Day: February 23, 2021
Performances 2020 qui confirment la puissance du modèle omnicanal de Fnac Darty dans une année de crise inéditeProposition de versement d’un dividende de 1€ par action au titre de 2020Annonce du nouveau plan stratégique EverydayChiffre d’affaires à 7 491M€ en 2020, en hausse de +1,9% en données publiées et +0,6% en données comparables1, grâce à des ventes en forte croissance au 4ème trimestre à +9,6% en données comparables1Très forte dynamique du digital en 2020 : croissance des ventes en ligne de plus de +55%, représentant 29% du chiffre d’affaires Groupe, et gain de plus de 5 millions de nouveaux clients actifs webPertinence démontrée du modèle omnicanal avec une hausse du volume de commandes traitées en click & collect de près de 30% en 2020Résultat net part du Groupe des activités poursuivies à 96M€ en 2020, en baisse de -19M€...
Fnac Darty announces its new strategic plan, Everyday
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Fnac Darty announces its new strategic plan, Everyday, which revolutionizes the place of advice, sustainability and service at the heart of day-to-day work for all customersThe plan aims to generate recurring free cash flow from operations1targeted at €240 million by 2025 and a shareholder payout as soon as this yearFnac Darty has announced its new strategic plan, Everyday. The new plan builds on the performance of its omnichannel model, strengthened by the previous strategic plan, Confiance +, and tried and tested by the COVID crisis.The Group’s aim, in its day-to-day work and for the long haul, is to be the key ally for consumers, helping them to be sustainable in their consumption habits and daily household tasks.Enrique Martinez, Chief Executive Officer of Fnac Darty, declares:“Everyday is a particularly ambitious plan that...
Fnac Darty annonce son nouveau plan stratégique Everyday
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Fnac Darty annonce son nouveau plan stratégique Everyday qui révolutionne la place qu’occupent le conseil, la durabilité et le service au cœur du quotidien de tous ses clientsCe plan vise une génération récurrente de cash-flow libre opérationnel1 avec un objectif de 240M€ en 2025 et un retour aux actionnaires dès cette annéeFnac Darty annonce son nouveau plan stratégique Everyday. Ce nouveau plan prend appui sur la performance de son modèle omnicanal, renforcé par le précédent plan stratégique Confiance+ et éprouvé par la crise liée à la Covid.Le Groupe a pour ambition d’être, au quotidien et dans la durée, l’allié incontournable des consommateurs pour les accompagner dans une consommation durable et dans les usages quotidiens de leur foyer.Enrique Martinez, Directeur général de Fnac Darty, a déclaré :« Everyday est un plan particulièrement...
Hemp, Inc. Plans Massive Expansion in Florida
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Las Vegas, NV, Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Hemp, Inc. (OTC PINK: HEMP) a global leader in the industrial hemp industry with bi-coastal processing centers, announced today that it plans to build numerous hemp growing and processing facilities on its Kins Communities in Florida due to its booming hemp market estimated to surge to $30 billion, according to Fox Business’ Ashley Webster. Some are even calling it “the crop of the future”.With over a decade of experience in growing, harvesting, processing and selling industrial hemp, as well as having a strong foothold on the educational front with its Hemp University, Hemp, Inc. plans to be one of the (hopefully many) dominate players in Florida that will help hemp farmers avoid a lot of the pitfalls they’ve faced in other states. According to Hemp, Inc....
Casella Waste Systems Recognizes Sustainability Leaders
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RUTLAND, Vt., Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Casella Waste Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: CWST) is pleased to announce that eight of its customers were recently honored for their leadership in sustainability at the inaugural Casella Sustainability Leadership Award Ceremony.The customers were honored at a virtual ceremony for excellence in resource sustainability across seven categories, including: partnership, innovation, recycling, organics recovery, donations and reuse, closed loop economy, and education.“It gives us a sense of great pride to honor these eight customers for their leadership and outstanding work in advancing sustainability,” said John W. Casella, Chairman and CEO. “We hope that by bringing attention to their efforts, others will be inspired by their passion, commitment, and success.”Nearly 30 customers, including municipalities,...
