Day: February 4, 2021
Maha Energy AB (publ) (“Maha” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the 2020 reserve report and contingent resource booking with the following highlights:2020 Reserve Replacement for 2P Reserves is 380%Proven Reserves increased by 183%Proven plus Probable (2P) reserves increased by 14%Contingent Resources (2C) booked at 22.3 million barrels in Oman (Mafraq)Chapman Petroleum Engineering Ltd. (“Chapman”) has completed their annual reserve determination for the Company. Maha is pleased to announce a 183% increase in Proven (“1P”) reserves driven by successful movement of volumes from the Proved plus Probable (“2P”) category and acquisitions in the USA and Oman. The 2P oil reserves are also up by approximately 14% compared to year end 2019, primarily due to acquisitions and improvement in forecast recoveries by utilizing horizontal development...
Maha Energy AB (publ): Reserv- och resursrapport per 31 december 2020
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Maha Energy AB (publ) (“Maha” eller “Bolaget”) meddelar idag följande resultat från 2020 års reserv- och betingande resurser rapport:2020 (2P) Reserversättning om 380%Bevisade reserver ökade med 183%Bevisade och sannolika reserver ökade med 14%Betingande resurser om 22,3 miljoner fat olja i Oman (Mafraq)Chapman Petroleum Engineering Ltd. (“Chapman”) har genomfört den årliga utvärderingen av Bolagets olje- och gasreserver. Resultatet visar en ökning av bevisade reserver (1P) på 183 procent jämfört med 2019 på grund av en förflyttning av sannolika reserver till bevisade reserver samt till följd av de under året genomförda förvärven i USA och Oman. Bevisade och sannolika reserver (2P) ökade också med cirka 14 procent jämfört med 2019 tack vare förvärv och förbättrade utvinningstekniker, främst genom horisontal borrningsteknik. Starka reserversättningsförhållande...
Mondelēz International Declares Regular Quarterly Dividend of $0.315 per Share
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CHICAGO, Feb. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Board of Directors of Mondelēz International, Inc. (NASDAQ: MDLZ) today declared a regular quarterly dividend of $0.315 per share of Class A common stock. This dividend is payable on April 14, 2021, to shareholders of record as of the close of business on March 31, 2021.About Mondelēz InternationalMondelēz International, Inc. (Nasdaq: MDLZ) empowers people to snack right in over 150 countries around the world. With 2020 net revenues of approximately $27 billion, MDLZ is leading the future of snacking with iconic global and local brands such as OREO, belVita and LU biscuits; Cadbury Dairy Milk, Milka and Toblerone chocolate; Sour Patch Kids candy and Trident gum. Mondelēz International is a proud member of the Standard and Poor’s 500, Nasdaq 100 and Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Visit or...
Access-Power & Co., Inc. is pleased to announce that the Company has completed all the required documentation with OTC Markets for a venue change consideration into the Pink Current Information tier
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GRAND HAVEN, Mich., Feb. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Access-Power & Co., Inc., (“ACCR or the Company”), a Grand Haven based diversified holding Company is pleased to announce that it has completed all of the required documentation with OTC Markets for a venue change consideration into the Pink Current Information tier. Patrick J Jensen, our sole Director stated, “We must be clear with our Shareholders and Market Makers…this re-application process can take about 4 weeks or longer.” In other news, the Company expects a merger presentation tomorrow morning by our new Securities Counsel, Steve Mills. His complete profile can be found here: will be successful in reaching a good deal for our Shareholders. “Just look at his performance....
VÍS: Tilkynning um framkvæmd endurkaupaáætlunar
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Á aðalfundi Vátryggingafélags Íslands hf. þann 19. mars 2020 var samþykkt að heimila stjórn, í þeim tilgangi að setja upp formlega endurkaupaáætlun, að kaupa á næstu 12 mánuðum allt að 10% af hlutafé félagsins.Endurkaup vátryggingafélaga í þeim tilgangi að lækka hlutafé eru háð fyrirfram samþykki fjármálaeftirlits Seðlabanka Íslands. Tilkynnt verður sérstaklega þegar slíkt samþykki hefur verið veitt og endurkaup munu hefjast.
