Day: February 18, 2021
암스테르담, Feb. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 매니지드 인터넷, 클라우드 액세스, SD-WAN 솔루션 사업자인 Expereo는 차세대 SD-WAN 및 SASE 솔루션 공급사인 Videns IT Services를 인수한다고 밝혔다. 이를 통해 다국적 기업 고객들을 겨냥한 Expereo의 SD-WAN 네트워크 혁신 및 관리 능력이 더욱 강화될 전망이다.Videns IT Services는 네트워크 독립형 매니지드 서비스 사업자로 완전한 형태의 매니지드 SD-WAN 및 Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)를 공급한다.이번 인수는 다국적 기업 고객을 대상으로 한 네트워크 및 클라우드 액세스 솔루션 공급을 통해 글로벌 네트워킹 및 클라우드 액세스를 보다 탄력적이고 민첩하며 보안성이 확보된 형태로 단순화하려는 Expereo의 의지가 잘 나타나 있다. Viden 인수를 통해 Expereo의 SDWAN 서비스는 풍부한 업계 경험과 노하우가 결합된 SDWAN 및 SASE 솔루션을 토대로 더욱 강화되는 한편 차세대 글로벌 네트워크 및 클라우드 액세스 솔루션 공급 범위와 폭도 넓어질 전망이다.뤼트 판슈트라텐(Ruud van Straaten) Videns 매니징 디렉터는 “Videns가 갖춘 전문성은 다수의 다국적 기업 및 국내 기업 고객을 대상으로 하는 SD-WAN 공급에 기반하고 있다. 2012년 창립 이후 우리는 매니지드 SDWAN 및 SASE 서비스 분야 리더로 발돋움하기 위해 높은 수준의 제휴와 기술에 투자를 아끼지 않았다”고 말했다.그는 이어 “Expereo는 인터넷 중심 차세대 매니지드 네트워크 서비스 분야에서 글로벌 리더십 입지를 확보하고...
Expereo memperoleh Videns IT Services, pakar dalam SD-WAN & SASE Generasi Seterusnya
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AMSTERDAM, Feb. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Expereo, pembekal global bagi penyelesaian Internet terurus, akses Awan dan SD-WAN, mengumumkan pemerolehan pembekal penyelesaian SD-WAN & SASE generasi seterusnya Videns IT Services, meningkatkan keupayaan transformasi dan pengurusan rangkaian SD-WAN Expereo untuk pelanggan perusahaan multinasional.Videns IT Services ialah pembekal perkhidmatan terurus bebas rangkaian yang menyampaikan SD-WAN dan Pinggir Keselamatan Akses Selamat (SASE) terurus sepenuhnya.Pemerolehan ini menggambarkan cita-cita dan komitmen Expereo untuk meringkaskan rangkaian global dan akses awan dengan rangkaian yang fleksibel, tangkas dan selamat serta penyelesaian akses awan untuk perusahaan multinasional.Pemerolehan Videns akan mengukuhkan tawaran SDWAN Expereo dengan pengalaman sektor yang mendalam dan pengetahuan...
Expereo adquire Videns IT Services, experts em NextGen SD-WAN & SASE
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AMSTERDÃ, Feb. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Expereo, provedora global de soluções gerenciadas de Internet, Acesso à Nuvem e SD-WAN, anuncia a aquisição do próximo provedor de soluções SD-WAN & SASE Videns IT Services da próxima geração, reforçando os recursos de transformação e gerenciamento de rede SD-WAN da Expereo para seus clientes empresariais multinacionais.A Videns IT Services é um provedor de serviços gerenciados independente de rede que fornece SD-WAN e Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) totalmente gerenciados.A aquisição é um exemplo da ambição e do compromisso da Expereo em simplificar o acesso à rede e à nuvem global com soluções de acesso à rede e à nuvem flexíveis, agile e seguras para empresas multinacionais. A aquisição da Videns irá fortalecer a oferta SDWAN da Expereo com a sua profunda experiência e know-how...
Expereo adquiere Videns IT Services, los expertos en NextGen SD-WAN & SASE
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ÁMSTERDAM, Feb. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Expereo, el proveedor mundial de soluciones administradas de Internet, acceso a la nube y SD-WAN, anuncia la adquisición del proveedor de soluciones SD-WAN & SASE ((red de área ampliada definida por software y borde de servicios de acceso seguro) de futura generación, Videns IT Services, reforzando las capacidades de gestión y transformación de red SD-WAN de Expereo para sus clientes empresariales multinacionales.Videns IT Services es un proveedor de servicios administrados independiente de la red que ofrece SD-WAN y borde de servicios de acceso seguro (SASE) totalmente administrados.La adquisición ejemplifica la ambición y el compromiso de Expereo para simplificar el acceso global a la red y la nube con soluciones de acceso a la red y la nube flexibles, ágiles y seguras para empresas...
