Day: February 24, 2021
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. and SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — VERB Technology Company, Inc. (Nasdaq: VERB) (“VERB” or the “Company”), a rapidly emerging market leader in business-focused interactive video sales and marketing tools, including livestream ecommerce, CRM, and content management applications, today announced that it is offering its LIVE STREAM ECOMMERCE technology to small businesses all over the country for free to help navigate the challenges the pandemic has created. Through their verbTEAMS app, users can create their own QVC and Home Shopping Network-style live broadcasts showcasing and promoting their products or services with one big difference – viewers can actually click right in the livestream video broadcast and purchase in real-time. It also has an on-screen real-time...
DIAGNOS Announces its Exclusive Strategic Partnership Agreement with Labtician Ophthalmics, a Leader in Canadian and International Eyecare Markets to Address Growing Needs in the Monitoring of Diabetic and Hypertensive Patients
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BROSSARD, Quebec, Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Diagnos Inc. (“DIAGNOS” or “the Corporation”) (TSX Venture: ADK) (OTCQB: DGNOF) a leader in early detection of critical health issues through the use of its FLAIRE platform based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), announces its exclusive strategic partnership agreement with Labtician Ophthalmics (“Labtician”), a Toronto-based company with customers across Canada who will introduce and commercialize DIAGNOS AI platform to monitor ocular health and improve patient care in diabetic patients. An initial agreement with Labtician was announced on June 3rd, 2020.In an effort to increase its footprint and accelerate its growth, DIAGNOS has decided to work with organizations that are active in similar markets. The formalization of this strategic partnership with Labtician will have the net...
DIAGNOS annonce son entente de partenariat stratégique exclusif avec Labtician Ophthalmics, un chef de file dans les marchés canadiens et internationaux des soins de la vue pour répondre aux besoins croissants en matière de surveillance des patients diabétiques et hypertendus
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BROSSARD, Québec, 24 févr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Diagnos inc. (« DIAGNOS », la « Société » ou « nous ») (Bourse de croissance TSX : ADK) (OTCQB : DGNOF), un leader dans le dépistage précoce de problèmes graves de santé grâce à sa technologie d’intelligence artificielle (IA) FLAIRE, annonce son entente de partenariat stratégique exclusive avec Labtician Ophthalmics, une société basée à Toronto avec des clients partout au Canada qui introduira et commercialisera la plateforme DIAGNOS IA pour surveiller la santé oculaire et améliorer les soins aux patients diabétiques. Une entente initiale avec Labtician a été annoncée le 3 juin 2020.Dans un effort pour d’accroître son empreinte et d’accélérer sa croissance, DIAGNOS a décidé de travailler avec des organisations actives dans des marchés similaires. L’officialisation de ce partenariat...
Clear Blue Technologies Named Top Performer on TSX Venture Exchange
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TORONTO, Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Clear Blue Technologies International Inc. (“Clear Blue”) (TSXV: CBLU) (FRANKFURT: OYA), the Smart Off-Grid™ company, today announced that it has been named to the 2021 TSX Venture 50, a ranking of top performers on the TSX Venture Exchange over the last year. The ranking is comprised of five different industry sectors, with 10 companies from each represented.“It’s an honor to be named to the TSX Venture 50,” said Miriam Tuerk, Co-founder and CEO of Clear Blue Technologies. “We are grateful to our customers, employees and investors for believing that our unique and innovative off-grid technology will be the key to ushering in a new age of clean and reliable power.”Clear Blue was ranked as one of the top 10 performing companies in the Clean Technology and Life Sciences sector, with a share...
Keskisuomalainen Oyj:n tilinpäätös 1.1.-31.12.2020
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Keskisuomalainen Oyj Tilinpäätöstiedote 24.2.2021 klo 16.40 Keskisuomalainen Oyj:n tilinpäätös 1.1.-31.12.2020Tilikausi 2020– Liikevaihto 206,8 Me (231,1 Me edellisenä vuonna), -10,5 % edelliseen vuoteen– Liikevoitto 4,9 Me (14,1 Me), -65,3 % edellisen vuoteen– Liikevoitto 2,4 % liikevaihdosta (6,1 %)– Operatiivinen vertailukelpoinen liikevoitto 9,1 Me (15,9 Me), -42,7 % edelliseen vuoteen– Operatiivinen vertailukelpoinen liikevoitto 4,4 % liikevaihdosta (6,9 %)– Operatiivinen vertailukelpoinen käyttökate 23,2 Me (29,9 Me), -22,3 % edelliseen vuoteen– Tulos 20,1 Me (13,3 Me), 51,5 % kasvua edelliseen vuoteen– Tulos/osake 2,03 euroa (1,23 euroa)– Hallitus esittää osingoksi 1,00 euroa/osakeHeinä-joulukuu 2020– Liikevaihto 105,7 Me (118,6...
