Day: February 10, 2021
Company announcement no. 02-202110 February 2021Proposal to a new constitution of the Board of Directors after the upcoming Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday, 26 March 2021.The Board of Directors recommends that the current Board members Mads Dahl Møberg Andersen, Richard Bunck, Ole Borch, Thomas Weikop, Ulrik Falkner Thagesen and Ulrik Holsted-Sandgreen all be re-elected at the general meeting. In addition, the Board recommends that Ann-Sofie Østberg Bjergby be elected as a new member of the Board of Directors.The Board recommends that Ole Borch be elected new Chairman after the general meeting and that Richard Bunck be re-elected as Vice-Chairman. Mads Dahl Møberg Andersen will continue to serve on the Board of Directors.Richard Bunck comments on the reasons for electing a new chairman:“The proposal is based on my thoughts...
North Media A/S får ny bestyrelsesformand
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Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 02-202110. februar 2021Forslag om ny konstitution efter den kommende ordinære generalforsamling, der afholdes fredag den 26. marts 2021På generalforsamlingen indstiller bestyrelsen genvalg af de nuværende bestyrelsesmedlemmer Mads Dahl Møberg Andersen, Richard Bunck, Ole Borch, Thomas Weikop, Ulrik Falkner Thagesen og Ulrik Holsted-Sandgreen. Derudover foreslår bestyrelsen nyvalg af Ann-Sofie Østberg Bjergby til bestyrelsen.Ved konstitueringen efter generalforsamlingen indstiller bestyrelsen, at Ole Borch bliver valgt som ny formand, og at Richard Bunck fortsætter som næstformand. Mads Dahl Møberg Andersen fortsætter som bestyrelsesmedlem.Om baggrunden for valg af ny formand siger Richard Bunck:Forslaget bygger på mine tanker om, hvorledes North Media A/S skal ejes og drives den dag, hvor jeg ikke længere kan være...
Incentive warrants
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February 10, 2021Announcement no. 2Today, the Board of Directors of BioPorto A/S (“BioPorto”) (Nasdaq: BIOPOR) has exercised the remaining part of its current authorization by issuing 350,000 warrants to certain key employees of the company and its subsidiaries.The warrants are issued in accordance with BioPorto’s Remuneration Policy and the authorization in section 18a of the Articles of Association.Each warrant grants the holder the right to subscribe for one share in BioPorto. The exercise price is fixed at DKK 6.11 per share corresponding to the last 10 days weighted average price of BioPorto’s stock traded on Nasdaq Copenhagen. The warrants will be exercisable in the period from February 11, 2023 to February 10, 2026, within ordinary trading windows.The warrant program includes claw-back conditions in case of erroneous...
Islandsbanki hf.: Financial results for fourth quarter 2020
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Fourth quarter 2020 (4Q20) financial highlightsÍslandsbanki reported a net profit of ISK 3.5bn compared to 1.7bn in 4Q19, resulting in an annualised return on equity after tax of 7.6% which is in line with the Bank´s financial targets (4Q19: 3.7%). ROE margin, the return on equity in excess of risk-free rate, was at 7.1% for the quarter compared to 0.9% for 4Q19.Net interest income (NII) amounted to ISK 8.3bn in the quarter, in line with 4Q19 with a net interest margin (NIM) of 2.5% in 4Q20 (4Q19: 2.7%). Net fee and commission income (NFCI) was comparable YoY at ISK 2.9bn.The Bank recorded a net financial income of ISK 0.8bn in 4Q20 partially due to favourable market conditions.Administrative expenses were down 5.8% YoY, a result of cost reduction initiatives in recent years and changes in operations caused by COVID-19 pandemic. The cost...
