Day: January 28, 2021
We are pleased to outline the strategy for Park Street Nordicom for the year 2021 in the attached document. For any questions or comments, please reach out to us. Thanks.Best regardsPradeep PattemCEOFor further information please contact David Casado, Head of Finance at nordicom@nordicom.dkCompany Website: www.psnas.comTelephone Number: +45 33 33 93 03AttachmentPSN_strategy2021 (final)
Giga-tronics to Announce Third Quarter Results and a Conference Call on February 4, 2021
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DUBLIN, Calif., Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Giga-tronics Incorporated (OTCQB:GIGA) will release results for the third quarter ended December 26, 2020 on Thursday, February 4, 2021 after the close of trading on the OTCQB Market.Also on February 4, 2021, Giga-tronics will host a conference call at 4:30 p.m. EDT to discuss the results and provide an update on Company operations.To participate in the call, dial: (888) 517-2470 or (630) 827-6818 and enter PIN Code 7216551#. It is recommended that you call in five to ten minutes prior to the start time. You may also listen to the call via the Giga-tronics website at replay of the call will be available later on the Giga-tronics website under “Investor Relations”. This conference call will reflect management views as of February 4, 2021 only.Giga-tronics produces...
22nd Century Group to Relocate Headquarters to Buffalo’s Thriving Larkinville District
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WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y., Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 22nd Century Group, Inc. (NYSE American: XXII), a leading plant-based, biotechnology company that is focused on tobacco harm reduction, very low nicotine content tobacco, and hemp/cannabis research, announced today that the Company is moving its corporate headquarters to the up-and-coming Larkinville District in downtown Buffalo.“We have experienced tremendous positive change in our organization over the past year and this relocation will help us improve on efficiency, collaboration, and our ability to attract and retain top talent,” said James A. Mish, chief executive officer of 22nd Century Group. “We have deep roots in Buffalo, and we are very excited to be moving to the up-and-coming Larkinville District, Buffalo’s oldest manufacturing district, to join other organizations...
Mortgage Rates Move Down
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MCLEAN, Va., Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) today released the results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey® (PMMS®), showing that the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 2.73 percent.“As the market reacts to a new administration in Washington and COVID-19 driven economic malaise, mortgage rates continued to decrease this week, just slightly,” said Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s Chief Economist. “Even as house prices increase at the fastest rate we’ve seen in years, competition to buy is strong given the low inventory that exists across the country. The fact that there are not enough homes to meet demand is going to be an ongoing issue for the foreseeable future.”News Facts30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 2.73 percent with an average 0.7 point for the week ending January 28, 2021, down from last...
GameStop Earns Top Marks in Human Rights Campaign’s 2021 Corporate Equality Index
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GRAPEVINE, Texas, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GameStop proudly announced today that it has received a perfect score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2021 Corporate Equality Index, the nation’s foremost benchmarking survey and report measuring corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ workplace equality. This marks the eighth consecutive year that GameStop has earned top marks in the annual workplace campaign.“Receiving this award and designation as a Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality is an honor for GameStop,” says George Sherman, chief executive officer for GameStop. “Our values compel us to be the voice, commit to inclusion, and personify respect. At GameStop, we act on this through championing causes for the LGBTQ community, and all those committed to improving and protecting the rights of every...
Cerner Receives Fourth Consecutive Perfect Score on 2021 Corporate Equality Index
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Human Rights Campaign Foundation gives Cerner top rating for LGBTQ workplace inclusionKANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cerner Corporation (Nasdaq: CERN), a global health care technology company, today announced the company has earned a 100% on the Corporate Equality Index (CEI) for the fourth consecutive year. This national benchmarking survey and report by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation rates more than 1,000 employers on non-discrimination policies, employment benefits, demonstrated organizational competency and accountability for LGBTQ diversity and inclusion, the company’s public commitment to LGBTQ equality and responsible citizenship.“This recognition is an honor as we strive to create a workplace in which all associates can thrive,” said Andrea Hendricks, senior executive director, global diversity...
