Day: February 23, 2021
Þann 25. nóvember síðastliðinn samþykktu stjórnir Kviku banka hf. (Kvika), TM hf. (TM) og Lykils fjármögnunar hf. (Lykill) að sameina félögin.Í dag gengu stjórnir félaganna frá undirritun samrunaáætlunar vegna fyrirhugaðs samruna þeirra. Stjórnir félaganna telja að samruninn verði félögunum og hluthöfum þeirra hagstæður.Eftirfarandi fyrirvarar í samrunasamningnum frá 25. nóvember sl. eru enn óuppfylltir:Fjármálaeftirlit Seðlabanka Íslands (FME) veiti samþykki fyrir samrunanum, sbr. 106 gr. laga um fjármálafyrirtæki nr. 161/2002;FME veiti Kviku samþykki fyrir eignarhaldi á virkum eignarhlut í TM tryggingum hf., TM líftryggingum hf. og Íslenskri endurtryggingu hf., sbr. 58 gr. laga um vátryggingastarfsemi nr. 100/2016;Samkeppniseftirlitið ógildi ekki samrunann eða setji íþyngjandi skilyrði að mati samrunaaðila, sbr. V. kafla samkeppnislaga...
Liberty Health Sciences Shareholders Overwhelmingly Approve Acquisition by Ayr Wellness
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TORONTO, Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ayr Wellness Inc. (CSE: AYR.A, OTCQX: AYRWF, “Ayr” or “the Company”), a leading vertically integrated cannabis multi-state operator, and Liberty Health Sciences Inc. (“Liberty”) are pleased to announce at a special meeting held today, Liberty securityholders voted overwhelmingly in favor of the proposed acquisition of Liberty shares by Ayr in a transaction originally announced on December 22, 2020.Shareholders representing 57% of issued and outstanding shares voted and 95% voted in favor of the transaction. Under the terms of the agreement, which will take the form of a Plan of Arrangement (“POA”) under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia), Liberty shareholders will receive 0.03683 Ayr shares for each Liberty share held, equating to approximately 13.1 million new Ayr shares.“We...
Stjórnir Kviku, TM og Lykils undirrita samrunaáætlun
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Þann 25. nóvember síðastliðinn samþykktu stjórnir Kviku banka hf. (Kvika), TM hf. (TM) og Lykils fjármögnunar hf. (Lykill) að sameina félögin.Í dag gengu stjórnir félaganna frá undirritun samrunaáætlunar vegna fyrirhugaðs samruna þeirra. Stjórnir félaganna telja að samruninn verði félögunum og hluthöfum þeirra hagstæður.Eftirfarandi fyrirvarar í samrunasamningnum frá 25. nóvember sl. eru enn óuppfylltir:Fjármálaeftirlit Seðlabanka Íslands (FME) veiti samþykki fyrir samrunanum, sbr. 106 gr. laga um fjármálafyrirtæki nr. 161/2002;FME veiti Kviku samþykki fyrir eignarhaldi á virkum eignarhlut í TM tryggingum hf., TM líftryggingum hf. og Íslenskri endurtryggingu hf., sbr. 58 gr. laga um vátryggingastarfsemi nr. 100/2016;Samkeppniseftirlitið ógildi ekki samrunann eða setji íþyngjandi skilyrði að mati samrunaaðila, sbr. V. kafla samkeppnislaga...
Lincoln Educational Services Corporation Schedules Fourth Quarter and Year End 2020 Earnings Release and Conference Call
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WEST ORANGE, N.J., Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lincoln Educational Services Corporation (Nasdaq: LINC) (“Lincoln”) announced today that it will host a conference call to discuss its fourth quarter and year-end financial results on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time. A news release outlining Lincoln’s results will be issued before 9:30 a.m. Eastern time on that day.To access the live webcast of the conference call, please go to the investor relations section of Lincoln’s website at Participants can also listen to the conference call by dialing 844-413-0946 (domestic) or 216-562-0456 (international) and providing access code 9886717. Please log in or dial into the call at least 10 minutes prior to the start time.An archived version of the webcast will be accessible for 90 days at
Kvika banki hf.: Boards of Directors of Kvika, TM and Lykill Sign a Merger Plan
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On 25 November last year, the Boards of Directors of Kvika banki hf. (Kvika), TM hf. (TM) and Lykill fjármögnun hf. (Lykill) agreed to merge the companies.Today, the companies’ Boards completed and signed the proposed merger plan. The Boards expect this merger to prove beneficial to the companies and their shareholders.The following provisos in the original merger agreement of 25 November 2020 are yet to be satisfied:that the Financial Supervisory Authority of the Central Bank of Iceland (FME) give its consent for the merger, cf. Art. 106 of the Act on Financial Undertakings, No. 161/2002;that FME grant its approval for Kvika to own a qualifying holding in TM tryggingar hf, TM líftryggingar hf and Íslensk endurtrygging hf., cf. Art. 58 of the Act on Insurance Activities, No. 100/2016;that the Competition Authority will not invalidate...
