Day: February 4, 2021
Article reflects Company’s leadership and innovation in scalable, reproducible manufacture of adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based gene therapiesGAINESVILLE, Fla. and CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: AGTC), a biotechnology company focused on developing adeno-associated virus (AAV) based gene therapies for the treatment of rare inherited diseases, announced that Sue Washer, President & Chief Executive Officer and Dave Knop, Vice President of Process Development, have been awarded first place in the BioProcess International (BPI) magazine inaugural Reader’s Choice Awards program, cell and gene therapies category, for their article, “Viral-Vectored Gene Therapies: Harnessing Their Potential Through Scalable, Reproducible Manufacturing Processes.”“High-productivity...
Quadient Announces Release of Version 1.2 of Cloud-based Platform Quadient Impress
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Quadient Announces Release of Version 1.2 of Cloud-based Platform Quadient Impress § Quadient Impress v1.2 offers powerful and real-time intelligence capabilities to optimize multichannel outbound document management in today’s dynamic marketplaceParis, February 4, 2021Quadient (Euronext Paris: QDT), a leader in helping businesses create meaningful customer connections through digital and physical channels, announced today the general availability of Quadient® Impress version 1.2, an upgrade of the multichannel outbound document management platform that automates the customer communication workflow for small and medium businesses (SMBs). Quadient Impress version 1.2 includes architecture upgrades throughout the cloud-based platform that speed the task of preparing and sending customer communications on-site or remotely with greater...
Quadient lance la version 1.2 de sa plateforme cloud Quadient Impress
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Quadient lance la version 1.2 de sa plateforme cloud Quadient ImpressQuadient Impress v1.2 propose des outils d’analyse en temps réel puissants pour optimiser le traitement multicanal des documents sortants dans un marché dynamiqueParis, le 4 février 2021Quadient (Euronext Paris : QDT), un leader des solutions d’entreprise visant à faire de chaque interaction client – via un canal physique ou digital – une expérience riche et personnalisée, a annoncé aujourd’hui la disponibilité générale de la version 1.2 de Quadient® Impress, une évolution de la plateforme de gestion multicanale des documents sortants qui automatise le flux de communications clients pour les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME). La version 1.2 d’Impress inclut des mises à jour d’architecture de la plateforme cloud, qui permettent d’accélérer la préparation...
Euronext announces volumes for January 2021
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EURONEXT ANNOUNCES VOLUMES FOR JANUARY 2021Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Oslo and Paris – 4 February 2021 – Euronext, the leading pan-European market infrastructure, today announced trading volumes for January 2021.Monthly and historical volume tables are available at this address: media – mediateam@euronext.comAurélie Cohen (Europe/Paris) : +33 1 70 48 24 45 Marianne Aalders (Amsterdam): +31 20 721 41 33 maalders@euronext.comPascal Brabant (Brussels): +32 2 620 15 50 pbrabant@euronext.comShannon Sweeney (Dublin): +353 1 617 424 ...
AKWEL : Nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions au 31 janvier 2021
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AKWELEFFICIENT AUTOMOTIVE SOLUTIONSDéclaration relative au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions prévues par les articles L.233-8 II du Code de commerce et 223-16 du Règlement Général de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers(1) En raison d’auto détention par contrat d’animationAKWEL S.A.975, ROUTE DES BURGONDES01410 CHAMPFROMIER – FRANCE Tel : +33 4 50 56 98 98WWW.AKWEL-AUTOMOTIVE.COMAKWEL S.A. à Directoire et Conseil de Surveillance au capital de 21 392 832 Euros 344 844 998 R.C.S Bourg-en-BresseSiège social : 975, ROUTE DES BURGONDES – 01410 CHAMPFROMIER – FRANCE Pièce jointe2021-01-31_AKWEL_DeclarationMensuelle_NbActionDroitsdeVote
DSG Global Enters Negotiations for US Manufacturing and Assembly Facilities for its Electric Vehicle Products
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SURREY, British Columbia, Feb. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — DSG Global, Inc. (OTCQB: DSGT) (“DSGT” or the “Company”) is in active negotiations for multiple US manufacturing and assembly facilities for the Company’s expanding electric vehicle product line up.“We are vigorously pursuing plans to open our first two US facilities to assemble our electric vehicles,” commented Bob Silzer, President and CEO of DSGT. “We are also working on setting up dealership partnerships across the U.S. in preparation for the launch of EV sales.”“Opening our first US manufacturing and assembly facility will be a major milestone for the Company. Assembling vehicles in America creates needed jobs and assures our customers the great quality expected from our products,” added William J. Rex, president of the EV bus and motor home...
