Day: February 9, 2021
UBISOFT REPORTS THIRD-QUARTER 2020-21 SALES2020-21 targets tightenedFebruary 9, 2021 – Ubisoft reports third-quarter 2020-21 Sales § Record net bookings of €1,001.0 million, exceeding the Group’s target § Net bookings for the first nine months of fiscal 2020-21 The leading publisher1 in terms of unit sales on all platforms combined in 2020 New-generation (Playstation 5, Xbox Series X/S)1: Ubisoft ranked second-leading publisher – with Assassin’s Creed® Valhalla, Watch Dogs®: Legion, and Immortals Fenyx RisingTM all in the top 7 best sellers. Switch1: Ubisoft top third-party publisher in 2020, with Just Dance 2020® the 8th best seller Record number of unique players in a quarter Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Record revenue2 for the franchise Just Dance 2021: Net bookings up sharply...
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UBISOFT ANNONCE SON CHIFFRE D’AFFAIRESDU TROISIÈME TRIMESTRE 2020-21Trimestre record et performance supérieure aux attentes marqués par une excellente exécution, des lancements de grande qualité et la puissance du catalogueResserrement des objectifs 2020-219 février 2021 – Ubisoft annonce son chiffre d’affaires du troisième trimestre 2020-21 § Net bookings record de 1 001,0 m€, supérieur à l’objectif § Net bookings des neuf premiers mois 1er éditeur1en nombre d’unités vendues toutes plateformes confondues en 2020 Nouvelle génération (Playstation 5, Xbox Series X/S)1 : Ubisoft classé deuxième éditeur – Assassin’s Creed® Valhalla, Watch Dogs®: Legion et Immortals Fenyx RisingTM dans le top 7 des meilleures ventes Switch1 : Ubisoft premier éditeur tiers en 2020, Just Dance 2020®...
Brunswick Corporation ranked in Top 10 of Forbes America’s Best Large Employers
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METTAWA, Ill., Feb. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Brunswick Corporation (NYSE:BC) has been named by Forbes to the 2021 list of America’s Best Large Employers. From the thousands of companies that were considered for this honor, only 500 made the final list. Brunswick is ranked No. 10 overall and number one in the Manufacturing category.“We are honored to be named to the list of America’s Best Large Employers,” said Brenna Preisser, President – Business Acceleration & Chief People and Strategy Officer. “This award recognizes our commitment to shaping a supportive Company culture that amplifies the best qualities of our talented employees and delivers results. Together, we will continue to define, create and continuously innovate the future of recreational marine.”Companies designated as America’s Best Large Employers...
4Q20 & 2020 results
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Paris, February 09, 20214Q20 & 2020 results4Q20 underlying net income1 at its highest level in more than two years,despite a cost of risk that remains elevatedPositive net income in 2020 despite the COVID-19 context2020 reported net income at +€101m and +€517m underlying14Q20 underlying net income1 at +€442m in 4Q20, 4Q20 underlying RoTE1 at 11.3%Basel 3 FL CET1 ratio2 at 11.6% +330bps above regulatory requirements andincluding a cash dividend of 0.06€ per share3, in line with ECB recommendationsSTRONG REBOUND IN BUSINESS ACTIVITYBUSINESSES’ UNDERLYING NET REVENUES1 AT €2.2BN IN 4Q20 AND €7.4BN IN 2020AWM: Strong revenue generation and flow dynamics thanks to diversified strategiesUnderlying net revenues1 excl. H2O AM up +21% YoY at constant FX in 4Q20 and flat YoY in 2020. 4Q20 net revenues notably benefiting from €210m of asset...