Kvika banki hf.: Stjórnir Kviku, TM og Lykils undirrita samrunaáætlun
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Þann 25. nóvember síðastliðinn samþykktu stjórnir Kviku banka hf. (Kvika), TM hf. (TM) og Lykils fjármögnunar hf. (Lykill) að sameina félögin.Í dag gengu stjórnir félaganna frá undirritun samrunaáætlunar vegna fyrirhugaðs samruna þeirra. Stjórnir félaganna telja að samruninn verði félögunum og hluthöfum þeirra hagstæður.Eftirfarandi fyrirvarar í samrunasamningnum frá 25. nóvember sl. eru enn óuppfylltir:Fjármálaeftirlit Seðlabanka Íslands (FME) veiti samþykki fyrir samrunanum, sbr. 106 gr. laga um fjármálafyrirtæki nr. 161/2002;FME veiti Kviku samþykki fyrir eignarhaldi á virkum eignarhlut í TM tryggingum hf., TM líftryggingum hf. og Íslenskri endurtryggingu hf., sbr. 58 gr. laga um vátryggingastarfsemi nr. 100/2016;Samkeppniseftirlitið ógildi ekki samrunann eða setji íþyngjandi skilyrði að mati samrunaaðila, sbr. V. kafla samkeppnislaga...
Florida Department of Education Selects Intrado as Vendor for Alyssa’s Law Project
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Intrado Safety Shield solution helps Florida schools comply with Alyssa’s Law while offering a complete range of emergency response capabilitiesISLANDIA, N.Y., Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Intrado Corporation (“Intrado” or the “Company”), a global leader in technology-enabled services, announced today that its Intrado Safety Shield™ solution has been chosen by the Florida Department of Education as one of the solutions that K-12 public and charter schools can select to comply with Alyssa’s Law, a state statute that mandates the implementation of mobile panic alert systems.Named for Alyssa Alhadeff, one of the 17 students killed in the 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, Alyssa’s Law went into effect on July 1, 2020. Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, each Florida public school must implement a mobile panic...
International Wholesale Acquires White Rain Personal Care Brand from High Ridge Brands
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NEW YORK, Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — High Ridge Brands LLC and International Wholesale jointly announced today that International Wholesale has purchased the rights to the White Rain® personal care brand from High Ridge Brands – a portfolio company of private equity firm Tengram Capital Partners. Terms and conditions of the transaction, which closed on February 16th, will not be disclosed.White Rain®, an iconic brand with a long history with U.S. consumers, was first introduced by Gillette in 1952. The brand was originally advertised with the tagline, “your lovely hair is the essence of romance, so keep it sunshine bright with White Rain.” Today, White Rain® products provide hydration, moisturizing, and styling benefits to its many loyal users. White Rain® offers a diverse product portfolio that includes shampoos,...
Silver Mountain Mines Executes Definitive Agreement with Nevgold To Create A Strong Diversified Exploration and Development Company
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CALGARY, Alberta, Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Silver Mountain Mines Inc. (TSXV: “SMM”) (“Silver Mountain” or the “Company”) announces that further to its news release dated January 19, 2021 in connection with signing a Letter of Intent (the “LOI”), it has executed a binding Definitive Agreement (the “Agreement”) dated February 17, 2021 with Nevgold Corp. (“Nevgold”) with respect to a proposed transaction (the “Proposed Transaction”) whereby Silver Mountain will acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares in the capital of Nevgold (the “Nevgold Shares”). Nevgold is a private British Columbia company which holds the right to acquire the Limousine Butte and Cedar Wash Projects in Nevada (the “Properties”) from McEwen Mining Inc. (NYSE: “MUX”, TSX: “MUX”) (“McEwen”).The Proposed Transaction has been unanimously approved...
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Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — KRONOS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (OTC MARKETS: KNOS) (“KNOS” or the “Company”), a product development and production company that has significantly changed the way air is moved, filtered and sterilized announced today that it has signed up as its newest VAR (value-added reseller) partner which is the leading online supplier of Indoor Air Quality products.“Kronos is excited to partner with Sylvane, which has 20 years of experience addressing air quality and health problems like allergy by providing unique lines of products to its strong and loyal customer base,”- commented Michael Rubinov, Kronos President.Sylvane was recently ranked #1 in Newsweek’s 2020 list of 1,000 Best Online Shops in the household appliances category.About SylvaneSylvane...