Day: January 28, 2021
This announcement is not an offer of securities for sale in the United States nor in any other country, and securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration under U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the rules and regulations thereunder. Nor does it constitute or form part of, and may not be used for the purposes of, any offer or invitation to sell or issue, or any solicitation of any offer to purchase or subscribe for, any securities by any person in any jurisdiction, nor shall it or the fact of its distribution form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, or act as any inducement to enter into, any contract or commitment to do so, in which (i) such offer or invitation is not authorised; or (ii) in which the person making such offer or invitation is not...
NAXS Bokslutskommuniké 2020
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Januari-december 2020Resultat efter skatt uppgick till 24,1 (37,1) MSEK.Resultatet per aktie uppgick till 2,16 (3,24) SEK.Substansvärdet uppgick till 679 MSEK (60,87 SEK per aktie) per den 31 december 2020, jämfört med 710 MSEK (SEK 63,63 per aktie) per den 31 december 2019.Nettokassan uppgick till 219 MSEK (19,65 SEK per aktie) per den 31 december 2020, jämfört med 230 MSEK (20,60 SEK per aktie) per den 31 december 2019.Årsstämman i mars 2020 beslutade att lämna en utdelning om 3,00 SEK per aktie.Fjärde kvartalet 2020Resultat efter skatt uppgick till 30,1 (10,8) MSEK.Resultatet efter skatt per aktie uppgick till 2,70 (0,96) SEK.VinstutdelningStyrelsen avser föreslå årsstämman en utdelning om 3,00 SEK per aktie.Vidare föreslår styrelsen årsstämman att besluta om ett fortsatt mandat att göra återköp av egna aktier.VD-kommentarNAXS substansvärde...
Telecom Generator Market to Hit USD 1.78 Billion by 2027; Proliferation of Telecom Infrastructures Worldwide to Foster Market Growth: Fortune Business Insights™
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Mergers And Acquisitions.
Pune, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global telecom generator market size is projected to reach USD 1.78 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.10% during the forecast period. Increasing adoption of renewables worldwide will play an important part in fueling the growth of this market, observes Fortune Business Insights™ in its report, titled “Telecom Generator Market Size, Share and COVID-19 Impact Analysis By Fuel Type (Diesel, Gas, and Others), Power Rating (Below 75 kVA, 75-375 kVA, 375-750 kVA, and Above 750 kVA), Application (Continuous, Peak Load, and Standby) and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027”. As per the latest data released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), in 2018, electricity generation from renewables increased by 6.1% from 2017, reaching 6,586 TWh. The data reveal that solar power generation...
Elis: Full-year 2020 revenue
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2020 revenue impacted by the pandemicDecrease of 14.5% to €2,806m, o/w -13.3% on an organic basisResilient activity and limited Q4 revenue decreaseof -13.3% on an organic basisContained decrease in revenue in Q4 despite new restrictions in most countriesDespite a slight slowdown compared to Q3, activity in c. 75% of our total business1 remained close to normal in Q4: c. +1% in Healthcare, -3% in Industry and -5% in Trade & ServicesActivity continued to benefit from (i) churn rate improvement, with good quality of service maintained during the crisis and (ii) the development of new offers and services in Workwear and Hygiene & well-beingHospitality (c. 25% of 2019 total revenue) was more impacted by the new restrictions and activity was down nearly -70% in Q4, reflecting the slowdown of tourism in big citiesCentral Europe and...
Elis : chiffre d’affaires 2020
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Chiffre d’affaires 2020 affecté par la pandémieBaisse de -14,5% à 2 806m€, dont -13,3% en organiqueBonne résilience de l’activité et baisse limitée duchiffre d’affaires du 4ème trimestre à -13,3% en organiqueBaisse contenue du chiffre d’affaires au 4ème trimestre en dépit de nouvelles restrictions dans la plupart des paysMalgré un léger ralentissement par rapport au 3ème trimestre, environ 75% des activités du Groupe1 se sont maintenues à un niveau proche de la normale au 4ème trimestre : environ +1% en Santé, -3% en Industrie et -5% en Commerces & ServicesL’activité a continué de bénéficier (i) de l’amélioration du taux de rétention lié à la bonne qualité de service maintenue pendant la crise et (ii) du développement de nouvelles offres et services en Vêtement de travail et en Hygiène & bien-êtreL’Hôtellerie-Restauration (c....