Slinger Bag To Be Featured on Fox Business in Exclusive Interview With Maria Bartiromo
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Slinger Bag’s revolutionary new sports technology continues to take media center stage as the hottest thing in tennisBALTIMORE, Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Slinger Bag (OTCQB: SLBG), a sports brand launched in 2020 and focused on innovating game improvement equipment for all ball sports with an initial focus on the global tennis market, is set to feature on Fox Business on Wednesday at 8:40am ET to discuss how Slinger Bag is changing ball sports and its new partnership with tennis legend Tommy Haas via an exclusive, on-air interview with news host Maria Bartiromo.The company has generated significant high-profile media interest internationally in recent months as Fox Business joins a long line of illustrious media outlets that includes editorial coverage in renowned titles such as Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, The New York...
Aðalfundur TM 18. mars 2021
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Aðalfundur TM hf. verður haldinn fimmtudaginn 18. mars nk. kl. 16:00 í Hvammi á Grand Hótel Reykjavík, Sigtúni 38, Reykjavík.Í meðfylgjandi tveimur viðhengjum eru:Fundarboð aðalfundar.Tillögur stjórnar TM.Skýrsla tilnefningarnefndar TM með tillögu um hverjir skuli skipa stjórn félagsins næsta starfstímabil.ViðhengiFundarboð aðalfundar TMTillögur stjórnar TMSkýrsla tilnefningarnefndar TM
Disclosure of managers’ and closely related parties’ transactions with shares and/or linked financial instruments in North Media A/S
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Company announcement No 09-202123 February 2021Pursuant to article 19 of regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on market abuse (as amended) persons discharging managerial responsibilities in North Media A/S and/or persons closely related with them must notify the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority and notify North Media A/S of transactions related to shares and/or linked financial instruments in North Media A/S.North Media A/S hereby makes public pursuant to article 19 of regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on market abuse (as amended) the following information received from persons discharging managerial responsibilities in North Media A/S and/or persons closely related with them (see attached).The transaction pertains to exercise of stock options:For further...
Offentliggørelse af ledende medarbejderes og disses nærtståendes transaktioner med aktier og/eller tilknyttede finansielle instrumenter i North Media A/S
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Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 09-202123. februar 2021I henhold til artikel 19 i Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning (EU) nr. 596/2014 om markedsmisbrug (med senere ændringer) skal ledende medarbejdere i North Media A/S og/eller disses nærtstående indberette til Finanstilsynet og underrette North Media A/S om transaktioner med aktier og tilknyttede værdipapirer i North Media A/S.North Media A/S offentliggør hermed i henhold til artikel 19 i Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets forordning (EU) nr. 596/2014 om markedsmisbrug (med senere ændringer) følgende information modtaget fra ledende medarbejdere i North Media A/S og/eller disses nærtstående (se vedhæftede).Transaktionen omhandler udnyttelse af aktieoptioner:Yderligere oplysninger Ordførende koncerndirektør & CFO Kåre Wigh, mobil 25 65 21 45.Vedhæftet fil09-2021 Udnyttelse af aktieopti...
Sentient Energy® Acquires Key Assets of Varentec® to Give Utilities Comprehensive Visibility, Analytics, and Control to the Distribution Grid Edge
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FRISCO, Texas, Feb. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sentient Energy, a Koch Engineered Solutions (KES) company, today announced it has acquired grid edge intelligence and dynamic control technologies from Varentec, Inc. Varentec’s grid edge optimization hardware and management software help utilities operate the power grid more efficiently by enhancing energy savings and demand reduction, better managing the integration of distributed energy resources like solar and electric vehicles, and mitigating voltage fluctuations caused by sudden increases or decreases of load or distributed generation.“This technology acquisition along with our advanced analytics capabilities positions Sentient Energy as a comprehensive solutions provider for today’s increasingly complex distribution grid management needs,” Bob Karschnia, Sentient Energy’s CEO...