Day: February 24, 2021
GUELPH, Ontario, Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Current Water Technologies Inc. (TSX-V:WATR) (“CWTI” or the “Company”) announces that further to its previous announcement dated February 16, 2021, and subject to regulatory approval and formal documentation, the Company intends to increase the offering of a non-brokered, private placement financing (“Private Placement”) for gross proceeds of up to $1,250,000.The Private Placement will be for up to 25,000,000 Units at a price of $0.05 per unit. Each Unit will be comprised of one Common Share in the capital stock of the Company and a one Share Purchase Warrant (“Warrant”). One Warrant will entitle the holder to purchase one Common Share at an exercise price of $0.07 per Share, which is exercisable for a period of three (3) years from the date of closing.The proceeds of this offering...
Freddie Mac Prices $1 Billion Multifamily K-Deal, K-741
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MCLEAN, Va., Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) recently priced a new offering of Structured Pass-Through Certificates (K Certificates), which are backed by underlying collateral consisting of fixed-rate multifamily mortgages with predominantly 7-year terms. The company expects to issue approximately $1 billion in K Certificates (K-741 Certificates), which are expected to settle on or about March 4, 2021.K-741 PricingDetailsCo-Lead Managers and Joint Bookrunners: Wells Fargo Securities, LLC and Amherst Pierpont Securities LLCCo-Managers: Citigroup Global Markets Inc., J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Loop Capital Markets LLC and Robert W. Baird & Co. IncorporatedRating Agencies: Fitch Ratings, Inc. and DBRS, Inc.Related LinksThe K-741 Preliminary Offering Circular Supplement:
Milestone Scientific Inc. Announces Breakthrough CompuPulse System and Receives Notice of Allowance for U.S. Patent
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ROSELAND, N.J., Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Milestone Scientific Inc. (NYSE American:MLSS), a leading developer of computerized drug delivery instruments that provides virtually painless and precise injections, today announced that it has received a Notice of Allowance from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) related to its new CompuPulse System, which integrates the Company’s CompuWave™ technology with a manual syringe.Mark Hochman, D.D.S., Inventor and Clinical Director for Milestone Scientific, commented, “We are pleased to receive this Notice of Allowance related to our new CompuPulse System, which combines the benefits of our CompuWave technology with a manual syringe. Importantly, the new CompuPulse System allows one to identify a pulsatile pressure waveform in a variety of applications, thereby...
Aalberts N.V.: Aalberts accelerates strategy and continues investments and innovations; solid and resilient performance with strong free cash flow
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Utrecht, 24 February 2021 highlightso limited number of COVID-19 infections; continued operations in a safe wayo revenue EUR 2,610 million; organic decline 7.0%o orderbook at year-end 9.3% higher than last yearo EBITA amounted to EUR 283* million; as a % of revenue 10.8*o net profit before amortisation EUR 200* million; per share EUR 1.81*o strong free cash flow of EUR 339 milliono net debt (before IFRS 16) reduced with 24% to EUR 444 milliono continued investments and innovations; capital expenditure EUR 95 milliono acceleration strategy: one-off full year strategic restructuring cost (SRC) of EUR 51 million with an annual benefit of approx. EUR 50 millionCEO statement“We are fortunate that we only faced a limited number of COVID-19 infections. Our Aalberts people did a great job in continuing our operations in a safe way, serving our...
Gray Television, Grand Ole Opry and Circle Network Partner on Opry’s Live Sat., Feb. 27 Broadcast to Benefit Feeding America
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Atlanta, Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gray Television, Inc. (NYSE: GTN), The Grand Ole Opry and Circle Network are coming together on Saturday, February 27 during the live Opry broadcast to help raise money and awareness of food insecurity. A rising demand for nutrition assistance due to the pandemic has been compounded by extreme weather across several states last week, including multiple markets served by Gray television stations. All proceeds will benefit Feeding America, a network of 200 food banks and more than 60,000 food pantries in nearly every community across the country. Viewers will be directed to make a donation at members Chris Janson and Travis Tritt along with rising new artist Hailey Whitters will perform on this special live broadcast. Bobby Bones will host the performances...
