2020 metus pasiekė 29 mln. EUR apyvartą, t.y. 9 proc. mažiau nei 2019 metais.Pasak AB „Snaigė“ generalinio direktoriaus Mindaugo Sologubo, didžiausią įtaką pardavimų mažėjimui turėjo pirmasis karantinas. „Dėl pavasarį įvestų apribojimų porą mėnesių bendrovės gamykla Alytuje buvo priversta dirbti nepilnu pajėgumu, dalis darbuotojų buvo prastovose,“ – teigė M. Sologubas. „- Strigo ir tiekimas, nes daugelis mūsų tiekėjų buvo pandemijos paveiktose šalyse.“Tačiau trečiąjį ketvirtį bendrovės pardavimai jau siekė 2019 metų trečiojo ketvirčio lygį. O ketvirtąjį, palyginus su 2019 m. – viršijo 12 proc. Tačiau to neužteko pavasarį patirtiems praradimams padengti.Pasak M. Sologubo karantino kontekste buitiniai šaldytuvai ir ypač – šaldikliai buvo itin paklausūs. Daugelyje šalių jų poreikis...
Mojave Announces Appointment of New Director and CEO
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mojave Gold Corp. (CSE: MOJ) (OTCBB: MOJGF) (“Mojave” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the appointment of Cole McClay as Director and CEO. In his various entrepreneurial roles, Cole McClay has been instrumental in raising venture capital and operations consulting for international mining, exploration, agriculture, and health care businesses. Cole holds over 10 years of senior management experience, where he was influential in the development of corporate strategy, operations, and marketing platforms. Cole is a skilled team builder who supervised management teams from the business start‐up phase through to whole company acquisition. Mr. McClay holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from Royal Roads University.Cole McClay, CEO of Mojave states:“I am excited to lead the...
Famous Dave’s To Introduce New Line-Service Model in September
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MINNETONKA, Minn., Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Famous Dave’s, the fast-growing barbeque franchise with 117 restaurants in markets across the country, is introducing a streamlined new restaurant prototype in September.BBQ Holdings, Famous Dave’s parent franchisor, has struck an agreement with DTSG, one of its legacy franchisee groups, to open Famous Dave’s Quick-Que’, its first line-service model restaurant in Coon Rapids, Minnesota.In 2020, BBQ Holdings purchased Real Urban BBQ, a cafeteria-style barbeque restaurant concept that inspired Famous Dave’s new line-service model. The new model will provide the same fan-favorite BBQ fare Famous Dave’s built its name on but faster and more efficiently, providing a quicker, smoother experience for customers and lower overhead for franchisees.“Quick-Que’ is a major leap forward for...
VÍS: Breyting í framkvæmdastjórn
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Valgeir M. Baldursson, sem gegnt hefur stöðu framkvæmdastjóra kjarnastarfsemi hjá VÍS, hefur tekið ákvörðun um að láta af störfum hjá félaginu, þar sem hann mun á næstunni taka við nýju starfi. Gert er ráð fyrir að Valgeir muni starfa áfram innan VÍS næstu vikurnar og dagsetning starfsloka ekki ákveðin.Helgi Bjarnason, forstjóri VÍS:„Ég þakka Valgeiri fyrir frábært starf í þágu VÍS og þátt hans í þeirri miklu uppbyggingu sem hefur átt sér stað á síðustu árum. Um leið og ég þakka honum fyrir samstarfið óska ég honum velfarnaðar í nýju starfi“.
The Get Real Movement Expands Programs to Promote Inclusivity and Acceptance in More Western Canadian Schools
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CALGARY, Alberta, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Get REAL Movement, in partnership with Shaw Communications Inc., today announced the expansion of its Inclusivity and Anti-Racism Workshops in British Columbia and Manitoba — bringing dynamic, mentorship-led programming to more Western Canadian students to help promote diversity, inclusion and acceptance among kids in grades six through eight.With a financial contribution from Shaw Communications, Get REAL will engage and educate over 15,000 students through workshops co-developed with teachers and mental health professionals to showcase the lived experiences of diverse individuals and ally role models, and support the development of pride and acceptance.“We are so excited to be able to bring our anti-racism and inclusivity workshops to more students in Western Canada,” said...