Maha Energy AB (Publ) announce LAK Ranch book value impairment
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Maha Energy AB (“Maha” or the “Company”) will incur a write down of the book value of its LAK Ranch heavy oil field in Wyoming, USA, on the Company’s balance sheet by approximately USD 20 million, subject to year-end audit review. This will be reflected in adjusted earnings in the fourth quarter 2020 results to be reported on 26 February 2021.The LAK Ranch heavy oil asset was shut in at the beginning of the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic and will remain shut in until oil prices recover. Whilst the Reserves valuation continues to point towards a full field development with lower but yet positive net present value, even at the current depressed oil prices, the Company maintains better yielding investments in Brazil, Illinois Basin and Oman – making it less likely that LAK Ranch will be developed in the near future. The...
Maha Energy AB (Publ): Nedskrivning av LAK Ranch till följd av svagt oljepris
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Maha Energy AB (“Maha” eller “Bolaget”) meddelar idag att det bokförda värdet av tungoljefältet LAK Ranch i Wyoming, USA kommer att skrivas ned med cirka 20 miljoner US-dollar per 31 december 2020. Nedskrivning belastar resultatet i delårsrapporten för fjärde kvartalet 2020 som publiceras den 26 februari 2021.Produktionen på LAK Ranch-fältet stängdes ned i början av förra året som en konsekvens av effekterna från pandemin. Även om den nyligen slutförda reservutvärderingen av LAK Ranch fortfarande är positiv, om än något lägre än förra året vid nuvarande oljepriser, så ser Maha bättre investeringsmöjligheter i Brasilien, Illinois Basin och Oman. Därför kommer LAK Ranch-fältet att förbli nedstängt tills dess att oljepriserna har återhämtat sig.Det lägre nuvärdet av LAK Ranch är ett resultat av svaga oljepriser och...
Digital Check Corp. Acquires Benchmark Technology Group, Inc.
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Northbrook, IL, Feb. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Digital Check Corp., a leading provider of image capture and payments processing technology, is announcing the completion of its acquisition of Benchmark Technology Group, Inc., a leading provider of cash management automation solutions for the financial industry. Benchmark Technology Group will become a subsidiary of Digital Check Corp. and maintain brand, market, and operating independence. This acquisition reflects Digital Check’s strategic growth and revenue diversification initiatives in check and cash automation software solutions that help customers achieve their financial transaction automation goals. Digital Check and Benchmark are most excited about increasing customer value by combining their two software solutions businesses. Jeff Hempker, President of Digital...
ROCK Networks Acquires Acadian Communications; Strengthens Its Position in the Wireless and Broadband Industry
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HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, Feb. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ROCK Networks, a leading provider of wireless and broadband solutions, has acquired Acadian Communications Ltd., a Nova Scotia-based wireless internet service provider. The addition of Acadian Communications will allow ROCK Networks to expand its broadband product portfolio and continue to grow its footprint in Nova Scotia.“This marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for our company, one where we will be able to continue with our mission and provide our services to our customers,” said Andrew LeBlanc, owner of Acadian Communications. “As part of the ROCK Networks team, we will be able to deliver more value to our customers faster, and we are thrilled to embark on this journey with ROCK Networks.”With this acquisition, ROCK Networks is positioned...
Dynacor annonce des ventes trimestrielles records de 38,6 millions de dollars américains (non vérifiées) (50,3 millions de dollars canadiens) au quatrième trimestre 2020 et des achats de 34 110 tonnes de minerai d’or auprès de mineurs artisanaux
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MONTRÉAL, 04 févr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mines d’or Dynacor Inc. (TSX-DNG) (Dynacor ou la « Société »), une société industrielle internationale de minerai d’or desservant les mineurs artisanaux, a annoncé aujourd’hui les résultats préliminaires du quatrième trimestre et de l’année 2020. La Société a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires trimestriel record de 38,6 millions de dollars américains (non vérifié) (50,3 millions de dollars canadiens) au quatrième trimestre 2020 et un chiffre d’affaires annuel de 101,5 millions de dollars américains (non vérifié) (134,9 millions de dollars canadiens (1)) en raison du prix moyen record du marché de l’or pendant ces périodes.Au quatrième trimestre 2020, Dynacor a également établi les meilleurs achats trimestriels de tous les temps, soit 34 110 tonnes de...