Islandsbanki hf.: Afkoma á fjórða ársfjórðungi ársins 2020
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Helstu atriði í afkomu fjórða ársfjórðungs 2020 (4F20)
North Media A/S releases Annual Report 2020 and announces ambitions for period to 2023
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Company announcement no. 01-202110 February 2021The Board of Directors of North Media A/S has approved the audited annual report for 2020. Highlights of the report:Record earnings in 2020The Group recorded its best ever EBIT and full-year net profit in 2020. FK Distribution delivered most of the improvement, driven by efficiency enhancements. North Media Online (BoligPortal and Ofir) trebled its EBIT, driven by strong growth, and Bekey reduced its EBIT loss despite expansion costs. Revenue at DKK 1,045m was in line with the previous year. FK Distribution’s revenue fell 2%. North Media Online and Bekey reported 20% and 17% growth respectively.EBIT before special items was DKK 240m, a DKK 74m improvement on 2019. Net profit for the year was DKK 307m (2019: DKK 205m) including a return on securities of DKK 155m. Cash flows from operating...
North Media A/S offentliggør årsrapport 2020 samt ambitioner frem til 2023
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Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 01-202110. februar 2021Bestyrelsen for North Media A/S har godkendt den reviderede årsrapport for 2020 med flg. hovedpunkter:Rekordindtjening i 2020Koncernen fik i 2020 sit hidtil bedste driftsresultat og årsresultat. FK Distribution leverede hovedparten af fremgangen efter effektiviseringer. North Media Online (BoligPortal og Ofir) tredoblede driftsresultatet efter høj vækst, mens Bekey nedbragte driftsunderskuddet trods udgifter til ekspansion. Omsætningen på 1.045 mio. kr. var på niveau med året før. FK Distributions omsætning faldt 2%. North Media Online og Bekey realiserede hhv. 20% og 17% vækst.Det primære driftsresultat (EBIT) før særlige poster blev 240 mio. kr., 74 mio. kr. højere end i 2019. Årets resultat blev 307 mio. kr. (2019: 205 mio. kr.) efter et værdipapirafkast på 155 mio. kr.Pengestrømmene...
Results 2020
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DESPITE THE OUTBREAK OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, RESILIENCE OF OPERATING RESULTS AND PROPERTY VALUATIONS IN 2020Net result from core activities per share € 4.65 (2019: € 5.92)Net asset value per share € 78.20 (2019: € 88.27)EPRA occupancy rate 91.9% (2019: 95.2%)Debt ratio of 29.99% (2019: 29.33%)Successful refinancing of € 145 mio (in anticipation of financing maturing in 2021 for an amount of € 130 mio)High debt recovery percentage of 94.9% in the year 2020Optional dividend proposal € 4.00 gross – € 2.80 net (2019: € 4.50 gross – € 3.15 net)AttachmentPress release – Results 2020
Résultats 2020
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MALGRÉ L’ ÉCLATEMENT DE LA PANDÉMIE COVID-19, RÉSILIENCE DU RÉSULTAT OPÉRATIONNEL ET DES VALORISATIONS IMMOBILIÈRES EN 2020Résultat net des activités clés par action de € 4,65 (2019: € 5,92)Valeur nette par action € 78,20 (2019: € 88,27)Taux d’occupation EPRA de 91,9% (2019: 95,2%)Taux d’endettement de 29,99% (2019: 29,33%)Refinancements réalisés avec succès pour un montant de € 145 mio (en anticipation de financements arrivant à maturité en 2021 pour un montant de € 130 min)Pourcentage de recouvrement de créances élevé de 94,9% au cours de l’année 2020Proposition de dividende optionnel de € 4,00 brut – € 2,80 net (2019: € 4,50 brut – € 3,15 net)Pièce jointeCommuniqué de presse – Résultats 2020
Resultaten 2020
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ONDANKS DE UITBRAAK VAN DE COVID-19 PANDEMIE, VEERKRACHT VAN BEDRIJFSRESULTATEN EN VASTGOEDWAARDERINGEN IN 2020Netto resultaat van kernactiviteiten per aandeel € 4,65 (2019: € 5,92)Nettowaarde per aandeel € 78,20 (2019: € 88,27)EPRA bezettingsgraad 91,9% (2019: 95,2%)Schuldgraad 29,99% (2019: 29,33%)Geslaagde herfinancieringen van € 145 mln (in anticipatie van financieringen die in 2021 voor € 130 mln aflopen)Hoge invorderingspercentage van 94,9% over het jaar 2020Voorstel keuzedividend € 4,00 bruto – € 2,80 netto (2019: € 47,50 bruto – € 3,15 netto)BijlagePersbericht – Resultaten 2020