Day: February 23, 2021
EDMONTON, Alberta, Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Capital Power Corporation (TSX: CPX) has been recognized by the Ethisphere Institute as one of the 2021 World’s Most Ethical Companies®. Honoured for a third straight year, Capital Power is one of only four Canadian companies recognized, and one of nine Energy and Utilities companies worldwide.“As we advance low-carbon electricity solutions to responsibly and reliably power our communities, we recognize that upholding high ethical standards and responsible business practices shapes and sustains our business – now and into the future as we innovate to be net carbon neutral by 2050,” said Brian Vaasjo, President and CEO of Capital Power. “We’re proud to once again have our commitment to governance, accountability and ethics recognized by the Ethisphere Institute as we deliver Responsible...
Bottomline Wins Gold Stevie® Award For Customer Contact Center Of The Year
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PORTSMOUTH, N.H. , Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bottomline (NASDAQ: EPAY), a leading provider of financial technology that makes complex business payments simple, smart and secure, announced today that it took home a Gold Stevie Award at the 15th Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Bottomline was recognized as a winner in the Contact Center of the Year category for technology industries.“Delivering on our promise and guiding principle to delight customers is an ongoing journey,” said Kim Hannemann, Chief Customer Officer, Bottomline. “During a year of great challenge for businesses around the world, it’s the combination of smart people, process and technology united in focus that has further advanced our ability to deliver delightful experiences across every customer interaction. Leveraging a data-driven, technology-centric...
TELUS contributes $85 million, representing 5% of profits, to charities in Canada
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As part of TELUS’ passion to make the future friendlier for all Canadians and citizens across the globe, TELUS is proud to announce that it gave five per cent of its pre-tax profits — more than any other Canadian organization — in support of charities, community organizations and programs in Canada and around the world in 2020. Last year alone, the TELUS team gave $85 million to drive meaningful, positive change for our most vulnerable citizens during a year of unprecedented uncertainty and hardship.“For more than two decades, our TELUS team has demonstrated an unsurpassed commitment to creating a friendly future for people around the world, and driving positive social change in the global communities where we operate,” said Darren Entwistle, President and...
REPEAT – Pure Extracts Submits Application to Health Canada for Sales License
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pure Extracts Technologies Corp. (CSE: PULL) (OTC: PRXTF) (XFRA: A2QJAJ) (“Pure Extracts” or the “Company”), a plant-based extraction company focused on cannabis, hemp, functional mushrooms and the rapidly emerging psychedelic sector, is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, Pure Extracts Manufacturing Corp., has submitted an application to Health Canada to amend its license to permit the sale of cannabis extract products to provincially authorized distributors and retailers nationwide.The Company recently announced a distribution agreement with a large Canadian Licensed Producer to distribute Pure Extracts’ vape and edible products through their established provincial distribution channels and thus, Pure Extracts expects to have significant sales momentum...
Athenex 宣佈在美國推出 Klisyri® 及獲發 Tirbanibulin 在其他地區的許可
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Athenex 宣佈授權在日本和南韓開發和商業化 Tirbanibulin。PharmaEssentia 透過增加 Tirbanibulin 在日本和南韓的合作夥伴關係,進一步擴大在台灣、新加坡和馬來西亞原有的許可地區Athenex 的現有合作夥伴包括在美國、歐洲和俄羅斯的 Almirall, S.A.,以及在中國的廣州香雪制藥Almirall 今天在美國推出用於光化性角化病的 Klisyri®紐約水牛城, Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Athenex, Inc., (NASDAQ: ATNX) 是一家致力於研究、開發和商業化治療癌症和相關疾病新療法的全球生物製藥公司,剛宣佈今天標誌著在合作夥伴 Almirall 的領導下在美國推出 Klisyri® (tirbanibulin)。Athenex 宣佈將 tirbanibulin 在其他領土的許可授予其合作夥伴 PharmaEssentia Corp.(台灣證券交易所:6446)。Athenex 於 2020 年 12 月 14 日獲得美國食品藥品管理局 (FDA) 批准,將 Klisyri® 用於局部治療面部或頭皮光化性角化病。Athenex 主席兼行政總裁 Johnson Lau 博士說:「我們很高興宣佈 Klisyri® 在美國推出,並擴大我們與 PharmaEssentia 的成功合作,現在將包括日本和南韓市場。在我們的合作夥伴關係中,PharmaEssentia 表現出強大的執行能力,並致力於藥物的研究和開發。我們相信這將進一步促進我們為全球各地的患者帶來寶貴治療選擇的使命。」PharmaEssentia (PEC) 為 tirbanibulin 增加日本和南韓的許可權,而原本已獲得許可的地區包括台灣、新加坡和馬來西亞。根據擴大協議,Athenex 將獲得 PharmaEssentia 的預付款,並將符合資格獲得與某些開發和銷售里程碑取得成就相關的里程碑付款。Athenex...
