Day: February 3, 2021
AS-i Pro Kapital Grupp kontserni kuuluv ettevõte OÜ Marsi Elu ja Oma Ehitaja AS sõlmisid 03. veebruaril 2021 lepingu Tondil asuvasse Kristiine City´sse, kolme viiekordse hoonekompleksi ehitamiseks (edaspidi Kindrali Majad) kahes etapis kogumaksumusega 20 miljonit eurot koos käibemaksuga.Esimeses ehitusetapis valmib 129 korterit ja järgnevas 66 korterit koos majaaluste ja maapealsete parkimiskohtadega. Kahe esimese hoonekompleksi valmimine on plaanitud hiljemalt 2022 aasta suvel ja tänaseks on müüdud või broneeritud üle 50% korteritest.AS-i Pro Kapital Grupp juhatuse esimees Paolo Michelozzi sõnul on hea meel alustada koostööd Oma Ehitajaga. „Kristiine City elukeskkond on klientide poolt kõrgelt hinnatud. Enamus uutest kodudest leiavad omanikud juba enne hoonete valmimist, mistõttu jätkame aktiivselt piirkonna arendamist,“ sõnas Michelozzi.Kindrali...
Multiple Brands in the Staffing 360 Solutions Organization Receive Exceptional Client Service Awards
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NEW YORK, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Staffing 360 Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: STAF), a company executing an international buy-integrate-build strategy through the acquisition of staffing organizations in the United States and the United Kingdom, announced today that four of its staffing brands earned recognition for providing exceptional client service.US-based leading staffing agencies Monroe Staffing Services (Commercial), Key Resources (Commercial) and Lighthouse Professional Services (Professional) were once again recognized by ClearlyRated for providing superior service to their clients.For the second year in a row, UK-based CBSbutler (Professional) was awarded the 2021 Feefo® Platinum Trusted Service award.CBSbutler is a market-leading Professional staffing consultancy specializing in technical and engineering for Automation,...
Treasury Bond Auction Announcement – RIKB 31 0124 – RIKS 26 0216
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On the Auction Date, between 10:30 am and 11:00 am, the Government Debt Management will auction Treasury bonds in the Series, with the ISIN numbers and with the Maturity Dates according to the table above. Payments for the Treasury bonds must be received by the Central Bank before 14:00 on the Settlement Date, and the Bonds will be delivered in electronic form on the same day. Article 6 of the General Terms of Auction for Treasury bonds applies for the right to purchase an additional 10%.Further reference is made to the description of the Treasury bond and the General Terms of Auction for Treasury bonds on the Government Debt Management website.For additional information please contact Oddgeir Gunnarsson, Government Debt Management, at +354 569 9635.
Tilkynning um útboð ríkisbréfa – RIKB 31 0124 – RIKS 26 0216
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Á útboðsdegi, milli kl. 10:30 og 11:00, fer fram útboð hjá Lánamálum ríkisins á ríkisbréfum í þeim flokkum, með þeim ISIN númerum og með þeim gjalddögum sem fram koma í töflunni hér að ofan. Greiðslur fyrir ríkisbréfin þurfa að berast Seðlabankanum fyrir kl. 14:00 á uppgjörsdegi og verða bréfin afhent rafrænt sama dag. Um 10% viðbótarkaupréttinn gildir 6. gr. í almennum útboðsskilmálum ríkisbréfa.Að öðru leyti er vísað til lýsingar skuldabréfaflokksins og almennra útboðsskilmála ríkisbréfa á heimasíðu Lánamála ríkisins.Nánari upplýsingar veitir Oddgeir Gunnarsson, Lánamálum ríkisins í síma 569 9635.
Nextech AR to Webcast Live at February 4, 2021
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Nextech AR invites individual and institutional investors, as well as advisors and analysts, to attend real-time, interactive presentations on VirtualInvestorConferences.comVANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nextech AR Solutions (Nextech) (OTCQB: NEXCF) (NEO: NTAR.NE) (CSE: NTAR) (FSE: N29), a leading provider of augmented reality (AR) virtual experience technologies (VXT) 3D ads, eCommerce, education technology and virtual conferences, today announced that CEO, Evan Gappelberg will present live at on February 4, 2021.DATE: February 4, 2021TIME: 5:00 PM ETLINK: will be a live, interactive online event where investors are invited to ask the company questions in real-time. If attendees are not able to join the event live on the day of the conference,...
