Day: February 4, 2021
SPRINGDALE, Ark., Feb. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Tyson Foods, Inc. is launching Upward Pathways, an in-plant career development program that provides frontline team members with job skills training and workforce certifications at no cost.The program will be piloted at ten of the company’s plant locations and is a partnership between Tyson, adult education providers and community colleges to establish a standardized promotional pathway for team members.Classes are currently available to workers at the company’s Council Bluffs, Iowa, case-ready beef and pork facility and will be implemented at the remaining nine locations throughout 2021.Completion of Upward Pathways curriculum will culminate in a Tyson-branded credential that recognizes the skills gained by team members and signals readiness for advancement within the company....
EyePoint Pharmaceuticals Announces Closing of $115 Million Public Offering of Common Stock
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WATERTOWN, Mass., Feb. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EyePoint Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: EYPT), a pharmaceutical company committed to developing and commercializing therapeutics to help improve the lives of patients with serious eye disorders, today announced the closing of an underwritten public offering of 10,465,000 shares of its common stock at a public offering price of $11.00 per share, including the exercise in full by the underwriters of their option to purchase up to 1,365,000 additional shares of common stock. The gross proceeds of the offering to the Company are approximately $115.1 million, before deducting the underwriting discounts and commissions and other estimated offering expenses.Cowen and Guggenheim Securities acted as joint book-running managers for the offering.EyePoint intends to use the net proceeds from...
Befimmo SA: Jean-Philip Vroninks becomes the new CEO of Befimmo
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In the framework of its good governance and in anticipation of the end of the last mandate of Benoît De Blieck, CEO of Befimmo, foreseen at the age of 65, the Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment, upon proposal of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, of Jean-Philip Vroninks as CEO of the Company. His appointment as Managing Director will be submitted for approval at the next General Meeting of Shareholders in April 2021.Click here for the press release:AttachmentBefimmo SA – 2021.02.04 – New CEO – UK – V FINAL
Befimmo SA : Jean-Philip Vroninks devient le nouveau CEO de Befimmo
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Dans le cadre de sa bonne gouvernance et en anticipation de la fin du dernier mandat à l’âge de 65 ans de Benoît De Blieck, CEO de Befimmo, le Conseil d’administration a le plaisir d’annoncer la nomination, sur proposition du Comité de Nomination et de Rémunération, de Jean-Philip Vroninks en qualité de CEO de la Société. Sa nomination en qualité d’Administrateur délégué sera soumise à l’approbation de la prochaine Assemblée générale des actionnaires en avril 2021.Cliquez ici pour consulter le communiqué de presse :Pièce jointeBefimmo SA – 2021.02.04 – Nouveau CEO – FR – V FINALE
Befimmo NV: Jean-Philip Vroninks wordt de nieuwe CEO van Befimmo
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In het kader van haar goed deugdelijk bestuur en vooruitlopend op het einde van het laatste mandaat van Benoît De Blieck, CEO van Befimmo, voorzien op 65-jarige leeftijd, heeft de Raad van Bestuur het genoegen de benoeming aan te kondigen van Jean-Philip Vroninks, op voorstel van het Benoemings- en Remuneratiecomité, tot CEO van de Vennootschap. Zijn benoeming tot Gedelegeerd Bestuurder zal worden voorgelegd ter goedkeuring aan de volgende Algemene Vergadering van Aandeelhouders in april 2021.Klik hier om het persbericht te raadplegen:BijlageBefimmo NV – 2021.02.04 – Nieuwe CEO – NL – V FINALE
Westland Insurance Acquires New Brokerage in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
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SURREY, British Columbia, Feb. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Westland Insurance Group Ltd. (“Westland”) is pleased to announce the closing of a new acquisition, Folgizan Insurance, effective February 1, 2021. Westland’s new retail office, located in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, supports the company’s expansion strategy to serve more communities in Saskatchewan and across Canada.Folgizan Insurance has been providing insurance products in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, since 1976. Their professional insurance advisors are experts in residential, auto, travel, farm, and commercial insurance services.Westland Insurance is excited to welcome this agency to the organization. With this acquisition, Westland will be adding 15 employees in Saskatchewan. Post-acquisition, Westland will have 160 locations in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba,...
