Day: February 11, 2021
Vincent Macharis enrichit le conseil de direction avec une large expérience en finance & administration management.Le conseil de surveillance d’Intervest Offices & Warehouses SA, société immobilière réglementée active dans le segment des bureaux et de l’immobilier logistique, a nommé Vincent Macharis en tant que nouveau chief financial officer et ce sous la condition suspensive de l’approbation par la FSMA.Pièce jointeNomination nouveau chief financial officer
Landsbankinn hf.: Uppgjör Landsbankans fyrir árið 2020
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Hagnaður Landsbankans á árinu 2020 nam 10,5 milljörðum króna, eftir skatta.Arðsemi eiginfjár Landsbankans var 4,3% á árinu 2020, samanborið við 7,5% arðsemi árið 2019. Markmið bankans er að ná að lágmarki 10% arðsemi eiginfjár.Arðsemi eiginfjár á fjórða ársfjórðungi 2020 var 15,5%, samanborið við 6,3% arðsemi á sama ársfjórðungi árið á undan.Kostnaður sem hlutfall af tekjum (K/T) hækkaði á milli ára og var 47,4% á árinu 2020 samanborið við 42,6% árið 2019.Útlán Landsbankans jukust um 133,2 milljarða króna. Vanskilahlutfall útlána í árslok 2020 var 0,8% sem er sama hlutfall og í árslok 2019.Eigið fé Landsbankans nam 258,3 milljörðum króna í árslok 2020 og eiginfjárhlutfallið var 25,1% af áhættugrunni.Lagt verður til við aðalfund að greiddur verði 4,5 milljarða króna arður til hluthafa vegna ársins 2020, eða sem nemur 0,19 krónu á hlut.Árs-...
Landsbankinn hf.: Financial results of Landsbankinn for 2020
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Landsbankinn’s after-tax profit in 2020 was ISK 10.5 billion.Return on equity (ROE) was 4.3% in 2020, as compared with 7.5% in 2019. The Bank’s target is 10% minimum ROE.Return on equity (ROE) was 15.5% in Q4 2020 as compared with 6,3% for the same period the previous year.The cost-income ratio grew between years, was 47.4% in 2020 as compared with 42.6% in 2019.Landsbankinn’s credit portfolio grew by ISK 133.2 billion. The default ratio at year-end 2020 was 0.8%, the same number as at year-end 2019.Landsbankinn’s equity amounted to ISK 258.3 billion at year-end 2020 and its capital ratio was 25.1% of risk-weighted assets.A proposal will be made to the AGM to pay an ISK 4.5 billion dividend to shareholders for the year 2020, the equivalent of ISK 0.19 per share.Landsbankinn’s annual and ESG report, and Pillar III risk...
Síminn hf. – Uppgjör 4. ársfjórðungs 2020 verður birt eftir lokun markaðar 18. febrúar 2021
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Rafrænn kynningarfundur verður haldinn 19. febrúar kl. 8:30Síminn hf. mun birta uppgjör sitt fyrir fjórða ársfjórðung 2020 þann 18. febrúar næstkomandi. Kynningarfundur fyrir markaðsaðila og fjárfesta vegna uppgjörsins verður haldinn föstudaginn 19. febrúar 2021 og hefst kl. 8:30. Fundurinn verður eingöngu rafrænn og munu Orri Hauksson forstjóri og Óskar Hauksson fjármálastjóri kynna uppgjör félagsins og svara fyrirspurnum. Kynningarefni fundarins verður hægt að nálgast á heimasíðu Símans og í fréttakerfi Nasdaq Iceland.Hægt verður að fylgjast með fundinum í netstreymi á vefslóðinni:Þeir sem vilja bera upp spurningar á meðan á streymi stendur geta sent þær á og verður þeim svarað í lok fundarins.Nánari upplýsingar veitir Davíð Scheving fjárfestatengill...
Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits: Net sales for the fourth quarter and full-year 2020
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Charenton-le-Pont, February 11th, 2021Net sales for the fourth quarter and full-year 2020 2020 Net Sales at M€ 168.4, slightly ahead by +2.5% (excl. Poland and Moncigale) > A backdrop of the pandemic favouring bulk sales and particularly affecting the WEMEA clusters and Other Central and Eastern Europe countries over the year. > Relative resilience in France, steady volumes in the United States linked to pipeline volumes in connection with the new distribution model 4th Quarter activity (excl. Poland and Moncigale) at M€ 41.5, slightly down by -1.4% > The Branded Business (-8.8%) hit again by further lockdows in several countries > France: Good performance in a promotional market despite the impact of Covid 19 > United States : a quarter in deceleration reflecting active management of stock levelsNB:...
Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits : chiffre d’affaires du 4ème trimestre et de l’année 2020
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Charenton-le-Pont, le 11 février 2021Chiffre d’affaires du 4ème trimestre et de l’année 2020 Chiffre d’affaires 2020 de 168,4M€, en légère amélioration de +2,5% (hors Pologne et Moncigale) > Un contexte de pandémie favorisant les ventes de vrac et pénalisant particulièrement les cluster WEMEA, et les Autres pays de CEE sur l’année > Une relative résistance en France et des volumes soutenus aux Etats-Unis, liés au démarrage du nouveau partenariat de distribution Une activité du 4ème trimestre (hors Pologne et Moncigale) de 41,5 M€ en retrait limité de -1,4% > Une Activité Marques (-8,8%) à nouveau impactée par les reconfinements dans certains pays > Dans un marché promotionnel, bonnes performances en France malgré l’impact du contexte Covid 19 > Aux Etats-Unis, un trimestre en décélération reflétant...
Vicor Corporation to Hold Fourth Quarter Earnings Conference Call and Webcast on February 25, 2021
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ANDOVER, Mass., Feb. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vicor Corporation (NASDAQ: VICR) announced today it will hold its fourth quarter 2020 earnings conference call and webcast on Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern). Prepared remarks regarding the company’s financial and operational results for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2020 will be followed by a question and answer period with Patrizio Vinciarelli, Chief Executive Officer, and James A. Simms, Chief Financial Officer.Results for the fourth quarter will be released over GlobeNewswire at the close of the NASDAQ Market Session on February 25, 2021, and the press release and a summary of the company’s financial statements will be available shortly thereafter on the Investor Relations page of Vicor’s website.Vicor encourages investors...
Gold’n Futures retains Red Cloud to provide Corporate Advisory Services
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TORONTO, Feb. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GOLD’N FUTURES MINERAL CORP. (CSE: FUTR) (FSE: G6M), (the “Company”), is pleased to announce that it has engaged Red Cloud Securities Inc. and Red Cloud Financial Services Inc. (collectively referred to as “Red Cloud”) to provide the company with a range of corporate advisory services.The engagement of Red Cloud will assist with introducing the Company to a broader investor base, provide improved access to equity capital markets, and provide access to corporate advisory/investment banking services in support of any potential transaction activity.About Red CloudRed Cloud Securities Inc. is an IIROC-registered broker dealer focused on providing unique and innovative financing alternatives, growth opportunities, and market exposure for select mining companies.The Red Cloud team has a...
Virbac : Declaration of the number of shares and voting rights January 2021
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DECLARATION OF THE NUMBER OF SHARES AND VOTING RIGHTSInformation on the total number of voting rights and of shares representing the share capital (Article 223-16 of the General regulations of the French Financial Market Authority – Autoritédes Marchés Financiers)Quotation place: Euronext ParisCompartiment AISIN code: FR0000031577Net total* = total number of voting rights attached to the total number of shares net of shares with no voting rights.VIRBAC: Shaping the future of animal healthNYSE Euronext – Compartiment A / Code ISIN: FR0000031577 / MNEMO: VIRPCorporate Finance: tel. 33 4 92 08 71 32 / Email: finances@virbac.comWebsite: www.virbac.comAttachmentTotal_nb_of_voting_rights_and_shares_31_01_2021
Virbac : Déclaration d’actions et de droits de vote Janvier 2021
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DECLARATION D’ACTIONS ET DE DROITS DE VOTEInformations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et au nombre d’actions composant le capital(Article 223-16 du Règlement Général de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers)Place cotation : Euronext ParisCompartiment ACode ISIN : FR0000031577Total net* = nombre total de droits de vote attachés au nombre total d’actions – actions privées de droit de voteVIRBAC: Façonnons l’avenir de la santé animaleNYSE Euronext – Compartiment A / Code ISIN : FR0000031577 / MNEMO : VIRPDirection financière : tél. 04 92 08 71 32 – e-mail : finances@virbac.comSite web : www.virbac.comPièce jointeDéclaration_actions_et_ droits_vote 31_01_2021