JCDecaux: Full-Year 2020 revenue
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Full-Year 2020 revenue· 2020 adjusted revenue down -40.6% to €2,311.8 million· 2020 adjusted organic revenue down -38.1%· Q4 2020 adjusted revenue down -38.0% to €695.1 million· Q4 2020 adjusted organic revenue down -33.9%· No quarterly guidance on adjusted organic revenue growth due to Covid-19Paris, January 28th, 2021 – JCDecaux SA (Euronext Paris: DEC), the number one outdoor advertising company worldwide, announced today its revenue for the full-year 2020.Following the adoption of IFRS 11 from January 1st, 2014, the operating data presented below is adjusted to include our prorata share in companies under joint control. Please refer to the paragraph “Adjusted data” on page 3 of this release for the definition of adjusted data and reconciliation with IFRS.The values shown in the tables are generally expressed in millions of euros....
JCDecaux : Chiffre d’affaires 2020
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Chiffre d’affaires 2020Chiffre d’affaires ajusté 2020 en baisse de -40,6 % à 2 311,8 millions d’eurosChiffre d’affaires organique ajusté 2020 en baisse de -38,1 %Chiffre d’affaires ajusté du 4ème trimestre 2020 en baisse de -38,0 % à 695,1 millions d’eurosChiffre d’affaires organique ajusté du 4ème trimestre 2020 en baisse de -33,9 %Pas d’indication trimestrielle sur la croissance du chiffre d’affaires organique ajusté attendue en raison de la Covid-19Paris, le 28 janvier 2021 – JCDecaux SA (Euronext Paris : DEC), numéro un mondial de la communication extérieure, publie ce jour son chiffre d’affaires pour l’année 2020.A la suite de l’application de la norme IFRS 11 depuis le 1er janvier 2014, les données opérationnelles présentées ci-dessous sont ajustées pour prendre en compte l’impact en proportionnel des sociétés sous contrôle conjoint....
Disclosure of transparency notification
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Dear Madam, Sir,Please find hereafter our press release regarding a Disclosure of Transparency Notification.We remain at your entire disposal for any further information.Yours sincerely,AttachmentsTransparency NotificationDéclaration de transparenceTransparantiekennisgeving
Kvika banki hf. – Forecast for 2021
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A meeting of the Board of Directors of Kvika banki hf. (“Kvika” or “the bank”) on 28 January 2021 approved its operating budget for 2021.Forecast profit for 2021 of ISK 2,600-3,000 million before taxThe budget anticipates a pre-tax profit in the range of ISK 2,600 to 3,000 million. The Bank’s performance may deviate from this forecast, among other things, due to market conditions and other unforeseen events.A merger with TM hf. and Lykill fjármögnun hf. is anticipated before the end of Q1 2021. Since the approval of supervisory authorities and shareholders of all parties has not yet been obtained the forecast does not include the anticipated financial effects of the merger. Should the merger be approved the change to the forecast will be considerable. A new forecast will be published after the merger is finalised.Performance above...
Kvika banki hf.: Áætluð afkoma 2021
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Á stjórnarfundi þann 28. janúar 2021 samþykkti stjórn Kviku banka hf. („Kvika“ eða „bankinn“) rekstraráætlun fyrir árið 2021.Afkoma 2021 áætluð 2.600 – 3.000 milljónir króna fyrir skattaÁætlunin gerir ráð fyrir að hagnaður fyrir skatta verði á bilinu 2.600 – 3.000 milljónir króna. Afkoma bankans getur vikið frá áætlun, meðal annars vegna markaðsaðstæðna og annarra ófyrirséða atburða.Stefnt er að samruna við TM hf. og Lykil fjármögnun hf. sem áætlað er að verði fyrir lok fyrsta ársfjórðungs. Þar sem eftirlitsaðilar og hlutahafafundir félaganna hafa ekki samþykkt samrunann þá gerir áætlunin ekki ráð fyrir honum. Ef af samruna verður munu forsendur áætlunar breytast verulega. Eftir samruna verður birt ný áætlun sameinaðs félags.Afkoma yfir áætlun samkvæmt bráðabirgðauppgjöriSamkvæmt bráðabirgðauppgjöri stefnir afkoma Kviku á árinu 2020...