Day: February 6, 2021
All amounts expressed in US dollarsLOULO GOLD MINE, Mali, Feb. 06, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (NYSE:GOLD)(TSX:ABX) Barrick Gold Corporation’s Loulo-Gounkoto mine complex delivered production of 680,215 ounces of gold in 2020, exceeding its full year guidance despite Covid-19 and other challenges1.At the same time, it improved its safety performance, reducing its Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate2 by more than half compared to 2019 and achieving a Lost Time Injury Free year in its underground operations. The complex retained its ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 health, safety and environmental certifications.The underground operations have reached a world-class level of automation, hard on the heels of pace-setter Kibali. The two existing underground mines, Yalea and Gara, will shortly be joined by a third when Gounkoto underground delivers its...
Waturu Holding A/S – ny bestyrelses sammensætning
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Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 60Vejle, den 6. februar 2021
Waturu Holding A / S – new board composition
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Company announcement nr. 60Vejle, February 6th 2021New board composition at Waturu Holding A/SAfter the extraordinary general meeting, which was held today, the Board of Directors of Waturu Holding A/S was constituted as follows:About Waturu Holding A/SWaturu Holding A/S is a Greentech company, which develops innovative water technology for heating or treating water, with the focus on ensuring bacteria-free water and reducing water and energy consumption for heating hot water in properties and thus ensuring CO2 savings. Waturu Holding A/S is a major shareholder in the medical company Watgen Medical A/S and in the technology company Aquaturu A/S.Further information:CEO Toke Reedtz, cell.: +45 5188 1262, e-mail: toke@waturu.comWaturu Holding A/SSjællandsgade 327100 VejleCertified AdviserPlease see company announcement no. 55Further press...
Waturu Holding A/S – referat af ekstraordinær generalforsamling
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Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 59Vejle, den 6. februar 2021
Waturu Holding A/S – Resolutions of the extraordinary general meeting
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Company announcement nr. 59Vejle, February 6th 2021
Myanmar authorities orders nationwide shutdown of the data network
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(Oslo, 6.2.21) The Myanmar Ministry of Transport and Communications (MoTC) has directed all mobile operators to temporarily shut down the data network in Myanmar. Voice and SMS services remain open.In the directive, the MoTC cites legal basis in Myanmar’s Telecommunication Law, and references circulation of fake news, stability of the nation and interest of the public as basis for the order. Telenor Myanmar, as a local company, is bound by local law and needs to handle this irregular and difficult situation. We have employees on the ground and our first priority is to ensure their safety. Telenor Group views this development with deep concern. We have emphasised to the authorities that access to telecom services should be maintained at all times, especially during times of conflict, to ensure people’s basic right to freedom of expression...
Myndighetene i Myanmar beordrer nasjonal nedstenging av datanettverket
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(Oslo, 06.02.21) Myanmars transport og kommunikasjonsdepartement (MoTC) har beordret alle mobiloperatører til å midlertidig stenge ned landets datanettverk. Tale og SMS tjenester er fortsatt tilgjengelige.Ordren siterer lovhjemmel i Myanmars telekommunikasjonslov og MoTC refererer til spredning av falske nyheter, nasjonens stabilitet og offentlighetens interesse som grunn for pålegget. Som et lokalt selskap er Telenor Myanmar forpliktet til å følge lokal lov, og må nå håndtere denne høyst uregelmessige og vanskelige situasjonen. Telenor har ansatte på bakken og vår høyeste prioritet er å sørge for deres sikkerhet.Telenor Group er dypt bekymret over den siste utviklingen. Vi har understreket til myndighetene at tilgang til mobiltjenester alltid bør opprettholdes, særlig i perioder med konflikt, for å sikre folks fundamentale rettigheter...
White Jacobs Provides a Helping Hand through Credit Repair Colorado Springs Services
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05-02-2021. The United States. Hiring credit repair Colorado Springs service provider is the best solution to get help in repairing the bad credit history and lead a happy life. White Jacobs is one of the industry-leading service providers who offer various types of credit services to individuals who are facing serious credit issues.
White Jacobs is one of the well-known credit repair service providers who always provide a helping hand in removing the negative items that are decreasing the credit score in the credit history. White Jacobs as got proven experience in offering various types of credit repair Fort Worth services at affordable prices and according to the convenience of the customers. They follow a step-by-step process in repairing the credit issues that will provide positive results. The first step in the process of credit repair...
Toga Limited Reports 2019 and 2020 Unaudited Year End Financial Results
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LOS ANGELES, Feb. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Toga Limited, a Nevada corporation (OTC: TOGL) today announces its unaudited financial results for fiscal years ended July 31, 2020 and 2019.Year-End 2020 and 2019 Unaudited Financial HighlightsThe Company is posting its unaudited financial results as of and for the year-ended July 31, 2020 along with its unaudited, as restated financial results as of and for the year-ended July 31, 2019.Results of OperationsFiscal Year Ended July 31, 2020 (Unaudited) Compared to Fiscal Year Ended July 31, 2019 (Unaudited) (As restated)Gross Margin by product for the year ended July 31, 2020 (Unaudited)Gross Margin by product for the year ended July 31, 2019 (Unaudited) (as restated)Revenue increased by approximately $10.6 million in the year ended July 31, 2020, compared to the prior year period, driven...
CareTrust REIT Sets Fourth Quarter Earnings Call for Thursday, February 11, 2021
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SAN CLEMENTE, Calif., Feb. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CareTrust REIT, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTRE) announced today that it plans to release its fourth quarter and full year 2020 financial results after the U.S. markets close on Wednesday, February 10, 2021. Representatives of CareTrust REIT’s management team will host a conference call to discuss the results and other current matters the following day.Conference CallCareTrust REIT invites current and prospective investors to listen to the call on Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time (10:00 a.m. Pacific Time). The dial-in number is (844) 220-4972 (U.S./Canada) or (317) 973-4053 (International) and the conference ID number is 9935506.To listen to the call online as a webcast, or to view any financial or other statistical information required by SEC Regulation G, please visit...