Aktia Bank Plc directs share issue to the company itself without payment
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Aktia Bank PlcStock Exchange Release28 January 2021 at 5.00 p.m.Aktia Bank Plc directs share issue to the company itself without paymentThe Board of Directors of Aktia Bank Plc has today, pursuant to the share issue authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting held on 16 April 2020, resolved on an issue of 100,000 new shares to the company itself without payment. The new shares to be issued to the company will be used for reward payments under the company’s incentive programs.The total number of the company’s shares after the share issue is 69,674,173 shares, of which 208,069 shares in total are held by the company.The new shares will be registered with the Finnish Trade Register on or about 9 February 2021 after which the company without delay will apply for the admission of the new shares to public trading alongside...
Aktia Pankki Oyj suuntaa maksuttoman osakeannin yhtiölle itselleen
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Aktia Pankki OyjPörssitiedote28.1.2021 klo 17.00Aktia Pankki Oyj suuntaa maksuttoman osakeannin yhtiölle itselleenAktia Pankki Oyj:n hallitus on 16.4.2020 pidetyn varsinaisen yhtiökokouksen sille myöntämän osakeantivaltuutuksen nojalla tänään päättänyt 100 000 uuden osakkeen antamisesta yhtiölle itselleen vastikkeetta. Yhtiölle liikkeeseen laskettavat osakkeet tullaan käyttämään yhtiön kannustinjärjestelmien mukaisten palkkioiden maksamiseen.Yhtiön osakkeiden kokonaislukumäärä on liikkeeseenlaskun jälkeen 69 674 173 osaketta, joista 208 069 osaketta on yhtiön hallussa.Uudet osakkeet merkitään kaupparekisteriin arviolta 9.2.2021, minkä jälkeen yhtiö viipymättä hakee uusien osakkeiden ottamista kaupankäynnin kohteeksi Nasdaq Helsinki Oy:n pörssilistalle yhdessä yhtiön olemassa olevien osakkeiden kanssa.Aktia Pankki OyjLisätietoja:Ari Syrjäläinen,...
Aktia Bank Abp riktar vederlagsfri aktie-emission till bolaget själv
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Aktia Bank AbpBörsmeddelande28.1.2021 kl. 17.00Aktia Bank Abp riktar vederlagsfri aktie-emission till bolaget självAktia Bank Abp:s styrelse har idag, med stöd av det av ordinarie bolagsstämman 16.4.2020 beviljade aktie-emissionsbemyndigandet, beslutat att vederlagsfritt emittera 100 000 nya aktier till bolaget själv. De emitterade aktierna kommer att användas för utbetalning av ersättningar i enlighet med bolagets aktiebelöningsprogram.Efter emissionen är bolagets totala antal aktier 69 674 173 aktier, varav 208 069 aktier är i bolagets besittning.De nya aktierna registreras i handelsregistret uppskattningsvis 9.2.2021, varefter bolaget utan dröjsmål kommer att ansöka om att de nya aktierna upptas till offentlig handel på Nasdaq Helsinki Oy:s börslista tillsammans med bolagets befintliga aktier.Aktia Bank AbpMera information:Ari Syrjäläinen,...
Piippo Oyj:n liikevaihto 2020 jää aiemmasta ohjauksesta, mutta liiketuloksen arvioidaan olevan ennakoidun mukainen
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Piippo OyjYhtiötiedotePiippo Oyj:n liikevaihto 2020 jää aiemmasta ohjauksesta, mutta liiketuloksen arvioidaan olevan ennakoidun mukainenPiippo Oyj Yhtiötiedote 28.1.2021 klo 17.00Piippo Oyj korjaa alustavien liikevaihto- ja tulostietojen perusteella ohjausta vuodelle 2020:Alustavien tilintarkastamattomien tietojen mukaan Piipon euromääräinen liikevaihto 2020 ei tule kasvamaan vuoteen 2019 verrattuna, vaikka yhtiön toimitusvolyymit ovat kasvaneet sekä verkko-, lanka- että kuluttajaliiketoiminnoissa. Yhtiön liiketuloksen arvioidaan olevan aiemman ohjauksen mukainen ja paranevan vuodesta 2019. Yhtiö oli aiemmin arvioinut, että vuoden 2020 liikevaihto ja liiketulos tulevat paranemaan vertailukauteen nähden.Vuoden 2020 liikevaihtoon vaikuttivat olennaisesti raaka-ainehintojen alentumisesta seurannut myyntihintojen...