Day: February 26, 2021
BIC finalise la cession de PIMACOClichy, France– 26 février 2021 – BIC annonce la finalisation de la cession de PIMACO, son activité d’étiquettes adhésives au Brésil, à Grupo CCRR pour un montant de 40 millions de Real brésiliens (environ 6,0 millions d’euros1).La transaction a été approuvée par les autorités de la concurrence brésiliennes.Cette cession est cohérente avec la stratégie de rotation du portefeuille du Groupe, et la priorité accordée aux activités grand public à croissance rapide, telles que la créativité (“Creative Expression”) et l’écriture digitale.# #À PROPOS DE BICUn des leaders mondiaux des articles de papeterie, des briquets et des rasoirs, BIC enchante et simplifie le quotidien des consommateurs. Depuis plus de 75 ans, l’entreprise fabrique des produits essentiels de grande qualité et...
Ehave Inc. Reaches Milestone; Ketamine IV Therapy Provider KetaDASH to Launch Beta in Second Quarter 2021
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MIAMI, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ehave, Inc. (OTC Pink: EHVVF) (the “Company”), a provider of digital therapeutics for the psychedelic and mental health sectors, announced plans to launch open testing of its KetaDASH ketamine IV therapy in the second quarter using advanced vein technology. KetaDASH is a personalized mental care platform designed to instantly connect patients with highly skilled nurses to provide ketamine therapy at home under expert supervision. The platform has been strategically designed as a smart and intuitive dashboard from where patients and their associated nurses can get detailed insight on treatments. KetaDASH will soon be available on the App Store and Google Play Store.Ehave has also secured an umbrella policy to cover liability and malpractice insurance on each home delivery service. Clinicians...
AppSwarm to Provide Project Updates and Integrate CRM Customer Support Solutions
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Tulsa, OK, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — AppSwarm, Corp. (OTC: SWRM), a software development company and aggregator of mobile applications, to provide investor updates on their video conferencing and broadband projects.The company announces plans to provide periodic project updates on our video conferencing and broadband initiatives through our key advisory firm Deep Sky Wireless.Since the fourth quarter of 2020, Deep Sky Wireless has been instrumental in guiding us in the development of our technology plan and building value for our shareholders.To receive investor updates on our projects, please register at Customer Support OperationsThe Company will explore the deployment of CRM applications to manage interactions with customers and potential customers....
International Petroleum Corporation Announces Updated Share Capital
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — International Petroleum Corporation (IPC or the Corporation) (TSX, Nasdaq Stockholm: IPCO) reports the following, in accordance with the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act:Following the exercise of stock options by Lukas H. Lundin during February 2021, the number of issued and outstanding common shares of the Corporation has increased by 25,000 to 155,367,757 common shares with voting rights as at February 26, 2021.International Petroleum Corp. (IPC) is an international oil and gas exploration and production company with a high quality portfolio of assets located in Canada, Malaysia and France, providing a solid foundation for organic and inorganic growth. IPC is a member of the Lundin Group of Companies. IPC is incorporated in Canada and IPC’s shares are listed...
Adial Receives $1.425 Million in Net Proceeds from Exercise of Warrants
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CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adial Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADIL; ADILW) (“Adial” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of treatments for addictions, today announced the exercise of 712,500 warrants from its June 2020 financing for net proceeds to the company of $1,425,000.About Adial Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Adial Pharmaceuticals is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of treatments for addictions. The Company’s lead investigational new drug product, AD04, is a genetically targeted, serotonin-3 receptor antagonist, therapeutic agent for the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) and is currently being investigated in the Company’s landmark ONWARD™ pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial for the potential treatment of AUD in subjects...
