Day: February 11, 2021
New York, New York, Feb. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Venus Acquisition Corporation, a Cayman Islands company (the “Company”) announced today that it closed its initial public offering of 4,600,000 units at a price of $10.00 per unit, resulting in gross proceeds of $46,000,000. The units began trading on The Nasdaq Capital Market and trade under the ticker symbol “VENAU” . Each unit consists of one ordinary share of the Company, one right entitling the holder to receive one-tenth (1/10) of one ordinary share, and one warrant, each warrant exercisable for one-half of one ordinary share of the Company at a price of $11.50 per whole share. Once the securities comprising the units begin separate trading, the ordinary shares, rights and warrants are expected to be listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbols “VENA”, “VENAR” and...
Banca Ifis exceeds targets and closes 2020 with profit of 68,8 million Euro. Geertman joins the Board of Directors
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Banca Ifis exceeds targets and closes 2020 with profit of 68,8 million Euro. Geertman joins the Board of DirectorsIn a year that has been profoundly marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Group has exceeded expectations, confirming resilient profitability and taking decisive action to derisk the businessOn the strength of the strategic initiatives and investments made during the year, including the rebranding and the portal dedicated to Ifis4Business companies, the Bank can speed up the route pursued based on the digitisation of the business model, attention to the customer and the valuation of peopleNet profits of 68,8 million Euro, higher than the guidance (between 50 and 65 million Euro) despite the second wave of COVID-19 and the lock-down that involved the country starting OctoberEquity position strengthens with CET1 at 11,29%, (+0,33%...
Banca Ifis supera i target e chiude il 2020 con 68,8 milioni di euro di utile. Geertman entra in Consiglio di Amministrazione
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Banca Ifis supera i target e chiude il 2020 con 68,8 milioni di euro di utile. Geertman entra in Consiglio di AmministrazioneIn un anno profondamente segnato dalla pandemia di Covid-19, il Gruppo va oltre le attese, confermando una redditività resiliente e adottando azioni decisive per il derisking sugli attiviForte delle iniziative strategiche e degli investimenti realizzati nel corso dell’anno, tra cui il rebranding e il portale dedicato alle imprese Ifis4Business, la Banca può accelerare il percorso intrapreso basato sulla digitalizzazione del modello di business, l’attenzione al cliente e la valorizzazione delle personeUtile netto di 68,8 milioni di euro, superiore alla guidance (tra 50 e 65 milioni di euro) nonostante la seconda ondata di Covid-19 e il lockdown che ha interessato il Paese a partire dal mese di ottobreSi rafforza la...
Great Elm Group, Inc. Schedules Fiscal 2021 Second Quarter Earnings Release and Conference Call
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WALTHAM, Mass., Feb. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Great Elm Group, Inc. (“we,” “us,” “our,” “GEG,” or “Great Elm”), (NASDAQ: GEG), today announced plans to release results for its fiscal 2021 second quarter ended December 31, 2020 on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 before the opening of the financial markets.Company to Host Conference Call & WebcastGreat Elm will host a conference call and webcast on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time to discuss its fiscal 2021 second quarter financial results.All interested parties are invited to participate in the conference call by dialing +1 (844) 559-0750; international callers should dial +1 (647) 689-5386. Participants should enter the Conference ID 5379083 when asked.For a copy of the slide presentation that will be referenced during the conference call, please visit:
Information financière au 31 décembre 2020
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Le groupe Recylex (Euronext Paris : FR0000120388 – RX) publie aujourd’hui son information financière au 31 décembre 2020.Suite à la demande d’ouverture des procédures d’insolvabilité de droit allemand1 le 14 mai 2020 par l’ensemble des sociétés qui constituaient son sous-groupe allemand, Recylex S.A. a perdu définitivement le contrôle de ces entités2, qui ont en conséquence été totalement déconsolidées à partir de cette date. Le chiffre d’affaires consolidé publié au 31 décembre 2020 inclut donc celui réalisé par ces entités seulement pour leur montant jusqu’à la date de leur déconsolidation.Afin de permettre une comparaison avec les chiffres 2020, le chiffre d’affaires consolidé au 31 décembre 2019 du Groupe Recylex est également présenté en données « Pro forma », en retraitant le chiffre d’affaires des entités allemandes sur la...