Siili Solutions Oyj on toteuttanut Supercharge-kaupan
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Siili Solutions Oyj Pörssitiedote 26.2.2021 kello 17.45Siili Solutions Oyj (”Siili”) on toteuttanut 26.2.2021 yrityskaupan Supercharge Holding Zrt:n kanssa, jossa Siili on ostanut 55 prosenttia digitaalisten ratkaisujen toimittamiseen erikoistuneesta unkarilaisesta Supercharge Kft -yhtiöstä (”Supercharge”). Siili julkaisi yrityskauppaan liittyvän alkuperäisen tiedotteen 4.12.2020. Siili tiedotti 4.2.2021 Unkarin innovaatio- ja teknologiaministeriön antaneen hyväksynnän Siilin ja Supercharge Holding Zrt:n väliselle yrityskaupalle.Kaupan toteuttamisen yhteydessä Siili on solminut uuden rahoitussopimuksen Nordea Bank Oyj:n kanssa. Rahoitussopimuksen puitteissa uutta pankkilainaa on nostettu yhteensä 7 miljoonaa euroa. Laina on kiinteäkorkoinen, tasalyhenteinen ja laina-aika 7 vuotta. Rahoitussopimukseen liittyy tavanomaisia kovenanttiehtoja.Pörssitiedote...
Downing TWO VCT plc – Circ re. Voluntary Winding-up
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Downing TWO VCT plcLEI: 213800HJGTPW7F8YEY55Publication of Circular re. Voluntary Winding-up26 February 2021Voluntary Winding-Up CircularIt was announced on 30 September 2020 that the Board intended to put to Shareholders a proposal to commence a solvent winding-up of the Company (the “Winding-Up”).A circular explaining the proposal for the winding-up and the actions which are required for its implementation, containing details of a proposed related party transaction, has been issued and will be posted to shareholders shortly, together with a notice of the General Meeting of the Company to be held at 11.00 a.m. on 30 March 2021 (the “General Meeting”).If the resolutions are passed at the General Meeting, this will result in the cancellation of the listing of the Company’s Shares on the Official List, which...
DRAFT DECISIONS for the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA, AS to be held March 29, 2021 submitted by the shareholder “Duke I S.à r.l.”
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DRAFT DECISIONS for the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA, AS to be held March 29, 2021 submitted by the shareholder “Duke I S.à r.l.”1. On exclusion of shares from the regulated market.To exclude all bearer shares of joint stock company “VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA” from JSC “Nasdaq Riga” Baltic Second list.2. Election of the Council and setting remuneration for the members of the Council.1) To release from the office members of the Council of joint stock company “VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA” Stefan Alexander Preiss-Daimler, Andris Oskars Brutāns, Ainārs Ozols and Theis Klauberg.2) To elect in the position of a member of the Council of joint stock company “VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA”, for 3 (three) years term of office:1. Ian Burgess2. Peter Bentley3. Alvaro Esteban4. Stefan Alexander Preiss-Daimler5. Andris Oskars...
Akcionāra “Duke I S.à r.l.” iesniegtie AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA 2021. gada 29. marta ārkārtas akcionāru sapulces LĒMUMU PROJEKTI
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Akcionāra “Duke I S.à r.l.” iesniegtie AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA 2021. gada 29. marta ārkārtas akcionāru sapulces LĒMUMU PROJEKTI1. Par akciju izslēgšanu no regulētā tirgus.Izslēgt akciju sabiedrības „VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA” uzrādītāja akcijas no AS “Nasdaq Riga” Baltijas Otrā saraksta.2. Padomes vēlēšanas un atlīdzības noteikšana padomes locekļiem.1) Atbrīvot no akciju sabiedrības „VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA” padomes locekļa amata Stefan Alexander Preiss-Daimler, Andri Oskaru Brutānu, Aināru Ozolu un Theis Klauberg.2) Ievēlēt akciju sabiedrības „VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA” padomes locekļa amatā uz 3 (trīs) gadu termiņu:1. Ian Burgess2. Peter Bentley3. Alvaro Esteban4. Stefan Alexander Preiss-Daimler5. Andri Oskaru Brutānu.3) Padomes locekļiem netiek noteikta atlīdzība par akciju sabiedrības „VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA” padomes locekļa...
NORDIC FIBREBOARD AS unaudited consolidated interim report for the fourth quarter and twelve months of 2020
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Management reportNORDIC FIBREBOARD AS UNAUDITED results for fourth QUARTER and 12 months of 2020Consolidated net sales for Q4 2020 were € 2.07 million from continuing operations (Q4 2019: € 3.23 million from continuing operations). The sales revenue of the Group`s main business segment, fibreboard, for Q4 2020 were € 2.01 million (Q4 2019: € 2.78 million). The main reason for this drop in sales was due to the closure of the Püssi factory in March 2020, which came about as a result of the loss of orders from customers within the display board industry caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Furniture retail sales revenue for Q4 2020 were € 1 thousand, the decrease in sales (compared to Q4 2019: € 390 thousand) was due to the Group exiting the furniture retail segment earlier in year 2020, with some remaining stock sales taking place during 2020....