Month: February 2021
バミューダ諸島ハミルトン発, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — エンスター・グループ・リミテッド (Enstar Group Limited) (NASDAQ: ESGR) は本日、完全子会社の1社が、AXAの1部門であるAXA Xlにアドバース・デベロップメント・カバー (ADC) を提供する契約に署名したことを発表した。この取引では、エンスター子会社がグローバルの損害保険および専門保険のさまざまなラインに関して、2019年12月31日以前に発生した損失をカバーする。対象の保険料は、移転される支払備金15億5,000万ドル (約1,643億円) の90%の13億9,500万ドル (約1,478億7,000万円) に相当する。エンスター子会社は、2層で90%の保障を提供する (残り10%はAXA XLが保持)。まず、保有額94億3,800万ドル (約1兆4億2,800万円) 超過時のカバーとして15億5,000万ドル (約1,643億円) を提供し、次に113億6,300万ドル (約1兆2,044億7,800万円) 超過時の追加カバーとして10億ドル (約1,060億円) を提供する。取引完了には、規制当局の承認を受けることや、各種完了条件を満たすことが必要である。この取引は、2021年第1四半期末頃に完了が見込まれる。エンスターについてエンスター (Enstar) は、バミューダ諸島、米国、英国、欧州大陸、オーストラリア、その他の国際拠点にあるグループ企業ネットワークを通じて、画期的な資本リリースソリューションを提供する、NASDAQ上場の大手グローバル保険グループである。同社は、レガシー買収のマーケットリーダーとして、2001年の創業以来、100社を超える企業やポートフォリオを取得してきた実績を持つ。エンスターに関する詳細については、www.enstargroup.comを閲覧されたい。注意事項本プレスリリースには、1995年米国証券民事訴訟改革法...
Digihost Announces Purchase of Shares by CEO, Michel Amar, for $3.344 Million
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TORONTO, Feb. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Digihost Technology Inc. (“Digihost” or the “Company”) (TSXV: DGHI; OTCQB: HSSHF) is pleased to announce that that Michel Amar, director and Chief Executive Officer of Digihost, has purchased an aggregate of 1,520,000 subordinate voting shares in the capital of Digihost (“SV Shares”) in a private transaction with escrowed shareholders at CAD$2.20 per SV Share, for aggregate consideration of CAD$3,344,000 (the “Share Acquisition”). A total of 1,127,328 SV Shares are currently held in escrow. The transfer is subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval. As a result of this acquisition, Michel Amar has ownership, control and direction through his holding companies of 14,475,716 SV Shares, representing 31.81% of the issued and outstanding shares of the class on a non-diluted basis, and 32.91% of the...
Year-end report January – December 2020
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Fourth quarter 2020Net sales for the quarter decreased to MSEK 19 (31)Gross margin increased to 86% (64%)Operating loss increased to MSEK -20 (-14)Earnings per share before and after dilution amounted to SEK -0.24 (-0.02)On December 16, 2020, the board of directors of Anoto resolved on a directed rights issue of a maximum of 8,595,556 ordinary shares at a subscription price of SEK 0.90 per share. Through the rights issue, Anoto received approximately MSEK 7.7 before issue costs. The new ordinary shares in the rights issue were subscribed for by Vaba Co. Ltd. The shares were registered after the end of the reporting periodOn December 29, 2020, the board of directors of Anoto resolved on a directed rights issue of 9,000,000 ordinary shares at a subscription price of SEK 0.90 per share. Through the rights issue, Anoto received approximately...
European Energy A/S: Interim Financial Report Q4 2020
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Company announcement 4/2021 (28.02.2021)Addendum to the Annual Report, the quarterly numbers.For further information: Jonny Thorsted Jonasson, CFO: or phone: +45 5180 0000This announcement has been made in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation (Regulation (EU) no. 596/2014, as amended).AttachmentInterim Financial Report Q4 2020
European Energy A/S: Annual Report 2020
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Company announcement 3/2021 (28.02.2021)European Energy’s annual report shows strong growth during 2020.European Energy exceeded its own guidance for 2020 and delivered strong growth in a year where parts of the global economic activities slowed down due to the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic. European Energy has released its annual report for 2020, and the key figures underline the remarkable growth as EBITDA grew by 38% to EUR 61.2 million, gross profit saw growth of 29% to EUR 73.9 million and equity stood at EUR 235.3 million following an incredible 71% rise since the end of 2019. European Energy is clearly on a path of strong growth, and the company is prepared for further growth in the coming year.European Energy’s business model has shown its strength in 2020. European Energy has seen an increased interest from investors to invest...
