Day: January 29, 2021
DENVER, CO, Jan. 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — The Stock Day Podcast welcomed American Cannabis Company, Inc. (OTCQB: AMMJ) (“the Company”), a company that offers end-to-end solutions to existing and aspiring participants in the cannabis and hemp industries. CEO of the Company, Terry Buffalo, joined Stock Day host Everett Jolly.Jolly commented on the Company’s impressive growth over the last year, and asked about their background and current projects. “American Cannabis Company has been around since 2013,” shared Buffalo. “The company has built out over 2 million square feet of growth space, and along the way we have been looking to add additional products and services, which we have with SoHum Living Soils®,” he continued. “We’re currently looking to make...
Patient Access Solutions, Hestia Insight, and US Stem Cell to Form Business Consortium
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COMMACK, NY, Jan. 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Patient Access Solutions, Inc. (OTC PINK: PASO), a provider of technology and management solutions for the healthcare and financial industries, has announced today that Patient Access Solutions, (PASO) Hestia Insight through its subsidiary Hestia Health, and US Stem Cell will form a Consortium business model for the treatment of individuals with anxiety and depression. Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults and one in eight children in the United States. They interfere with daily functioning and often lead to depression, substance abuse, suicide attempts and other disorders. Depressive disorders affect about 19 million American adults. More than 50 percent of people diagnosed with depression also have an anxiety disorder. Coexisting anxiety and depression...
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RECORDATI: LICENSE OBTAINED FOR THE COMMERCIALIZATION OF ELIGARD IN EUROPE AND OTHER COUNTRIES Milan, 29 January 2021 – Recordati announces the closing of a License and Supply Agreement with Tolmar International Ltd, to commercialise Eligard® (leuprorelin acetate), in Europe, Turkey, Russia and other countries. Eligard® is a marketed medicinal product for the treatment of hormone dependent advanced prostate cancer and for the treatment of high-risk localized and locally advanced hormone dependent prostate cancer in combination with radiotherapy. The active ingredient of Eligard® is leuprorelin acetate, a powder which is solubilized with a solvent for subcutaneous injection. Eligard® is available in three different dosages (for 1-month, 3-month and 6-month treatment, respectively) as a single kit containing two syringes. The development...
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RECORDATI: OTTENUTA LICENZA PER LA COMMERCIALIZZAZIONE DI ELIGARD® IN EUROPA E ALTRI PAESIMilano, 29 gennaio 2021 – Recordati annuncia il perfezionamento di un accordo di Licenza e Fornitura con Tolmar International Ltd, per la commercializzazione di Eligard® (leuprorelin acetato), in Europa, Turchia, Russia e altri paesi. Eligard® è un medicinale indicato per il trattamento del cancro della prostata ormono-dipendente in stadio avanzato e per il trattamento del cancro della prostata ormono-dipendente ad alto rischio localizzato e localmente avanzato, in combinazione con la radioterapia.Il principio attivo di Eligard®, leuprorelin acetato, si presenta sottoforma di una polvere che viene solubilizzata con un solvente per iniezione sottocutanea. Eligard® è disponibile in tre diversi dosaggi (rispettivamente per 1 mese, 3 mesi e 6 mesi...
CHMP Issues Positive Opinion Recommending Ofatumumab in Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis
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Company AnnouncementNovartis receives positive CHMP opinion for subcutaneous ofatumumab for adult patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosisOpinion based on Phase 3 ASCLEPIOS I and II studiesCopenhagen, Denmark; January 28, 2021 – Genmab A/S (Nasdaq: GMAB) announced today that the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has adopted a positive opinion and recommended granting marketing authorization of subcutaneous ofatumumab for the treatment of relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (RMS) in adults with active disease defined by clinical or imaging features. Novartis submitted the Marketing Authorization Application for ofatumumab in this indication in January 2020. Ofatumumab is being developed and marketed worldwide by Novartis under a license agreement between Genmab and...