News Alert// Capgemini joins Verkor venture to reinforce the European low-carbon battery value chain
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Bonjour,Vous trouverez ci-après la News Alert diffusée ce jour.Bien cordialement,Florence LièvreGlobal PR Manager | Group Marketing & CommunicationsCapgemini Group | ParisTel.: +33 1 47 54 50 71Email : florence.lievre@capgemini.com_____________________Capgemini joins Verkor venture to reinforce the European low-carbon battery value chainParis, February 4 2021 – Capgemini and Verkor announced today that Capgemini has joined the venture created by Verkor, the French industrial company with a mission to accelerate the production capacity of low-carbon batteries in Southern Europe through the creation of a first 16GWh Gigafactory.Capgemini will help Verkor achieve excellence in low-carbon battery manufacturing by leveraging the full potential of digital and data.Benoit Lemaignan, CEO of Verkor, said: “We are delighted to attract such...
News Alert // Capgemini rejoint Verkor pour renforcer les capacités de production de batteries bas carbone en Europe
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Bonjour,Vous trouverez ci-après la News Alert diffusée ce jour.Bien cordialement,Florence LièvreGlobal PR Manager | Group Marketing & CommunicationsCapgemini Group | ParisTel.: +33 1 47 54 50 71Email : florence.lievre@capgemini.com_____________________Capgemini rejoint Verkor pour renforcer les capacités de production de batteries bas carbone en EuropeParis, le 4 février 2021 – Capgemini et Verkor annoncent que Capgemini rejoint Verkor pour accélérer la capacité de production de batteries bas carbone en Europe du Sud avec la création d’une première gigafactory1 d’une capacité initiale de 16 GWh.Capgemini apportera à Verkor son expertise pour exploiter tout le potentiel du numérique et des données au service de l’excellence dans la fabrication de batteries bas carbone.Benoit Lemaignan, PDG de Verkor, déclare : « Nous sommes...
Nabis Holdings Inc. Provides Update on Trading Activity
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nabis Holdings Inc. (CSE: NAB) (OTC: NABIF) (FRA: A2PL) (“Nabis” or the “Company“) today provided an update on recent trading activity.The Company has been in discussions with both the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (“IIROC”) and the Canadian Securities Exchange (“CSE”) and is aware of the recently released IIROC Rules Notice which states IIROC has made a trade ruling regarding trading in the Company’s common shares from January 27, 2021 to February 2, 2021 inclusive.For additional information, visit the IIROC Rules Page: URL to the Rules Notice in English: URL to the Rules Notice in French:
Sogeclair: Voting rights as at 2021/01/31
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SOGECLAIRBusiness corporation with a capital of 3 098 035 EurosHead Office: 7 avenue Albert Durand – 31700 BLAGNAC (France)Tel.: +33 (0) – www.sogeclair.com335 218 269 R.C.S. TOULOUSEInformation concerning the total number of voting rights and shares in the share capitalSection L.233-8 II of French commercial law (“Code de commerce”) and section 223-16 of the general rules of the French Financial Markets Authority (‘“Règlement général de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers”)* net total: total number of voting rights attached to the total number of shares – shares deprived of voting rights (treasury stock etc.)AttachmentVoting_rights 31 01 2021