Résultats 4T20 et 2020
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Paris, le 09 février 2021Résultats 4T20 et 2020Résultat net sous-jacent1 au 4T20 à son plus haut niveau depuis plus de deux ans,en dépit d’un coût du risque restant élevéRésultat net annuel 2020 positif malgré le contexte COVID-19Résultat net 2020 publié à +101 M€ et +517 M€ en sous-jacent1Résultat net 4T20 sous-jacent1 à +442 M€, RoTE 4T20 sous-jacent1 à 11,3%Ratio CET1 Bâle 3 fully-loaded2 à 11,6%, +330 pb au-dessus des exigences règlementaires etincluant un dividende de 0,06 € en numéraire par action3, conforme aux recommandations de la BCEREBOND MARQUÉ DE L’ACTIVITÉ DES MÉTIERSPNB SOUS-JACENT1 DES MÉTIERS : 2,2 MD€ AU 4T20 ET 7,4 MD€ EN 2020Gestion d’actifs et de fortune : forte génération de revenus et collecte soutenue grâce à la diversification des stratégies de gestionPNB sous-jacent1 hors H2O AM en progression de +21% sur un...
ASSYSTEM : Informations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social au 31 janvier 2021
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Informations relatives au nombre d’actions composant le capital social et au nombre total de droits de vote correspondants
CN Named One of Montreal’s Top Employers
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MONTREAL, Feb. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CN (TSX: CNR) (NYSE: CNI) CN is pleased to be recognized as one of Montreal’s Top Employers for 2021 by Canada’s Top 100 Employers for the seventh consecutive year.“I am pleased that CN has once again been named to this prestigious list, especially as it comes following a year of unprecedented challenges and changes. Railroaders play an essential role in the economy every day and this award belongs to all of them. Together, we will continue to build on the elements that make us a top employer while continuing to foster an inclusive, engaging and diverse environment for everyone.”– Dorothea Klein, senior vice-president and chief human resources officer at CNThe Montreal Metropolitan region is home to a large portion of the Company’s workforce. More than 3,000 of its employees are located...
Le CN se classe parmi les meilleurs employeurs de Montréal
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MONTRÉAL, 09 févr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le CN (TSX : CNR) (NYSE : CNI) est heureux d’être reconnu comme l’un des meilleurs employeurs de Montréal en 2021 pour la septième année consécutive, par l’organisation Canada’s Top 100 Employers.« Je suis heureuse que le CN figure encore cette année dans cette liste prestigieuse, et ce, surtout après une année marquée par des défis et des changements sans précédent. Les cheminots jouent un rôle essentiel dans l’économie chaque jour, et cette distinction leur appartient. Ensemble, nous continuerons de consolider les éléments qui font de nous un employeur de choix tout en continuant à favoriser un environnement inclusif, stimulant et diversifié pour tous. »– Dorothea Klein, première vice-présidente et chef des ressources humaines du CNLa région métropolitaine de Montréal comprend une...
TM hf. – Uppgjör fjórða ársfjórðungs 2020
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TM birtir uppgjör fjórða ársfjórðungs og ársins 2020 eftir lokun markaða miðvikudaginn 17. febrúar og kynningarfundur verður í höfuðstöðvum félagsins að Síðumúla 24 sama dag kl. 16.15. Þar mun Sigurður Viðarsson forstjóri kynna uppgjörið og svara spurningum. Vegna gildandi samkomutakmarkana eru fundargestir vinsamlega beðnir um að boða komu sína fyrirfram með pósti á netfangið verður hægt að fylgjast með fundinum beint í gegnum vefinn á slóðinni og senda inn spurningar á netfangið á meðan kynningunni stendur.Ársreikning og afkomutilkynningu verður hægt að nálgast á vef félagsins,, og kynning á uppgjörinu verður einnig aðgengileg á sama stað við upphaf kynningarfundar.
e.Republic Ventures Portfolio Company, Whyline Inc., Announces the Acquisitions of RSVD’s US-operations and ReservaTurno to Rapidly Accelerate Growth & Product Innovation
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NEW YORK, Feb. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — e.Republic Ventures Portfolio company, Whyline Inc., the leading provider of virtual queuing and appointment technology, announced the completion of two strategic acquisitions that will fuel further growth and product innovation in both the US and Latin American markets.On the back of significant momentum in the US market and the recent $1.25 million Pre-Series A round raised from e.Republic Ventures, Whyline announced the acquisition of RSVD’s US-operations. Since entering the market in 2019, RSVD has rapidly expanded into the US retail and hospitality sectors with its dynamic, flexible appointment scheduling and capacity management product modules.“By acquiring RSVD’s US business, Whyline will effectively triple its number of active US clients in complimentary verticals. We will also...