Early Warning Disclosure: Acquisition of Securities of Blockchain Foundry
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TORONTO, Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Blockchain Foundry Inc. (“BCF” or the “Company”) (CSE:BCFN), a leading North American blockchain development firm, Daniel Wasyluk (“Wasyluk”) and Jag Singh Sidhu (“Sidhu”) are disseminating this press release as required by National Instrument 62-103 The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bids and Insider Reporting Issues in connection with the acquisition of securities of BCF by Wasyluk and Sidhu.On February 22, 2021, the Company granted 200,000 stock options (the “Options”) to each of Wasyluk and Sidhu (the “Acquirors”). The Options will vest in four equal tranches on each of August 22, 2021; February 22, 2022; August 22, 2022 and February 22, 2023 and expire on February 22, 2024. For more information please see the Company’s Form 11 filing dated February 22, 2021.Following this...
AGF A/S – halvårsrapport for perioden 1. juli – 31. december 2020
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Aarhus, den 23. februar 2021NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/SMeddelelse nr. 02 /2021AGF A/S, halvårsrapport for perioden 1. juli – 31. december 2020AGF A/S fortsætter den positive udviklingResumé af halvårsrapport:I overensstemmelse med reglerne for børsnoterede selskabers afgivelse af periodemeddelelser aflægger AGF A/S hermed halvårsrapport for perioden 1. juli – 31. december 2020.Udvalgte hovedpunkter:Resultatet for perioden 1. juli – 31. december 2020 udviser et resultat før skat på 21,1 mio. kr.Resultatet af primær drift udviser en tilbagegang sammenlignet med samme periode sidste år, idet resultatet af primær drift udgør ÷8,6 mio. kr. mod ÷0,5 mio. kr. sidste år.Perioden er positivt påvirket af transferindtægter, som udgør 23,2 mio. kr. mod 14,7 mio. kr. sidste år.Koncernen er blevet ramt af et væsentlig fald i aktivitetsniveauet...
Opdatering af prospektet og CI-dokumenter i Handelsinvest
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Investeringsforeningen Handelsinvest har opdateret prospektet og CI-dokumenter for alle afdelinger.CI-dokumenterne er opdateret med omkostningstal for 2020. For prospektet er der sketopdateringer/ændringer:Nøgletal og regnskabstal for regnskabsåret 2020FinanskalenderSproglige tilpasninger m.m.Det opdaterede prospekt og CI-dokumenterne kan findes på www.handelsinvest.dkYderligere oplysninger kan fås ved henvendelse til Administrerende direktør Henrik Kragh,tlf. nr. 9992 0130.
Registration of new shares in IDEX Biometrics 23 February 2021
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Reference is made to the private placement of about 83.2 million shares in IDEX Biometrics ASA on 15 February 2021. The capital increase has been registered. The company’s share capital is now NOK 137,304,213.30 divided into 915,361,422 shares, each with a par value of NOK 0.15.A listing prospectus will be prepared and published as soon as practical. About 29.4 million of the new shares have been issued to a separate, temporary ISIN and that will be restricted from trading on Oslo Børs until after publication of the prospectus.For further information contact:Marianne Bøe, Investor RelationsE-mail: marianne.boe@idexbiometrics.comTel: + 47 9180 0186Derek D’Antilio, Chief Financial OfficerE-mail: derek.dantilio@idexbiometrics.comTel: +1 978 273 1344About IDEX BiometricsIDEX Biometrics ASA (OSE: IDEX and OTCQB: IDXAF) is a leading provider...
Beam Therapeutics Announces Acquisition of Guide Therapeutics
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CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Beam Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: BEAM), a biotechnology company developing precision genetic medicines through base editing, today announced it has completed the acquisition of Guide Therapeutics, Inc. (“GuideTx”), a developer of nonviral drug delivery vehicles for genetic medicines, further expanding the potential reach of Beam’s genetic medicines into new target tissues and diseases.“Since our founding, Beam’s strategy has been to establish the leading, fully integrated platform for precision genetic medicine,” said John Evans, chief executive officer of Beam. “We believe that the innovative scientists and technology at GuideTx will enable us to broaden the reach of gene editing even further. This investment represents a significant expansion of Beam’s ongoing investment in a full...