electroCore Inc. Announces Exclusive Distribution Agreement with Medistar Following Regulatory Approval in Australia
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ROCKAWAY, N.J., Feb. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — electroCore, Inc. (Nasdaq: ECOR), a commercial-stage bioelectronic medicine company, today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Medistar2 PTY Limited (“Medistar”) whereby Medistar will serve as the exclusive distributor of the gammaCore Sapphire™ non-invasive vagus nerve stimulator (nVNS) in Australia, supplying therapy to patients suffering with primary headache disorders. The announcement follows the granting of regulatory approval from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for the promotion and sale of the gammaCore Sapphire family of products.“We are delighted to welcome Jeneth Boughen, Owner and General Manager of Medistar, and the team at Medistar into our growing network of select distribution partners,” said Iain Strickland, electroCore’s Vice...
Belships expands fleet with two new Ultramax bulk carriers
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Belships ASA (OSE: BELCO) has entered into letters of intent for the acquisition of two new vessels.The 61,000 dwt Ultramax bulk carriers of Japanese design are expected to deliver upon completion of construction at a Chinese yard during August-September 2021.The vessels will be financed thru 10-year bareboat charters. The estimated cash breakeven for the vessels upon delivery is about USD 10,700 per day including operational expenses. Belships will pay a sum of USD 2.6 mill per vessel upon signing contract, expected to occur by the end of the first quarter of 2021. The agreements come with purchase options below current market values and can be exercised after the fourth year until the end of the charters. There are no obligations to purchase the vessels.The agreements are conditional upon certain subjects being lifted by the parties...
Jushi Holdings Inc. Issues Statement on the Commonwealth of Virginia Legalizing Cannabis for Adult Use
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BOCA RATON, Fla., Feb. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jushi Holdings Inc. (“Jushi” or the “Company”) (CSE: JUSH) (OTCMKTS: JUSHF), a vertically integrated, multi-state cannabis operator, issued the following statement on the Commonwealth of Virginia legalizing cannabis for adult use.In the fall of 2020, Jushi, through its 100% owned Virginia-based pharmaceutical process permit holder, Dalitso LLC (“Dalitso”), commenced operations at its 93,000 sq. ft. cultivation, manufacturing, processing and retail facility in Manassas, and opened the first of six dispensaries operating under the Company’s retail brand, BEYOND / HELLO on December 1, 2020. Dalitso is currently one of only five applicants to have received approval for a pharmaceutical processor permit issued by the Virginia Board of Pharmacy, and the designated area for Dalitso to...
Danone: Portfolio review: Conversion of Danone’s 9.8% indirect stake in Chinese partner Mengniu into a direct holding as a first step to disposal
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Press release – Paris, February 28, 2021Portfolio reviewConversion of Danone’s 9.8% indirect stake in Chinese partner Mengniu into a direct holding as a first step to disposal As part of its ongoing portfolio review, Danone announces it has reached an agreement with COFCO Dairy Investments Limited (“CDI”), to convert Danone’s stake in China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited (“Mengniu”), currently held indirectly, into a direct holding. Listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with a current market capitalization of approximately €18 billion(1), Mengniu is a leading Chinese manufacturing and distribution company of dairy products, in which Danone first became a shareholder in 2013. This conversion is the first step...
DANONE : Revue du portefeuille de Danone: Danone annonce la conversion, en vue d’une cession, de sa participation indirecte de 9,8% dans Mengniu en une participation directe
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Communiqué de presse – Paris, le 28 février 2021Revue du portefeuille de DanoneDanone annonce la conversion, en vue d’une cession, de sa participation indirecte de 9,8% dans Mengniu en une participation directeDans le cadre de la revue stratégique complète de son portefeuille, Danone annonce aujourd’hui être parvenu à un accord avec COFCO Dairy Investments Limited (“CDI”) en vue de la conversion de sa participation dans China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited (“Mengniu”), actuellement détenue indirectement, en une participation directe. Cotée à Hong Kong et dotée d’une capitalisation boursière d’environ 18 milliards d’euros (1), Mengniu est une entreprise chinoise leader dans le secteur des produits laitiers dont Danone est actionnaire depuis 2013. Cette conversion est une première étape en vue de la cession de la participation de Danone...