AB INTL GROUP Announces Its Film “Love Over the World” Hits USD 1 Million Box Office of Screen 12 Days
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NEW YORK, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AB International Group Corp. (OTCQB: ABQQ), an intellectual property (IP) and movie investment and licensing firm announces according to China Movie Data Info Network’s box office report, its film “Love Over the World” 12 days box office is RMB6.48 million (USD$1.01m) since Jan 22, 2021 screened on cinemas. According to Maoyan Movies: The film won January box office champions of youth films and romance films in China. The film is currently screening on cinemas nationwide, we will update progress time to time.About AB International Group Corp. AB International Group Corp. is an intellectual property (IP) and movie investment and licensing firm, focused on acquisitions and development of various intellectual property. We are engaged to acquisition and distribution of movies. The Company...
World Health Energy Holdings Issues Letter to Shareholders
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Cybersecurity Enterprise to Expand Distribution Network in 2021NEW YORK, NY, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — World Health Energy Holdings, Inc. (OTC PINK: WHEN) (“WHEN” or the “Company”), a cybersecurity company with proprietary technologies designed to protect individuals and enterprises from cybersecurity threats, issues a letter to its shareholders from CEO Giora Rozensweig:“To our valued shareholders,I would like to begin by sharing my sincere sympathies with those individuals and families affected by the COVID-19 virus. I would also like to applaud the work and contribution of the many healthcare personnel and others who are working tirelessly to fight this worldwide pandemic.As we enter the new year, I would like to use this opportunity to update you on our achievements over the past year and on our exciting growth prospects...
Medexus Announces Upsize to Previously Announced Bought Deal Public Offering
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO UNITED STATES NEWS WIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATESTORONTO, CHICAGO and MONTREAL, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Medexus Pharmaceuticals Inc. (“Medexus” or the “Company”) (TSXV:MDP) (Frankfurt: P731) is pleased to announce that, due to strong demand, it has agreed with Raymond James Ltd. and Stifel GMP, as co-lead underwriters and joint bookrunners, on behalf of a syndicate of underwriters (collectively, the “Underwriters”), to increase the size of its previously announced $20 million “bought deal” offering of units. Pursuant to the upsized deal terms, the Underwriters have agreed to purchase, on a “bought deal” basis, 3,984,078 units (the “Units”) of the Company at a price of $7.10 per Unit (the “Issue Price”) for aggregate gross proceeds to the Company of approximately $28.3 million...
iLOOKABOUT becomes Voxtur Analytics Corp and Closes Acquisition of Voxtur Technologies, Brightline Title and Certain Assets of James E. Albertelli, P.A.
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TORONTO, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — iLOOKABOUT Corp. (TSXV:ILA; OTCQB:ILATF) (“ILA” or “the Company”) further to its news release issued on January 15th, 2021 and January 22nd, 2021, the Company is pleased to announce it has executed the definitive agreements and closed the acquisition of 100% of the issued and outstanding stock of; (i) Voxtur Technologies, Inc. (“Voxtur Technologies”); (ii) 100% of the membership interests of Bright Line Title, LLC (“Brightline Title”), and (iii) certain technology and non-legal assets of James E. Albertelli, P.A. and certain of its affiliates (collectively, “JEA”) (the “Acquisition”).In addition to closing the Acquisition, the Company has received all requisite approvals and has changed its name from “iLOOKABOUT Corp.” to “Voxtur Analytics Corp.” The Company is expected...
AUDIENCEX Acquires Bigbuzz Marketing Group, an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency
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MARINA DEL REY, Calif., Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AUDIENCEX, the largest independent trading desk built for performance marketers and agencies, announced today that it has finalized its acquisition of New York-based marketing agency Bigbuzz Marketing Group (BBMG). The deal, which builds on a record-breaking year of growth for AUDIENCEX, expands the company’s performance portfolio and brings new dimensions to its full-funnel service offerings. All of BBMG’s current client engagements and long-standing customer relationships are now supported by AUDIENCEX.BBMG joins the AUDIENCEX family after 24 years of innovative work for performance brands across numerous industry verticals, from consumer goods, to healthcare, financial services and entertainment. Notable recent clients include Honeywell, Garanimals, Eloan and Reverb by...