Day: January 28, 2021
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Steelcase (NYSE: SCS) has earned a perfect score of 100 points on the Corporate Equality Index, issued by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, designating Steelcase as one of the “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality” in the U.S. The company has received this top score in seven of the past eight years. Additionally, The Human Rights Campaign Mexico Chapter has awarded our Monterrey Business Center and the Mexico City WorkLife Center with the HRC EQUIDAD MX 2021 Certificate for having obtained the highest rating on their LGBTQ Equity and Inclusion index under their Global Program for Labor inclusion.“We’re committed to listening, learning and working to create a safe, equitable workplace for everyone, and it’s an honor to be recognized for our efforts with a perfect score on...
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PROVIDENCE RESOURCES PLCCIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS ANDNOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGCLARIFICATION AS TO TIME FOR DELIVERY OF FORMS OF PROXYAND RECORD TIME FOR VOTINGProvidence Resources P.l.c (“Providence” or the “Company”), the Irish based energy company is clarifying the time for the delivery of the forms of proxy and record time for voting following the posting of the circular for the Extraordinary General Meeting on 23 February 2021 at 11am. For those shareholders who hold Shares in CREST, a shareholder may appoint a proxy by completing and transmitting a CREST Proxy Instruction (as defined in Part 9 of this Circular) to the Company’s Registrar, (ID Number 3RA50). In each case, the proxy appointment must be received electronically by no later than 11.00 am on 21 February 2021 and not 7 February 2021, as appears on page 2 of...
AVRA Medical Robotics, Inc. (OTC: AVMR) New Auditors
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ORLANDO, Fla., Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AVRA Medical Robotics, Inc. (“AVRA” or “the Company”) (OTC: AVMR) today issued the following update:On January 26, 2021, the board of directors of AVRA authorized the engagement of D. Brooks and Associates CPAs P.A. as the Company’s new auditors to replace the prior auditors of DeLeon & Company due the passing of the latter’s Principal and thus the cessation of operations for that company.Note to Editors:About AVRA Medical RoboticsAVRA Medical Robotics, Inc., (OTC: AVMR) is a medical software and artificial intelligence company building a fully autonomous medical robotic system combining artificial intelligence, machine learning and proprietary software.It is empowering doctors and the practice of surgery through the use of software and artificial intelligence.AVRA, with a research...
OSE Immunotherapeutics Expands its Collaboration with MAbSilico to Use Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Drug Development of Novel Antibody Therapeutics
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OSE is advancing an “Immunotherapy 2.0” future by leveraging MAbSilico’s artificial intelligence-powered software solutions and professional services to accelerate and further optimize the development of new therapeutic monoclonal antibodies.OSE and MAbSilico joined their efforts to demonstrate the power of a fully computational in silico Antibody Discovery and Design platform. The expanded collaboration agreement will now be applied to 10 antibody programs.NANTES, France, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OSE Immunotherapeutics (ISIN: FR0012127173; Mnemo: OSE) today announced a new collaboration agreement with MAbSilico, a deep technology innovative TechBio located in Tours, France, to use artificial intelligence (AI)-based software for therapeutic monoclonal antibody drug development.Nicolas Poirier, Chief Scientific...
Statement re DRIS Issue Price
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28 January 2021HARGREAVE HALE AIM VCT PLC(the “Company”)DRIS Issue PriceThe reference price of a new Ordinary Share under the Company’s Dividend Re-investment Scheme (“DRIS”) for the final dividend for the financial period ending 30 September 2020 (the “Final Dividend”) has been set at 90.03p. This is the last published ex-dividend NAV price per Ordinary Share, as at close of business on 22 January 2021.Further information regarding the DRIS offered in respect of the Final Dividend and the DRIS can be found in the DRIS Mandate (the “DRIS Mandate”) available on the Company’s website to view and/or download at The DRIS Mandate is also available on the National Storage Mechanism website at application...
Artefact : croissance marquée de la marge brute de +17% au T4 2020, soit une progression de +10% en 2020
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Croissance marquée de la marge brute de +17% au T4 2020,soit une progression de +10% en 2020Forte hausse de l’EBITDAr1 2020,estimé entre 13,5 M€ et 14,0 M€Paris, le 28 janvier 2021 – 17h45 CET – Artefact (FR0000079683 – ALATF – éligible PEA-PME), expert dans la transformation data auprès des grandes marques, annonce aujourd’hui sa marge brute et une fourchette d’EBITDAr estimé pour l’exercice 2020.Guillaume de Roquemaurel et Vincent Luciani, co-DG du Groupe Artefact, déclarent : « La solidité des performances commerciales du Groupe et l’amélioration de la rentabilité, réalisées en dépit des conditions sanitaires et économiques, objectivent la pertinence du positionnement et du modèle économique d’Artefact. Ces succès commerciaux, particulièrement remarquables au T4 avec +17% de croissance proforma2, s’inscrivent dans un contexte...
Artefact: +17% growth in gross margin for Q4 2020 (+10% for the year)
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Artefact Group achieves +17% growth in gross margin for Q4 2020 (+10% for the year)Company records strong increase in 2020 EBITDAr1,estimated to be between €13.5m and €14.0mParis, January 28, 2021 – 5:45 pm CET – Artefact (FR0000079683 – ALATF – eligible for PEA-PME equity savings plans), a data transformation specialist guiding major brands, today announces its gross margin and its estimated EBITDAr range for FY 2020.Guillaume de Roquemaurel and Vincent Luciani, co-CEOs of the Artefact Group, said: “Our Group’s robust commercial performances and our improvement in profitability, has been achieved despite the pandemic and economic conditions. It provides compelling evidence that Artefact’s positioning and business model are highly effective. These commercial successes, including very impressive Q4 proforma2 growth of 17%, reflect...
Credit Agricole Nord de France : Resultats financiers au 31 decembre 2020
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Lille, le 28 janvier 2021Résultats financiers au 31 décembre 2020 du Crédit Agricole Mutuel Nord de FranceUne activité dynamique et une rentabilité robuste malgré les effets de la crise Résultats sociaux* : Résultats consolidés IFRS : * Résultat social intégrant le résultat des titrisations de crédits habitat** Ratio CET1 au 30 septembre 2020*** Ratio Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) : calculé sur la base des moyennes sur 12 mois glissants des composantes du ratio LCR
Maisons du Monde: Full-Year 2020 Trading Update
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