Reginn hf. – Reginn endurnýjar samning við Landsbankann hf. um viðskiptavakt
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Reginn hf. og Landsbankinn hf. hafa endurnýjað samning um viðskiptavakt á hlutabréfum Regins hf. sem skráð eru í kauphöll Nasdaq Iceland.Tilgangur viðskiptavaktarinnar er að efla viðskipti með hlutabréf Regins í því skyni að markaðsverð skapist á hlutabréfum og verðmyndun verði með skilvirkum og gagnsæjum hætti.Landsbankinn hf. skuldbindur sig sem viðskiptavaki til að setja daglega fram kaup- og sölutilboð á Nasdaq Iceland í hlutabréf Regins hf. að lágmarki 15.000.000 kr. að markaðsvirði. Tilboð skulu endurnýjuð eins fljótt og unnt er, þó ávallt innan 15 mínútna eftir að þeim er tekið að fullu. Hámarksmagn sem Landsbankinn er skuldbundinn til að kaupa eða selja á hverjum degi er 30.000.000 kr. að nettó markaðsvirði sem reiknast sem mismunur á þeim kaup- og sölutilboðum viðskiptavakans sem gengið er að. Sé hámarksmagni dagsins náð, fellur...
Elixxer Ltd. Provides Corporate Update
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MONTRÉAL, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Elixxer Ltd. (TSX-V: ELXR) (OTC-QB: ELIXF) (FRA: 2LQA) (“Elixxer” or (the “Company”) wishes to announce that it has been in discussions with YA II PN, Ltd. and Riverfort Global Opportunities PLC (the “Lenders”) over claims that Elixxer is in default under the terms of its previously announced convertible loan agreement with the Lenders (see press release dated March 17, 2020). Negotiations towards arriving at a resolution are ongoing; however, if such negotiations prove to be unsuccessful, it may result in the Lenders instituting default proceedings against the Company in order to recover amounts owing pursuant to the loan in the amount of US$1,078,698, including accrued interest thereon. Although Elixxer has so far made several attempts to settle matters with the Lenders, including negotiations...
Final Agenda and Proposals – Annual General Meeting 12 March 2021
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AGENDAThe Board of Director‘s report on Icelandair Group‘s operations in 2020Confirmation of Annual Accounts and decision on the handling of profit or loss for the financial yearDecision on payments to Board MembersProposal of the Board of Directors regarding the Remuneration PolicyReport and proposal from the Nomination Committee regarding Board MembershipElection of Board MembersElection of AuditorsElection of two members of the Nomination CommitteeAuthorization to purchase Treasury SharesOther lawfully submitted mattersPROPOSALSAnnual Accounts (Item 2)The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the Annual Accounts of theCompany for 2020 will be approved.Dividends payments (Item 2)The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no dividends will be paid for the 2020 financial year.Remuneration...
Schneider provides major support to communities in 2020
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Green Bay, Feb. 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Schneider (NYSE: SNDR), a premier provider of trucking, intermodal and logistics services, has long supported nonprofits through financial contributions, in-kind delivery donations and associate volunteerism. That support continued in 2020 with the Schneider Foundation donating more than $2 million in grants to more than 400 organizations across North America.In 2020, Schneider launched new initiatives to support organizations committed to create change. The foundation proudly provided its inaugural Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Program grants to 11 nonprofit organizations across North America, totaling more than $75,000. The grantees were nominated mostly by Schneider associates and will help organizations inspire dialogue and take concrete actions for change.“Guided by our core values,...
In 2020, AB SNAIGĖ reached 2.8 million. EUR EBITDA
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According to unaudited consolidated data, AB SNAIGĖ achieved a turnover of EUR 29 million in 2020, i.e. 9 % less than 2019.According to Mindaugas Sologubas, CEO of AB SNAIGĖ, the first quarantine had the most significant sales impact. “Due to the restrictions imposed in the spring, the company’s factory in Alytus was forced to work at part capacity for a couple of months, and some employees were in downtime,” said M. Sologubas. “- “There was a shortage of supply, as many of our suppliers were in the countries affected by the pandemic”.However, in the third quarter, the Company’s sales already reached the third quarter of 2019. And the fourth, compared to 2019. – exceeded 12%. However, this was not enough to cover the losses incurred in the spring.According to M. Sologubas, in the context...