Novartis receives positive CHMP opinion for Kesimpta®* (ofatumumab), a self-administered treatment for adult patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis
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Kesimpta is a targeted B-cell therapy that delivers superior efficacy with a similar safety and tolerability profile compared with teriflunomide, a first-line treatment in MS1CHMP opinion is based on two Phase III ASCLEPIOS studies that met the primary endpoints where Kesimpta showed a reduction of the annual relapses by over 50% versus teriflunomide and achieved more than 30% relative risk reduction of 3-month confirmed disability progression (CDP) 1In a post hoc analysis, nearly nine out of 10 patients treated with Kesimpta achieved no evidence of disease activity (NEDA-3) in their second year of treatment2If approved, Kesimpta will be the first and only self-administered, targeted B-cell therapy for patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis in EuropeThe digital press release with multimedia content can be accessed here:Basel, January...
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CAISSE REGIONALE DE CREDIT AGRICOLE MUTUEL SUD RHONE ALPESSOCIETE COOPERATIVE A CAPITAL VARIABLEAu capital actuel de 69 850 962,75 eurosSiège social : 12 Place de la Résistance – CS 20067 – 38041 GRENOBLE CEDEX 9402 121 958 RCS GRENOBLEUne structure financière solide pour accompagner nos clientset soutenir l’économie pendant la criseLe Conseil d’Administration du Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône Alpes a, dans sa séance du 29 janvier 2021, arrêté les comptes au 31 décembre 2020.La Caisse régionale Sud Rhône Alpes a été pleinement engagée pour soutenir et accompagner ses clients face à la crise économique résultant de la pandémie Covid-19. La continuité et l’accessibilité des services bancaires et assurantiels ont été garanties.Nos collaborateurs ont été mobilisés pour répondre aux sollicitations de nos clients et pour les contacter...
CREDIT AGRICOLE DU MORBIHAN : Activités et résultats au 31 décembre 2020
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Crédit Agricole du MorbihanActivités et résultats au 31 décembre 2020(Communiqué diffusé le 29 janvier 2021 après bourse)Vannes, le 29 janvier 2021Le Conseil d’Administration de la Caisse Régionale du Morbihan s’est réuni le vendredi 29 janvier 2021 pour procéder à l’arrêté des comptes au 31 décembre 2020 (en cours de certification par les Commissaires aux comptes).Une banque qui accompagne ses clients, des résultats satisfaisants dans un environnement compliquéMalgré le contexte particulier lié à la situation sanitaire, la Caisse Régionale a connu une activité commerciale dynamique sur l’année 2020.Sur un an, la collecte globale progresse de 8,5 % avec 13,5 Milliards d’€ d’encours. L’épargne liquide (comptes à vue et livrets) est toujours largement plébiscitée par les clients dans cet environnement incertain. L’assurance vie est en moindre...
Interim Financial Report 2020/2021
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Regulated information, Leuven, 29 January 2021 (17.40 hrs CET)Interim Financial Report 2020/2021KBC Ancora recorded a loss of EUR 8.1 million in the first half of the financial year 2020/2021. This compared with a profit of EUR 69.1 million in the same period in the previous financial year. The difference was due almost entirely to the decision by KBC Group, following the recommendation of the European Central Bank (ECB), not to distribute an interim dividend in the second half of financial year 2020.Abridged financial summaries and notes1Results for the first half of the financial year 2020/2021* No instruments have been issued which could lead to dilution.KBC Ancora recorded a loss of EUR 8.1 million in the first six months of the current financial year, equivalent to EUR -0.10 per share, compared with a positive result of EUR 69.1...
Halfjaarlijks financieel verslag 2020/2021
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Gereglementeerde informatie, Leuven, 29 januari 2021 (17.40 CET)Halfjaarlijks financieel verslag 2020/2021In de eerste helft van boekjaar 2020/2021 boekte KBC Ancora een verlies van 8,1 miljoen euro, tegenover een winst van 69,1 miljoen euro over dezelfde periode in het vorige boekjaar. Het verschil is nagenoeg volledig toe te schrijven aan de beslissing van KBC Groep om, op aanbeveling van de ECB, geen interim-dividend uit te keren in de tweede jaarhelft van 2020.Verkorte financiële overzichten en toelichting1Resultaten over de eerste helft van boekjaar 2020/2021* Er zijn geen instrumenten die tot verwatering kunnen leiden.KBC Ancora realiseerde in de eerste zes maanden van het lopend boekjaar een verlies van 8,1 miljoen euro, of -0,10 euro per aandeel, ten opzichte van een winst van 69,1 miljoen euro over dezelfde periode in het vorige...