Day: February 3, 2021
WARWICK, NY, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ozop Energy Solutions. (OZSC), (“Ozop” or the “Company”), has announced that its fully owned subsidiary Ozop Energy Systems (OES) has announced an agreement with Bical Auto Mall, the largest dealership in the NY metropolitan area to purchase and resell EV chargers.The initial order is for 4 EV chargers for two locations (@ $80K) for Bical and we have executed a vendor agreement between the two companies so they can resell to the LMA, of which Mr. Bical is president, which is comprised of 300 additional dealerships in New York.“We are extremely pleased to be working with Bical Auto Mall, an amazing family run company for over thirty years and two generations.” Stated Brian Conway CEO of Ozop Energy Systems Bical Auto Mall is the largest dealership in the metropolitan area that comprises...
Idaho First Bank Announces 4th Quarter 2020 Results
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MCCALL, Idaho, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today Idaho First Bank (the “Bank”) (OTC: IDFB) announced unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter of 2020. Earnings for the fourth quarter were $1.2 million, bringing the earnings for 2020 to $3.0 million. Greg Lovell, CEO of Idaho First Bank, stated “The Q4 results continue to reflect growth from supporting customers and communities as a vital source for business lending. This includes bringing the most talented team members on board, which enhances our ability to accelerate our growing lending activities to meet business client’s financial needs.” He further stated that “The depth of relationships built between customers, and our teams has led to significant lending and deposit expansion.”Chairman Mark Miller said, “The Board is proud of the team’s hard work and commitment...
Global Digital Solutions, Inc. Awarded Specific Performance and $192M in Incidental Damages
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Ruling will propel company into automotive EV and AI sectorsWest Palm Beach, FL, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Global Digital Solutions, Inc. (GDSI) (OTC: GDSI), a company that is positioning itself as a leader in Automotive and Aviation Technology Solutions, has received the decision from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida regarding the case against Grupo Rontan Electro Metalurgica, S.A., Joao Alberto Bolzan and Jose Carlos Bolzan.The decision awards Global Digital Solutions Specific Performance (Rights to Rontan Metalurgica) and incidental damages of $192,448,000.[00275-000]%20ORDER%20ON%20DAMAGES%20granting%20[213]%20Motion%20for%20Judgment.%20A%20final.pdfWilliam Delgado, CEO and Chairman of GDSI, said, “We are very pleased to...
Marel: 2020 a year of unity, resilient operations and strategic moves
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY2020: Resilient profitability and strategic movesOrders received were EUR 1,234.1m (2019: 1,222.1m).The order book was EUR 415.7m (3Q20: 434.3m, 4Q19: 414.4m). Revenues were EUR 1,237.8m (2019: 1,283.7m). EBIT* was EUR 166.8m (2019: 173.4m), translating to an EBIT* margin of 13.5% (2019: 13.5%). Net result was EUR 102.6m (2019: 110.1m).Basic earnings per share (EPS) were EUR 13.62 cents (2019: 15.33 cents).Marel took actions earlier in the year that will deliver EUR 8m in annualized savings with around EUR 4m in non-recurring cost. Additionally, the pandemic has accelerated new ways of working and use of digital solutions that provide opportunities for further operational efficiencies.Cash flow from operating activities before interest and tax was EUR 217.6m (2019: 189.8m). Net debt/EBITDA was 1.0x at year-end (3Q20:...
Marel: Góð rekstrarniðurstaða á ári samstöðu og stefnumarkandi skrefa til vaxtar
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Marel kynnir afkomu fjórða ársfjórðungs og ársuppgjör 2020 (allar upphæðir eru í evrum)Helstu atriði:Árið 2020 – Góð rekstrarniðurstaða og stefnumarkandi skref til vaxtarPantanir námu 1.234,1 milljónum evra (2019: 1.222,1m).Pantanabókin stóð í 415,7 milljónum evra við lok árs (3F20: 434,4m, 4F19: 414,4m).Tekjur námu 1.237,8 milljónum evra (2019: 1.283,7m).EBIT* nam 166,8 milljónum evra (2019: 173,4m), sem var 13,5% af tekjum (2019: 13,5%).Hagnaður nam 102,6 milljónum evra (2019: 110,1m).Hagnaður á hlut (EPS) var 13,62 evru sent (2019: 15,33 evru sent).Einskiptiskostnaður vegna hagræðingar fyrr á árinu, sem ekki er sérstaklega leiðrétt fyrir, er um 4 milljónir evra. Hagræðingaraðgerðir á fyrri helmingi ársins munu skila sér að fullu árið 2021, með lækkun á kostnaðargrunni sem nemur 8 milljónum evra á ársgrundvelli. Til viðbótar hefur nýtt...