Financial information at December 31, 2020
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The Recylex Group (Euronext Paris: FR0000120388 – RX) is today reporting its sales for the financial year to December 31, 2020.Following the filing for insolvency proceedings under the German law1 on May 14, 2020 by the companies previously forming the German sub-group, Recylex S.A. definitively lost control of these entities2, which were consequently fully deconsolidated as of that date. The published consolidated sales at December 31, 2020 therefore include the sales generated by these entities only up to the date of their deconsolidation.In order to enable comparison with the 2020 figures, the Recylex Group’s consolidated revenue for the year ended December 31, 2019 is also presented in “Pro forma” data, by restating the revenue of the German entities over the same period as for the year 2020.IFRS data, figures...
Spineway Expansion in Asia
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Press release Ecully, February 11th, 2021 – 6:30 p.m.Continued expansion in Asia :First implantation of the Mont Blanc 3D+ in ThailandSignature of an Exclusive Distribution Agreement in MalaysiaSpineway, specialized in the treatment of severe disorders of the spine, announces the first surgery in Thailand with Mont Blanc 3D+ instrumentation as well as the signature of an exclusive distribution agreement for the marketing of its products in Malaysia.This operation was successfully performed on February 4th, 2021 by Dr Chatchawarl Sarntipiphat, orthopedic surgeon at Srinagarind University Hospital in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand, on an 11-year-old patient with idiopathic scoliosis.Doctor Sarntipiphat specifies the context of this operation : “This type of scoliosis...
Spineway – Développement en Asie
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Communiqué de presse Ecully, le 11 février 2021 – 18h30Poursuite du développement en Asie :1ère pose de l’implant Mont Blanc 3D+ en ThaïlandeSignature d’un accord de distribution exclusif en MalaisieSpineway, spécialisée dans la conception d’implants et instruments chirurgicaux innovants pour le traitement des pathologies sévères de la colonne vertébrale, annonce la première intervention chirurgicale en Thaïlande avec l’instrumentation Mont Blanc 3D+ ainsi que la signature d’un accord de distribution exclusif pour la commercialisation de ses produits en Malaisie.Cette opération a été réalisée avec succès le 4 février 2021 par le Dr Chatchawarl Sarntipiphat, chirurgien orthopédique au sein de l’hôpital universitaire de Srinagarind dans la province de Khon Kaen en Thaïlande,...
Switchback Energy Acquisition Corporation Adjourns Special Meeting of Stockholders to February 25, 2021 to Allow Stockholders More Time to Vote
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Approximately 99.9% of Proxies Have Voted in Favor of the ChargePoint TransactionStockholders as of the Close of Business on December 16, 2020 Should Vote Their Shares Even if They No Longer Own ThemVote Today to Avoid Further Delay to the Closing of the Business CombinationDallas, Texas, Feb. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Switchback Energy Acquisition Corporation (NYSE: SBE) (“Switchback”) today announced that it convened and then adjourned, without conducting any other business, its virtual Special Meeting of Stockholders to February 25, 2021 at 10:00 a.m., Eastern time (the “Special Meeting”), to allow for more time for stockholders to vote their shares to reach the required quorum and approve the required proposals. The Special Meeting is being held to consider the proposed business combination (the “Business Combination”) between...
Groupe Casino – Nombre de droits de vote et d’actions au 31-01-2021
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CASINO, GUICHARD-PERRACHONSociété anonyme au capital de 165 892 131,90 €Siège social : 1, Cours Antoine Guichard42000 Saint-Etienne554 501 171 R.C.S. Saint-EtienneInformations relatives au nombre total de droits de voteet d’actions composant le capital socialau 31 janvier 2021(article 223-16 du Règlement Général de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers)* * **Fait le 11 février 2021 à 8h15AttachmentCasino – Nombre de droits de vote et d’actions au 31-01-2021 – Communiqué