Day: February 12, 2021
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dominion Lending Centres Inc. (TSXV: DLCG) is proud to announce that it has won the following Mortgage Awards of Excellence for 2020:Eddy Cocciollo, President of Dominion Lending Centres Inc., noted: “On behalf of the entire DLC team, we’d like to thank all of our owners and mortgage professionals for all of their hard work in 2020. Being named the National Network of the Year is extra special given all of the challenges that this last year presented. I’d also like to congratulate DLC Valko Financial and DLC White House Mortgages, along with our VP of Marketing, Kate Brady and her team for winning the Best Marketing Campaign award.”Geoff Willis, President of Newton Connectivity Systems Inc., commented: “For us, this is social proof that the Newton team is working in...
Kvika banki hf.: Birting ársreiknings
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Áætlað er að stjórn Kviku banka hf. samþykki ársreikning bankans fyrir árið 2020 á stjórnarfundi miðvikudaginn 17. febrúar nk. og verður hann birtur í kjölfarið, eftir lokun markaða.Kynningarfundur fyrir fjárfesta verður haldinn í höfuðstöðvum bankans á 9. hæð, Katrínartúni 2, 105 Reykjavík fimmtudaginn 18. febrúar nk. kl. 11:30. Léttar veitingar verða í boði.Fyrirmælum yfirvalda vegna samkomutakmarkana verður fylgt í hvívetna og eru fundargestir beðnir um að boða komu sína fyrirfram á netfangið Fundinum verður jafnframt streymt á eftirfarandi vefslóð: Hægt er að senda tölvupóst með spurningum fyrir fund eða á meðan á honum stendur áárfestakynning sem farið verður yfir á fundinum verður aðgengileg fyrir fu...
Kvika banki hf.: Publication of annual financial statement
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The board of directors of Kvika banki hf. is set to approve the financial statement of the bank for 2020 at a board meeting on Wednesday 17 February. The annual financial statement will subsequently be published after markets have closed.A meeting for investors to present the results will take place at Kvika’s headquarters on the 9th floor, Katrínartún 2, 105 Reykjavík Thursday 18 February at 11:30 AM. Light refreshments will be served.Instructions from authorities regarding restrictions on gatherings will be followed in all respects and meeting participants are requested to announce their attendance beforehand to The meeting will also be accessible online through the following website: participants will be able to send questions...
Proposed changes to the Board of Directors of Royal Unibrew A/S
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COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT NO 6/2021 – 12 FEBRUARY 2021As Chairman Walther Thygesen has announced his intention to step down from the Board of Directors of Royal Unibrew A/S no later than at the Annual General Meeting in 2022, the following changes are proposed initiated:Peter Ruzicka will be nominated to the Board of Directors at the upcoming Annual General Meeting. It is the intention of the Board of Directors that Peter Ruzicka will be introduced to the chairmanship responsibilities during a transitional period with a view to succeed Walther Thygesen as Chairman of the Board of Directors upon Walther Thygesen’s retirement. Peter Ruzicka comes with a strong and relevant background as the former CEO of Orkla in Norway, and he brings international senior leadership experience within FMCG and retail business. He currently serves as Chairman...
Forslag til ændringer i Royal Unibrew A/S’ bestyrelse
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SELSKABSMEDDELELSE NR. 6/2021 – 12. FEBRUAR 2021Formand for bestyrelsen, Walther Thygesen, har meddelt, at han ønsker at fratræde formandsposten i Royal Unibrew A/S’ bestyrelse senest i forbindelse med generalforsamlingen 2022. Det foreslås derfor at igangsætte følgende:Peter Ruzicka vil blive indstillet til indtrædelse i bestyrelsen ved næstkommende generalforsamling. Det er bestyrelsens hensigt at introducere Peter Ruzicka til formandspostens ansvarsområder i en overgangsperiode med henblik på at efterfølge Walther Thygesen efter hans fratrædelse. Peter Ruzicka tilslutter sig bestyrelsen med en stærk og relevant baggrund som tidligere CEO for Orkla i Norge og har derudover international ledelseserfaring indenfor FMCG og detailhandel. På nuværende tidspunkt bestrider han formandsposten i bestyrelsen hos Pandora A/S, og er bestyrelsesmedlem...