Veteran Healthcare Banker Joins CapStar as Healthcare and Commercial Relationship Manager
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NASHVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CapStar Bank, a subsidiary of CapStar Financial Holdings (NASDAQ: CSTR), announces the hiring of Evan Barker as Senior Vice President – Healthcare and Commercial Relationship Manager. With more than 25 years of banking and financing experience, Evan brings demonstrated proficiency in providing financial solutions to a variety of high-growth healthcare segments, including specialty physician groups, Management and Dental Service Organizations (MSOs and DSOs), ophthalmology, dermatology and veterinary groups, urgent care facilities, surgery centers, and Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs).“As one of Nashville’s most important industries, healthcare has always been an important strategic focus for CapStar and makes up a considerable portion of our portfolio,” said Ken Webb, CapStar’s...
Oak Ridge Financial Services, Inc. Announces 2020 Results and Quarterly Cash Dividend of $0.06 Per Share
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OAK RIDGE, N.C., Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Oak Ridge Financial Services, Inc. (“Oak Ridge”; or the “Company”) (OTCPink: BKOR), the parent company of Bank of Oak Ridge (the “Bank”), announced unaudited financial results for the fourth quarter and full year of 2020, and a quarterly cash dividend of $0.06 per share.Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 HighlightsEarnings per share of $1.23 for 2020, down 39 cents, or 24%, from 2019; earnings per share of $0.38 for the three months ended December 31, 2020, down one cent, or 3%, from 2019;Return on average common stockholders’ equity of 7.68% for 2020, compared to 11.25% for 2019; return on average common stockholders’ equity of 9.17% for the three months ended December 31, 2020, compared to 10.23% for the same period in 2019;Loan loss provision for the year ended December 31, 2020...
TAAT(TM) Obtains First National Mainstream Media Coverage in Forbes with an Article Profiling the Company
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LAS VEGAS and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TAAT™ LIFESTYLE & WELLNESS LTD. (CSE: TAAT) (OTCQB: TOBAF) (FRANKFURT: 2TP2) (the “Company” or “TAAT™”) is pleased to announce that an article profiling the Company was published earlier today by Forbes, marking the first national mainstream media coverage of TAAT™ in the United States. Forbes contributor Amanda Siebert, who primarily covers media stories in the “Vices” category, summarizes her interview with TAAT™ Chief Executive Officer Setti Coscarella, in which Mr. Coscarella shared his professional background and journey to his current role at the Company. Additionally, the article features Mr. Coscarella’s comments on recent events relating to the Company including its engagement with consumer packaged goods (“CPG”) sales agency CROSSMARK, as...
Yield10 Bioscience Announces Closing of $12.7 Million Public Offering
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WOBURN, Mass., Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. (Nasdaq: YTEN), an agricultural bioscience company, today announced the closing of its previously announced underwritten public offering of 1,040,000 shares of its common stock at a public offering price of $12.25 per share. Gross proceeds before deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and other offering expenses are approximately $12.7 million. Existing investors, including shareholder Jack W. Schuler, as well as institutional and retail investors participated in the offering.Maxim Group LLC acted as the sole book-running manager for the public offering.The public offering was made pursuant to an effective shelf registration statement on Form S-3 that was filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on April 1, 2020 and declared effective...
SYNERGIE : Full-year turnover: €2.190 million – Net growth in international turnover in Q4
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Paris, 3 February 2021Full-year turnover: €2.190 millionNet growth in international turnover in Q4SYNERGIE made consolidated turnover of €2.190 million in full-year 2020 (-17.1% on a like-for-like basis), much higher than the target of -€2 billion estimated last June.After suffering a significant impact from the Covid-19 pandemic at the start of the year, a recovery began in mid-May which accelerated during the fourth quarter, leading to turnover of €619.7 million, a decrease of only 8.1% in relation to the fourth quarter of 2019.SYNERGIE achieved this performance thanks to the international expansion strategy in place for several years in the 17 countries in which the Group currently operates, and its diversification in areas such as the environment, renewable energies, agri-food, the medical sector and new technologies.The international...