Day: February 12, 2021
Luleå, 12 februari 2021 — Effnetplattformen AB (publ)BOKSLUTSKOMMUNIKÉJanuari – december 2020Koncernens omsättning för perioden uppgick till KSEK 7 167 (9 569) eller SEK 0,79 (1,06) per aktie.Rörelseresultatet för perioden uppgick till KSEK -4 639 (-1 646). Nettoresultatet var för samma period KSEK -3 634 (-1 368) eller SEK -0,40 (-0,15) per aktie.Kassaflödet från den löpande verksamheten uppgick under perioden till KSEK -6 560 (-1 587) eller SEK -0,73 (-0,18) per aktie.Koncernens likvida medel inklusive kortfristiga placeringar uppgick vid periodens slut till KSEK 15 959 (22 928) vilket motsvarar SEK 1,77 (2,54) per aktie.Det egna kapitalet uppgick vid periodens utgång till KSEK 19 072 (22 705) eller SEK 2,11 (2,51) per aktie. Koncernens soliditet uppgick till 89 (89) procent. Händelser efter periodenEffnet har nu framgångsrikt...
City of Berlin selects itslearning learning management system for 400,000 students
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Sanoma Corporation, Investor news, 12 February 2021 at 9:30 EETCity of Berlin selects itslearning learning management system for 400,000 studentsitslearning, part of Sanoma Learning, has been selected by the city of Berlin as its new learning management system (LMS). itslearning LMS will provide teachers and 400,000 students a pedagogical and scalable digital learning environment alongside the existing platform used at Berlin schools. The deal includes user licenses, a video conferencing tool, project management, training and integrations, and it covers all state schools in primary, secondary and vocational education. itslearning LMS is of highest standard what comes to data security and privacy.“I am delighted that Berlin has chosen itslearning as the education partner for its plan to provide remote learning in a sustainable way...
SpareBank 1 SMN:Trading for own account
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On February 11 SpareBank 1 SMN transferred 1,464 Equity Capital Certificates at a price of NOK 102.40 to employees in the banks subsidiaries as bonus.After this transaction the bank owns 631 ECC’s.Trondheim, 11 February 2021 Contact person in SpareBank 1 SMN:CFO Kjell Fordal, tel. 905 41 672This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
SpareBank 1 SMN: Meldepliktig handel egne bevis
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SpareBank 1 SMN har den 11. februar tildelt 1.464 egenkapitalbevis til kurs 102,40 i forbindelse med bonus for ansatte i bankens datterselskaper.Bankens beholdning av egne bevis etter denne transaksjonen er 631 bevis.Trondheim, 11. februar 2021 Kontaktperson i SpareBank 1 SMN:Finansdirektør Kjell Fordal, tlf. 905 41 672Denne opplysningen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12
Nilörngruppen AB: Year End Report Q4-2020
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Period October – DecemberOrder bookings increased by 1 percent to MSEK 189 (188).Revenue increased by 1 percent to MSEK 173 (171).Revenue adjusted for currency effects amounted to MSEK 194 (171), i.e. an underlying organic increase of 13 percent.Operating profit amounted to MSEK 21.2 (11.6).Profit for the period amounted to MSEK 14.5 (7.1).Earnings per share amounted to SEK 1.28 (0.62).Period January – DecemberOrder bookings decreased by 13 percent and amounted to MSEK 653 (749).Revenue decreased by 14 percent to MSEK 618 (715).Revenue adjusted for currency effects amounted to MSEK 650 (715), i.e. an underlying organic decrease of 9 percent.Operating profit amounted to MSEK 50.8 (66.2).Profit for the period amounted to MSEK 33.5 (47.2).Earnings per share amounted to SEK 2.94 (4.14).Net cash excluding IFRS16 amounted to MSEK...