Tauriga Sciences Inc. to Commence Development of its 1st Full Spectrum CBD Infused Edibles Product Line
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NEW YORK, NY , Feb. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Tauriga Sciences, Inc. (OTCQB: TAUG) (“Tauriga” or the “Company”), a revenue generating, diversified life sciences company, with a proprietary line of CBD & CBG infused Supplement chewing gums (Flavors: Pomegranate, Blood Orange, Peach-Lemon, Pear Bellini, Mint, Black Currant) as well as an ongoing Pharmaceutical Development initiative, today announced that it has commenced development of its 1st full spectrum Cannabidiol (“CBD”) infused edibles product line. The Company plans to develop this above referenced product line, with the following attributes: Kosher Certified, Halal Certified, Vegan Formulation, Dairy-Free, Infused with Full Spectrum Hemp Extract (“Full Spectrum”), All-Natural Flavors, Sugar Free/Diabetic Friendly Version(s), and Full Adherence...
Rackspace Technology und HiMed verbessern die Patientenversorgung mit cloudbasierter Patientenakten-Führung
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SAN ANTONIO, Feb. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rackspace Technology™ (NASDAQ: RXT), ein führender Anbieter von End-to-End-Multicloud-Technologielösungen, hat heute die Ergebnisse und Details der Lösungen aus seiner erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit mit HiMed Solutions bei der Implementierung einer cloudbasierten Patientenakten-Führung bekanntgegeben.Das Patientenakten-System ermöglicht es Ärzten und medizinischem Personal in Kolumbien, mit schnellem, zuverlässigem und sicherem Zugriff auf Patientenakten in Übereinstimmung mit strengen Compliance-Vorschriften bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen.HiMed Solutions bietet ein benutzerfreundliches, sicheres und agiles Online-System für Patientenakten, das den Verwaltungsaufwand für Ärzte und Administratoren reduziert und ihnen mehr Zeit für die Versorgung ihrer Patienten gewährt.Innerhalb von...
Greene Concepts Announces Joint Venture with Lucky Soul Inc. to Produce and Sell a Line of Artesian Water Within All Current and Future Distribution Channels
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MARION, N.C., Feb. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Greene Concepts Inc. (OTC Pink: INKW) is proud to announce a joint venture partnership with Lucky Soul Inc., offering aspirational wellness beverages and apparel brands from Los Angeles, California. Through this joint venture, Greene Concepts will partner with Lucky Soul’s SOULTOX brand to produce and sell a line of artesian water within all current and future SOULTOX distribution channels. This joint venture brings the visibility of our artesian beverage to a brand-new audience tied to the entertainment and sports industry where it will be sold within the same online, retail and distribution markets as SOULTOX, “Better for You” functional recovery water. Greene Concepts will produce, market and sell Lucky Soul’s SOULTOX wellness beverage product line through its recently announced...
Proactive news headlines including Alpine 4 Technologies, Aequus Pharmaceuticals, Aurania Resources and VolitionRx
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New York, Feb. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — – Alpine 4 Technologies Ltd (OTCQB:ALPP) enters definitive agreements for registered direct offering for gross proceeds of approximately $50M click here– Aequus Pharmaceuticals Inc (CVE:AQS) (OTCMKTS:AQSZF) (FRA:AEQ) says entrepreneur Marc Lustig will join board of directors click here– Valens Company (TSE:VLNS) (OTCQX:VLNCF) (FRA:7LV) receives Health Canada license amendment to sell dried cannabis products click here– LexaGene Holdings Inc (CVE:LXG) (OTCQB:LXXGF) (FRA:5XS2) says President Daryl Rebeck will resign from his position and the board click here– Aurania Resources Ltd (CVE:ARU) (OTCQB:AUIAF) (FRA:20Q) begins drilling at Tsenken N1 target click here– New Pacific Metals (TSE:NUAG) (OTCMKTS:NUPMF) (FRA:3N7A) ends 4Q with nearly C$63M in working...
Foresight Solar & Technology VCT plc – Transaction in Own Shares
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TRANSACTION IN OWN SHARESThe Board of Foresight Solar & Technology VCT plc (“the Company”) announces that on 12 February 2021 the Company purchased for cancellation 351,929 Ordinary Shares of 1p at a gross price of 68.80p per Ordinary Share.There are now 35,109,032 Ordinary Shares of 1p and 5,486,121 Foresight Williams Technology Shares (“FWT Shares”) of 1p in issue.Total Voting RightsIn accordance with the FCA’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules sourcebook transitional provision 6, Foresight Solar & Technology VCT plc advises that, following this purchase, its share capital consists of 40,595,153 shares, as follows:Foresight Solar & Technology VCT plc does not hold any shares in Treasury.Therefore the total number of voting rights in the Company’s shares is 40,595,153 which may be used by shareholders as the...