C&F Financial Corporation Announces Quarterly Dividend
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WEST POINT, Va., Feb. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The board of directors of C&F Financial Corporation (NASDAQ:CFFI) has declared a regular cash dividend of 38 cents per share, which is payable April 1, 2021 to shareholders of record on March 12, 2021. The Board of Directors of the Corporation continually reviews the amount of cash dividends per share and the resulting dividend payout ratio in light of changes in economic conditions, current and future capital requirements, and expected future earnings. About C&FC&F Bank operates 31 retail banking offices and three commercial loan offices located throughout the Hampton to Charlottesville corridor and the Northern Neck region in Virginia and offers full wealth management services through its subsidiary C&F Wealth Management, Inc. C&F Mortgage Corporation...
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Chicago, IL, Feb. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FOMO CORP. (“FOMO”) has replied to FINRA’s third round of comments on its application to change its name with FINRA to “FOMO CORP.” and ticker to “FOMO”. The Company’s transfer agent Signature Stock Transfer has similarly replied on their end. The Company changed its legal name with the Secretary of State of California on December 16, 2019 and with the SEC’s EDGAR system shortly thereafter. A new CUSIP number has been obtained as part of the process. Management is confident it has addressed FINRA’s requests for information following the application for said name change / ticker change on November 17, 2020, though there are no assurances on timing. Management believes the name reflects the Company’s growth prospects in public venture capital investments.About FOMO CORP.FOMO CORP. is a publicly...
United Community Banks, Inc. Announces Quarterly Cash Dividend On Preferred Stock And Quarterly Cash Dividend Increase On Common Stock
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GREENVILLE, S.C., Feb. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ: UCBI) (“United”), reported that its Board of Directors approved an increase of its regular quarterly cash dividend to $0.19 per share on the Company’s common stock. The dividend is payable April 5, 2021 to shareholders of record as of March 15, 2021. This represents a 5.6% increase over the quarterly dividend in the last five quarters.The Board of Directors also approved a quarterly cash dividend of $429.6875 per share (equivalent to $0.4296875 per depositary share or 1/1000th interest per share) on the Company’s 6.875% Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series I (NASDAQ: UCBIO). The dividend is payable March 15, 2021 to shareholders of record on February 28, 2021.About United Community Banks, Inc.United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ:...
CloudCommerce Adds Critical Artificial Intelligence (AI) Component
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SAN ANTONIO, Feb. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CloudCommerce, Inc. (CLWD), a leading provider of digital advertising solutions, today announced that it has entered into a license agreement with WRENCH.AI to use its AI-driven customized personalization engine to enhance the Company’s AI-enabled SWARM platform. Adding this critical component will allow the Company to speed the development of SWARM to dramatically reduce the cost of advertising.“Using machine learning and artificial intelligence, WRENCH.AI makes it easier for advertisers to harness the power of their data to automate the process of creating personas to optimize marketing and advertising efforts,” said Andrew Van Noy, the Company’s CEO. “Our licensing agreement with WRENCH.AI, will allow us to further develop SWARM to integrate with customer relationship management (CRM)...
VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA, AS notification on manager’s transactions
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Additional information available in the attached documents.Contacts:VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA, ASPhone: +371 64202216E-mail: latvia@valmiera-glass.comWeb: www.valmiera-glass.comAttachmentsNotification P-D Aircraft Composites ENNotification P-D Glasseiden Oschatz ENNotification P-D Management Industries Technologies ENNotification Stefan Allexander Preiss-Daimler EN
AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRA paziņojums par uzņēmuma pārvaldītāja darījumiem
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Papildu informācija pievienotajos dokumentos.Kontaktinformācija:AS VALMIERAS STIKLA ŠĶIEDRATel.: +371 64 20 22 16E-pasts: latvia@valmiera-glass.comMājaslapa: www.valmiera-glass.comPielikumiNotification P-D Aircraft Composites LVNotification P-D Glasseiden Oschatz LVNotification P-D Management Industries Technologies LVNotification Stefan Allexander Preiss-Daimler LV