Nilörngruppen AB: Bokslutskommuniké 2020
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Perioden oktober – decemberOrderingången ökade med 1 procent till 189 (188) MSEKOmsättningen ökade med 1 procent till 173 (171) MSEKOmsättningen justerat för valutaeffekter uppgick till 194 (171) MSEK, dvs en underliggande organisk tillväxt om 13 procentRörelseresultatet uppgick till 21,2 (11,6) MSEKPeriodens resultat uppgick till 14,5 (7,1) MSEKResultatet per aktie uppgick till 1,28 (0,62) SEKPerioden januari – decemberOrderingången minskade med 13 procent till 653 (749) MSEKOmsättningen i SEK minskade med 14 procent till 618 (715) MSEKOmsättningen justerat för valutaeffekter uppgick till 650 (715) MSEK, dvs en underliggande organisk minskning om 9 procentRörelseresultatet uppgick till 50,8 (66,2) MSEKPeriodens resultat uppgick till 33,5 (47,2) MSEKResultatet per aktie uppgick till 2,94 (4,14) SEKNettokassan exklusive IFRS...
Mt Højgaard Holding A/S: Enemærke & Petersen acquires construction group Raunstrup
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MT Højgaard Holding A/S’ business unit, Enemærke & Petersen, has entered into an agreement to acquire the nationwide construction and carpentry company Raunstrup. The acquisition is solely conditional on approval by the competition authorities and usual closing conditions, and closing is expected during Q1 2021. The purchase price is DKK 73 million (enterprise value).The strategic acquisition will strengthen Enemærke & Petersen in the eastern and central parts of Jutland as well as on Funen where Raunstrup has a strong position. The acquisition will furthermore strengthen Enemærke & Petersen’s activities within building maintenance services.The acquisition includes Raunstrup A/S’ three operating companies:Raunstrup Byggeri A/S: Fitting work and prime contracts, i.a. retail stores, housing and institutions such as childcare...
Mt Højgaard Holding A/S: Enemærke & Petersen køber entreprenørkoncernen Raunstrup
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MT Højgaard Holding A/S’ forretningsenhed Enemærke & Petersen har indgået aftale om at købe den landsdækkende entreprenør- og tømrervirksomhed Raunstrup. Købet er alene betinget af konkurrencemyndighedernes godkendelse og sædvanlige closing-forhold, og overtagelsen ventes at ske i løbet af 1. kvartal 2021. Købsprisen er 73 mio. kr. (enterprise value).Det strategiske opkøb vil især styrke Enemærke & Petersen i Øst- og Midtjylland samt på Fyn, hvor Raunstrup har en stærk position. Købet vil også væsentligt styrke Enemærke & Petersens aktiviteter inden for bygningsservice.Overtagelsen omfatter Raunstrup A/S’ tre driftsselskaber:Raunstrup Byggeri A/S: Apterings- og storentrepriser, bl.a. detailbutikker, boligbyggeri samt institutionsbyggeri som børnehaver, skoler, gymnasier, plejehjem og kulturhuse.Raunstrup Bygningsservice...
China UnionPay Awards Second LOA to Biometric Payment Card Featuring IDEX Biometrics’ Fingerprint Sensor & Biometric Technology
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Oslo, Norway – 12 February 2021 – IDEX Biometrics ASA, a leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentication solutions, today announces that China UnionPay (CUP) has issued a second letter of approval (LOA) for a biometric payment card that contains IDEX’s fingerprint sensor and biometric solutions. The card is manufactured by Goldpac Group Ltd. (Goldpac).The LOA is the formal acknowledgement by CUP that a product or service demonstrates compliance to all relevant requirements. This enables world-wide interoperability with ATMs and point of sale terminals as well as durability, reliability and security assurance. With this formal LOA, Goldpac and local banks can move forward with biometric card issuance. This is the second biometric card certification, using IDEX’S fingerprint sensor and biometric solutions,...
Philly Shipyard ASA: Q4 2020 Results
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Enclosed please find the Q4 2020 unaudited condensed financial report.This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.AttachmentPHLY Q4 2020 report