Unity Bancorp Approves New Share Repurchase Program
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CLINTON, N.J., Feb. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Unity Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: UNTY), parent company of Unity Bank, announced that its Board of Directors has approved a new Share Repurchase Program. Under this new program, the Company may repurchase up to 750,000 shares, or approximately 7.5% of its outstanding common stock. The timing and amount of purchases will be dictated by a number of factors, including the trading price of the Company’s common stock.Under the 2021 Share Repurchase Program, repurchases will be made from time to time by the Company in the open market as conditions allow, or in privately negotiated transactions. All or part of the repurchases may be implemented under a Rule 10b5-1 trading plan, which would allow repurchases under pre-set terms at times when the Company might otherwise be prevented from doing so...
Pharmagest Interactive: 2020 annual sales: €171.75 million, +8.32%
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Villers-lès-Nancy, 4 February 2021 – 6:00 p.m. (CET)PRESS RELEASE2020 annual sales: €171.75 million, +8.32%A strong rebound in sales in H2 2020: €93.82 million, +14.85%. Like-for-like sales (excluding the disposal of INTECUM and the acquisitions of MALTA BELGIUM, ICT, SVEMU, I-MEDS, PANDALAB, ASCA INFORMATIQUE): €84.37 million, +3.28%. The Group’s external growth strategy remains on track: Positive impact of acquisitions (MALTA BELGIUM, ICT, SVEMU, I-MEDS, PANDALAB, ASCA INFORMATIQUE): +8.05% with annual sales of €12.77 million. The Group confirms the strength of its business model combining recurrent revenue with a diverse portfolio of health-related businesses: Like-for-like annual sales remain steady at €158.98 million (+0.49%). 2021 outlook: continuing the Group strategy of technological transformation to increase patient care...
PHARMAGEST INTERACTIVE : Chiffre d’affaires 2020 à 171,75 M€ en progression de 8,32%
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Villers-lès-Nancy, le 4 février 2021 – 18h00 (CET)COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSEChiffre d’affaires 2020 à 171,75 M€en progression de 8,32%Net rebond de l’activité au 2nd semestre 2020 : CA de 93,82 M€ en croissance de 14,85%. A périmètre comparable (hors cession INTECUM et hors acquisitions de MALTA BELGIUM, ICT, SVEMU, I-MEDS, PANDALAB, ASCA INFORMATIQUE) : CA de84,37 M€ en progression de 3,28%. Le Groupe confirme l’efficience de sa stratégie de croissance externe : Impact positif des acquisitions (MALTA BELGIUM, ICT, SVEMU, I-MEDS, PANDALAB, ASCA INFORMATIQUE) de +8,05% avec un CA annuel de 12,77 M€. Le Groupe confirme la solidité de son modèle économique fondé sur la récurrence de son chiffre d’affaires et la diversité de ses activités liées à la santé : A périmètre comparable, maintien du CA annuel à 158,98 M€ (+0,49%). Perspectives 2021 :...
HF COMPANY : Résultats 2020
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Résultats annuels 2020Adaptation rapide à la crise sanitaireTrès bonnes performances de l’activité Home Digital Life. HF Company pleinement inscrit dans la transformation digitale de l’économie Poursuite de l’amélioration des résultats (hors dépréciation des goodwills)EBITDA en croissance et résultat net à l’équilibre au 2ème semestreRetour aux bénéfices en 2021 et reprise de la politique de distribution de dividende habituelle au titre de l’exercice 2020* Comptes consolidés du 31 décembre 2020 non audités** EBITDA : résultat opérationnel avant dotations aux amortissements et autres produits et charges opérationnelles*** Charges non courantes : 7.9 M€ de dépréciation du goodwill résiduel de LEA Networks et Vector ont été enregistrés au 30 juin 2020 et la liquidation de Linia Polska au 31/12. Corrigé de ces éléments, le résultat opérationnel...