Lixte Biotechnology to Present Its Anti-Cancer Therapy Enhancer LB-100 at the Virtual H.C. Wainwright Global Life Sciences Conference
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LB-100 is Currently in Clinical Studies for Four Cancer Targets:Phase 1b/2 for Myelodysplastic (MDS) SyndromesPhase 1b/2 for Advanced Soft Tissue SarcomaPhase 0 (Pharmacodynamics) for Glioblastoma MultiformePhase 1b for Small Cell Lung CancerPre-clinical for Angelman SyndromeEAST SETAUKET, NY, Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lixte Biotechnology Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: LIXT), a clinical-stage drug discovery company developing pharmacologically active drugs for use in cancer treatment, will participate in the virtual H.C. Wainwright Global Life Sciences Conference, being held March 9-10, 2021. Investors may register and consult the conference agenda at the event website.During the corporate presentation and in one-on-one and small group investor meetings, John S. Kovach, M.D., Lixte founder and chief executive officer, will discuss...
Mojave Samples16.2g/t Gold on Reconnaissance of the Sonora Gold Property
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mojave Gold Corp. (CSE: MOJ) (OTCBB: MOJGF) (“Mojave” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce assay results as shown in Table #1 from work completed in December and January on the project that focused on detailed geological mapping and chip sampling of mineralization of two important mineralized zones (Sonora Copper and Caracahui).New Developments:The overall strike length of the structures and extent of associated mineralization are greater than originally anticipated.Mineralized structures have been mapped for over three kilometres, often reaching over 70 metres in width.In total, the now labelled Sonora Copper West Structure (SCWS) has been observed to extend more than 8.5 kilometres in cumulative length, often reaching over 70 metres in width.Mineralized vein breccias...
Inuvo’s IntentKey Generates B2B Leads at Scale by Uncovering Niche Audience Data
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LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Inuvo, Inc. (NYSE American: INUV), a leading provider of marketing technology, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that serves brands and agencies, today announces how the IntentKey AI technology expanded the customer base of a business-to-business electronic components company at scale, while also beating their customer acquisition (CPA) goal costs by 91%.Inuvo’s client, an electronic components company, had been focused on growing their company by focusing on their existing customer base and through product expansion. When their strategy shifted towards targeting new customers, they initially turned to traditional digital tools, such as search, email marketing, social media, and some display to broadly target electrical engineers.While they were happy with the results of...
Geophysics and Drilling Work Begin on Courville Property
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VAL-D’OR, Quebec, Feb. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pershimex Resources Corporation (« Pershimex » or « the Company ») (TSX Venture: PRO) announces that it has just signed a drilling contract with the company Forage Hébert from Amos. The new 2021 drilling campaign, with a minimum of 2,500 meters, is primarily aimed at increasing gold mineralization in the 100 vertical meters below the former Pershing-Manitou gold mine, where values of 33.3 g/t over 6.6 m were intercepted during the last campaign (Press release of July 22th, 2020). This new drilling campaign, which will begin in the week of March 3, will use a self-supporting drill to reduce the environmental impacts of the work. These works will confirm the lateral continuity of the gold mineralization below the mine surface crown pillar. The Company’s goal is to define a high-grade...
Début des travaux de géophysique et de forage sur la propriété Courville
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VAL-D’OR, Québec, 24 févr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Corporation Ressources Pershimex (« Pershimex » ou « la Société ») (TSX CROISSANCE : PRO) annonce qu’elle vient de procéder à la signature d’un contrat de forage avec la compagnie Forage Hébert d’Amos. La nouvelle campagne de forage 2021, d’un minimum de 2 500 mètres vise en premier lieu l’accroissement de la minéralisation aurifère dans la tranche inférieure à 100 mètres vertical sous l’ancienne mine Pershing-Manitou où des valeurs de 33.3 g/t sur 6,6 m ont été interceptées lors de la dernière campagne (Communiqué de presse du 22 juillet 2020). Cette nouvelle campagne de forage qui débutera dans la semaine du 3 mars utilisera une foreuse autoportante afin de réduire les impacts environnementaux des travaux. Ces forages permettront de confirmer de manière latérale la continuité...