Day: February 3, 2021
DALLAS, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Capital Southwest Corporation (“Capital Southwest,” “CSWC” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: CSWC), an internally managed business development company focused on providing flexible financing solutions to support the acquisition and growth of middle market businesses, announced today the tax treatment of its 2020 dividends.Federal Tax Treatment of 2020 DividendsCapital Southwest paid dividends totaling $2.04 per share that are attributable to the tax year ended December 31, 2020, with 100.00% of those dividends comprised of ordinary income. Further, the ordinary income was 91.82% taxed as ordinary income and 8.18% taxed as qualified dividends. Long-term capital gains and qualified dividends (subject to certain limitations) paid to non-corporate taxpayers (including individuals) qualify for favorable...
Brixton Metals Announces Grant of Stock Options
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Brixton Metals Corporation (“Brixton” or the “Company“) (TSXV: BBB) (OTCQB: BBBXF) announces the grant of incentive stock options to its directors, officers, employees and consultants for an aggregate amount of 3,500,000 (the “Options”). These Options are exercisable at $0.255 per share for a period of 10 years and are subject to provisions of the Company’s stock option plan as approved by its shareholders and the Annual General Meeting.About Brixton Metals CorporationBrixton is a Canadian exploration and development company focused on the advancement of its gold, copper and silver projects toward feasibility. Brixton wholly owns four exploration projects, the Thorn copper-gold-silver and the Atlin Goldfields Projects located in NWBC with a combined total...
Endeavour Announces Receipt of Final Approvals for Teranga Transaction
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ENDEAVOUR ANNOUNCES RECEIPT OF FINAL APPROVALS FOR TERANGA TRANSACTIONGeorge Town, February 3, 2021 – Endeavour Mining (“Endeavour”) (TSX: EDV) (OTCQX: EDVMF) is pleased to announce that it has received all of the regulatory approvals required for its acquisition of Teranga Gold Corporation (“Teranga”) (TSX:TGZ; OTCQX:TGCDF), as announced on November 16, 2020. As such, Endeavour expects to close the acquisition on or around February 8, 2021.Endeavour received written confirmation from the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry stating that the acquisition has been approved under the Investment Canada Act, thereby satisfying the applicable condition in the Arrangement Agreement (the “Arrangement”). In addition, Teranga received the final order from the Ontario Superior Court on January 29, 2021, approving the plan of...
AGF Reports January 2021 Assets Under Management
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TORONTO, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AGF Management Limited reported total fee-earning assets under management (AUM) of $39.1 billion as at January 31, 2021. ABOUT AGF MANAGEMENT LIMITEDFounded in 1957, AGF Management Limited (AGF) is an independent and globally diverse asset management firm. AGF brings a disciplined approach to delivering excellence in investment management through its fundamental, quantitative, alternative and high-net-worth businesses focused on providing an exceptional client experience. AGF’s suite of investment solutions extends globally to a wide range of clients, from financial advisors and individual investors to institutional investors including pension plans, corporate plans, sovereign wealth funds and endowments and foundations.AGF has investment operations and client servicing teams on the ground...
AGF déclare le total de son actif géré pour janvier 2021
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TORONTO, 03 févr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La Société de Gestion AGF Limitée a déclaré un actif géré global donnant droit à des honoraires de 39,1 milliards de dollars pour le mois terminé le 31 janvier 2021.AU SUJET DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DE GESTION AGF LIMITÉEFondée en 1957, La Société de Gestion AGF Limitée (AGF) est une société indépendante de gestion de placements diversifiés à l’échelle mondiale. AGF apporte de la discipline en offrant l’excellence en matière de gestion de placements par l’entremise de ses volets axés sur des activités fondamentales et quantitatives de même que sur des actifs non traditionnels et des avoirs de particuliers bien nantis, afin de procurer une expérience exceptionnelle à la clientèle. La gamme de solutions d’investissement d’AGF s’étend à l’échelle mondiale à une vaste clientèle, depuis les conseillers...
UPDATE: Empire Communities Acquires North Carolina Builder
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Vaughan, Ontario, Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Empire Communities, one of North America’s largest privately held homebuilders, has acquired Shea Homes North Carolina, expanding its growing U.S. presence to include Charlotte, one of the fastest growing cities in America (Shea Homes North Carolina is not affiliated with the national homebuilder Shea Homes Limited Partnership).Founded by cousins Gil, Mike, John and Ed Shea, Shea Homes North Carolina has a long-standing history of building quality homes since the early 1990’s. Currently building in 13 Charlotte area communities, Shea Homes North Carolina offers innovative designs for townhomes and single-family homes (priced from the $300k’s to $1 mm+) with particular attention paid to livability and flexibility for every stage of life. All communities will transition to the Empire...
Kentucky First Federal Bancorp Announces Initiation of New Stock Repurchase Plan
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HAZARD, Ky. and FRANKFORT, Ky. and DANVILLE, Ky. and LANCASTER, Ky., Feb. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Kentucky First Federal Bancorp (Nasdaq: KFFB) the holding company for First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Hazard, Kentucky and First Federal Savings Bank of Kentucky, Frankfort, Kentucky, announced that the Company has substantially completed the stock repurchase program which was initiated December 19, 2018, and that the Board of Directors has authorized the purchase of up to 150,000 shares in a new stock repurchase program. The shares repurchased through the new program will be held as treasury stock. Repurchases will be effected through open market purchases or unsolicited privately negotiated transactions. The stock repurchase program will be dependent on market conditions and there is no guarantee as to the exact...
Reginn hf. birtir ársuppgjör 2020, miðvikudaginn 10. febrúar 2021
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Reginn hf. mun birta samþykkt ársuppgjör 2020, eftir lokun markaða miðvikudaginn 10. febrúar 2021.Af því tilefni býður Reginn hf. til rafræns kynningarfundar fimmtudaginn 11. febrúar nk. kl. 8:30.Helgi S. Gunnarsson forstjóri Regins mun kynna uppgjörið. Hægt er að senda fyrirspurnir á fyrir fundinn og meðan á kynningu stendur sem svarað verður að kynningu lokinni. Einnig verður farið yfir ársskýrslu félagsins, áherslur í rekstri og rekstrarspá fyrir árið 2021.Fundinum verður einnig varpað í gegnum netið á eftirfarandi slóð:ánari upplýsingar veitir:Helgi S. Gunnarsson – Forstjóri – – S: 512 8900 / 899 6262
Dates of periodic information disclosure of AUGA group, AB for the year 2021 (investor calendar)
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AUGA group, AB (legal entity code: 126264360, registered office address: Konstitucijos pr. 21C, Vilnius; hereinafter – the Company) is planning to announce the results of the Company in the year 2021 as follows:General managerKęstutis Juščius+370 5 233 5340
2021 m. AUGA group, AB periodinės informacijos atskleidimo datos (investuotojo kalendorius)
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AUGA group, AB (juridinio asmens kodas: 126264360, buveinės adresas: Konstitucijos pr. 21C, Vilnius; toliau – Bendrovė) 2021 m. savo veiklos rezultatus planuoja skelbti tokia tvarka:Generalinis direktoriusKęstutis Juščius+370 5 233 5340