Day: February 15, 2021
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SouthGobi Resources Ltd. (Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”): SGQ, Hong Kong Stock Exchange (“HKEX”): 1878) (“SouthGobi” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the TSX Continued Listing Committee has completed the Delisting Review of the Company and determined that the Company satisfies TSX’s applicable requirements for continued listing.About SouthGobiSouthGobi, listed on the Toronto and Hong Kong stock exchanges, owns and operates its flagship Ovoot Tolgoi coal mine in Mongolia. SouthGobi produces and sells coal to customers in China.Contact:Investor RelationsWebsite:
Constellation Software Releases Letter to Shareholders
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TORONTO, Feb. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Constellation Software Inc. (TSX:CSU) announced today that it has released a letter to shareholders from President Mark Leonard. The letter can be accessed from the Company’s website at or from SEDAR at Constellation Software Inc.Constellation Software acquires, manages and builds vertical market software businesses.Contact:Jamal BakshChief Financial Officer416-861-9677
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Chicago, IL, Feb. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FOMO CORP. (US OTC: ETFM) has agreed to acquire SmartGuard Energy LLC (SGE). SGE consists of the following entities: LED Funding IV LLC, d/b/a LED Funding LLC, and Lux Solutions LLC.Management believes the acquisition of SGE, together with the recent acquisition of Independence LED Lighting (ILED – and the planned acquisition of EcoLite (, enhances FOMO’s ability to provide comprehensive solutions under the anticipated smart/clean buildings initiative for Commercial, Municipal, and Federal buildings throughout the U.S. Since 2015, SGE has retrofitted and financed installations at more than 300 buildings in the U.S. and Puerto Rico where their Lighting-as-a-Service (LaaS) model was pioneered. SGE had a combined (LED Funding...
AutoZone to Release Second Quarter Earnings March 2, 2021
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MEMPHIS, Tenn., Feb. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AutoZone, Inc. (NYSE:AZO), the nation’s leading auto parts retailer and a leading distributor of automotive replacement parts and accessories, will release results for its second quarter ended Saturday, February 13, 2021, before market open on Tuesday, March 2, 2021. Additionally, the Company will host a one-hour conference call on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, beginning at 10:00 a.m. (EST), to discuss the results of the quarter.This call is being web cast and can be accessed, along with supporting slides, at AutoZone’s website at and clicking on Investor Relations. Investors may also listen to the call by dialing (210) 839-8923 and entering the participant passcode 9697984. In addition, a telephone replay will be available by dialing (203) 369-1211 through April 2, 2021,...
Baltic Horizon Fund Consolidated Unaudited Results for Q4 2020
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Management Board of Northern Horizon Capital AS has approved the unaudited consolidated interim financial statements of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) for the twelve months of 2020.Impact of COVID-19 pandemicAt the beginning of 2020, a new coronavirus (COVID-19) started spreading all over the world, which has had an impact on businesses and economies, including in the Baltics. It is evident that the operating results of Q2-Q4 2020 and property valuations were affected by the COVID-19 effects on the tenants’ financial performance and the relief measures taken to deal with the pandemic. However, based on the currently available information, the Management Company believes that the COVID-19 pandemic should rather have a temporary effect on the Fund’s results. Broad portfolio diversification allows the Fund to limit the COVID-19 impact on...
Baltic Horizon Fund Consolidated Unaudited Results for Q4 2020
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Management Board of Northern Horizon Capital AS has approved the unaudited consolidated interim financial statements of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) for the twelve months of 2020.Impact of COVID-19 pandemicAt the beginning of 2020, a new coronavirus (COVID-19) started spreading all over the world, which has had an impact on businesses and economies, including in the Baltics. It is evident that the operating results of Q2-Q4 2020 and property valuations were affected by the COVID-19 effects on the tenants’ financial performance and the relief measures taken to deal with the pandemic. However, based on the currently available information, the Management Company believes that the COVID-19 pandemic should rather have a temporary effect on the Fund’s results. Broad portfolio diversification allows the Fund to limit the COVID-19 impact on...
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Northern Horizon Capital AS-i juhatus on kinnitanud Baltic Horizon Fondi (Fond) auditeerimata konsolideeritud vahearuande tulemused IV kvartali 2020. aasta kohta.COVID-19 pandeemia mõju2020. aasta alguses hakkas maailmas levima uus koroonaviirus (COVID-19), mis on mõjutanud erinevate riikide, sh Balti riikide, ettevõtteid ja majandust. Fondi 2020. aasta II-IV kvartali majandusnäitajaid ja kinnisvarainvesteeringute hindamistulemusi mõjutasid viirusepuhangu mõju rentnike finantstulemustele ja pandeemia tõttu tehtud soodustused. Praeguse informatsiooni alusel usub Fondivalitseja siiski, et COVID-19 pandeemia avaldab Fondi tulemustele pigem ajutist mõju. Hästi hajutatud portfell võimaldab Fondil COVID-19 mõju piirata ja jätkuvalt korralikke konsolideeritud majandustulemusi saavutada.Oma finantsseisundi tugevdamiseks on Fond otsustanud jätta...
Fortis Inc. dépose ses documents d’information pour 2020
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ST. JOHN’S, Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, 15 févr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —Fortis Inc. (« Fortis » ou la « Société ») (TSX/NYSE:FTS) a déposé aujourd’hui ses états financiers consolidés audités et son rapport de gestion pour l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2020, ainsi que sa notice annuelle de 2020, auprès des autorités de réglementation en valeurs mobilières du Canada. La Société a aussi déposé son formulaire 40-F pour l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2020 auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission des États-Unis. Il est possible de se procurer un exemplaire de ces documents en ligne au (dépôt au Canada), au (dépôt aux États-Unis) et sur le site Web de la Société au, ainsi que par courriel à circulaire d’information de la direction pour la prochaine assemblée...
Safe Bulkers, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Twelve Months 2020 Results
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MONACO, Feb. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Safe Bulkers, Inc. (the “Company”) (NYSE: SB), an international provider of marine drybulk transportation services, announced today its unaudited financial results for the three and twelve months period ended December 31, 2020.____________________________________________1 Adjusted Net income/(loss) is a non-GAAP measure. Adjusted Net income/(loss) represents Net income/(loss) before gain/(loss) on derivatives, early redelivery cost, loss on inventory valuation and gain/(loss) on foreign currency. See Table 4.2 EBITDA is a non-GAAP measure and represents Net income/(loss) plus net interest expense, tax, depreciation and amortization. See Table 4. Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP measure and represents EBITDA before gain/(loss) on derivatives, early redelivery cost, loss on inventory valuation...
Stericycle to Participate in J.P. Morgan 2021 Virtual Global High Yield & Leveraged Finance Conference in March
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BANNOCKBURN, Ill., Feb. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Stericycle, Inc. (Nasdaq: SRCL) will participate in the J.P. Morgan 2021 Virtual Global High Yield & Leveraged Finance Conference on March 2, 2021, with Andrew Ellis, Vice President of Investor Relations, and Ritu Narula, Vice President & Treasurer, hosting investor calls.FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Stericycle Investor Relations 1-847-607-2012About Stericycle, Inc.Stericycle, Inc., (Nasdaq: SRCL) is a U.S. based business-to-business services company and leading provider of compliance-based solutions that protects people, promotes health and safeguards the environment. Stericycle serves customers in the U.S. and 17 countries worldwide with solutions for regulated waste and compliance services, secure information destruction and patient engagement. For more information...