Inventus Provides Sudbury 2.0 Drilling Update
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TORONTO, Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Inventus Mining Corp. (TSX VENTURE: IVS) (“Inventus” or the “Company”) is pleased to provide details on the ongoing 3,000-metre drill program at its 100%-owned Sudbury 2.0 project near Sudbury, Ontario.A total of 1,385 metres of drilling have been completed to date at the Lake Zone. The drill was recently moved to Cobalt Hill and has resumed drilling. Drilling at Cobalt Hill will test the polymetallic mineral potential in an area only historically assayed for gold with select historic intersections of 5.3 metres of 11.2 g/t gold in hole A88-55, and 41 metres of 2.6 g/t gold in hole A88-62. A map of complete and planned holes from the Lake Zone and Cobalt Hill is provided in Figure 1.Unexpectedly slow turnaround from the assay lab has delayed results for holes WL-21-02, WL-21-03 and WL-21-04....
EIT InnoEnergy unterstützt das Chvaletice Manganprojekt
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Highlights:Euro Manganese und seine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft in der Tschechischen Republik, Mangan Chvaletice, haben sich die Unterstützung von EIT InnoEnergy gesichert, einer Wissens- und Innovationsgemeinschaft, die vom Europäischen Innovations- und Technologieinstitut unterstützt wird. EIT InnoEnergy wird sein breites Netzwerk und seine Ressourcen einsetzen, um die erfolgreiche Integration des Chvaletice Manganprojekts in die europäische Batterieindustrie zu beschleunigen.Das Chvaletice Manganprojekt ist die einzige nennenswerte Manganressource in der Europäischen Union. Es hat das Potenzial, bis zu 50 % des für 2025 prognostizierten europäischen Bedarfs an hochreinem Mangan und 28 % des für 2030 erwarteten Bedarfs zu decken.Das Projekt sorgt auch für einen lokalen ökologischen und sozialen Nutzen vor Ort. Da Abraumhalden...
Schneider celebrates 30 years of Intermodal
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Green Bay, Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Schneider (NYSE: SNDR), a premier provider of trucking, intermodal and logistics services, is celebrating a major milestone, the 30th anniversary of its intermodal service offering.In 1991, Schneider saw a need to give customers more options and opportunities to move freight and launched its intermodal service offering. With one route from Chicago to Los Angeles, Schneider combined hauling freight over the road and by rail. Schneider and its customers quickly saw the benefits to intermodal shipping, and the service offering grew exponentially. Schneider’s intermodal network now has over 45 ramps with major railroads connecting intermodal containers across the U.S., Mexico and Canada. Intermodal has also opened a new wave of opportunities and innovations that Schneider continues to invest...
AMG Announces Changes to the Composition of the Supervisory Board and Nominates Its CEO and COO for Reappointment When Their Current Terms End in May 2021
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Amsterdam, 24 February 2021 (Regulated Information) — The Supervisory Board of AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group N.V. (“AMG”, EURONEXT AMSTERDAM: “AMG”) resolved during its meeting on February 24, 2021 to propose to the General Meeting of Shareholders to nominate for reappointment Dr. Heinz Schimmelbusch and Mr. Eric Jackson for additional terms of two and four years, respectively, when their current terms expire in 2021.Supervisory Board CompositionAt the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) in May 2021, Mr. Willem van Hassel, Vice Chairman, will have served four years on the Supervisory Board when his current term ends. On that occasion, Mr. Herb Depp, Chair of the Remuneration Committee, will have served eight years on the Supervisory Board when his current term ends. The Board is very pleased that both gentlemen have agreed to continue...
Festi hf.: Fundarboð aðalfundar 22. mars 2021 ásamt skýrslu tilnefningarnefndar
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Aðalfundur Festi hf.Aðalfundur Festi hf. verður haldinn mánudaginn 22. mars 2021 klukkan 10.00í höfuðstöðvum félagsins að Dalvegi 10-14, Kópavogi.Dagskrá fundarinsSkýrsla stjórnar um starfsemi félagsins á liðnu starfsári.Skýrsla forstjóra og ársreikningur kynntur.Staðfesting ársreiknings fyrir síðastliðið reikningsár og tekin ákvörðun um hvernig fara skuli með hagnað félagsins.Ákvörðun tekin um greiðslu arðs vegna rekstrarársins 2020.Tilnefningarnefnd kynnir skýrslu sína og tillögur.Stjórnarkjör.Tillaga um staðfestingu á ákvörðun stjórnar um skipun tveggja einstaklinga í tilnefningarnefnd.Kjör endurskoðanda eða endurskoðunarfirma.Ákvörðun um þóknun til stjórnarmanna, undirnefnda stjórnar og tilnefningarnefndar.Tillaga stjórnar um breytingu á starfskjarastefnu félagsins.Tillaga stjórnar um heimild til kaupa á eigin hlutabréfum.Tillaga...